Jeff MacDonald 605's page

No posts. Organized Play character for thejeff.

Full Name

Nolt Blackbranch


Halfling Ranger 1


Speed: 20' | HP: 16/20 | AC: 18 | Perception (E): +6 (Darkvision; Trapspotter, Stonecunning) | F: +5 R: +9 W: +6 | Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice | Status: | Hero Points: 1







About Jeff MacDonald 605

XP: 0
Swords school.

HP 18
AC 18 (10 (base) +4 (Dex), +3 (Proficiency) +1 (Leather) = 18) (+1 if Buckler raised)
Speed 25'
Fort +7 (E) Reflex +9 (E) Will +5 (T)


Shortsword +7 (agile, finesse)
1d6+4 P/S

Clan Dagger +7 (Uncommon, agile, dwarf, parry)
1d4+1 P/B

Dagger +7 (agile, finesse)
1d4+4 P/S


Dagger (10' Increment) +7
1d4+1 P


Acrobatics +7
Athletics +4
Crafting +3
Deception +4
Diplomacy +4
Intimidation +4
Medicine +4
Society +3
Stealth +7
Thievery +7
Sailing Lore +3
Scouting Lore +3


Dwarves can see in darkness. Their darkvision works even when there’s no light at all, though in the dark they see in black and white.

Sneak Attack 1d6
You deal an extra 1d6 damage to flat-footed creatures when you Strike them with a fist, a melee weapon with the agile or finesse trait, a thrown dagger, or a ranged weapon. You can make a creature flat-footed using the surprise attack ability, if you're using Stealth, or if they're flanked between you and your ally.

Subtle Theft
Others take a -2 to their Perception DC when you Steal. If you Create a Diversion, you can Steal something before the end of your turn without being seen by the creature you diverted.

Surprise Attack
On the first round of a combat encounter, if you rolled the Stealth skill for your initiative roll, creatures that haven't acted yet are flat-footed against your attacks.

You can add Dexterity instead of Strength on damage rolls with melee weapons that have the finesse trait (like your rapier, dagger, and shortsword).

Trap SpotterAs a trap spotter, you find and disable dangerous traps, helping you and your group sneak into places while avoiding alarms and protections. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to find traps, to AC against attacks made by traps, and to saving throws against traps. Even if you aren’t Searching, the GM rolls a secret check to see if you find any traps where you are.

Rock Dwarf
+2 to Fortitude and Reflex DCs to Shove or Trip you.

+2 to Perception to notice unusual stonework and traps hidden in stone.


- backpack
- healer's tools
- shortsword
- clan dagger
- 3 daggers
- composite short bow
- 30 arrows
- repair kit
- bedroll
- leather armor
- soap
- chalk (10 pieces)
- thieves' tools
- 3 replacement picks
- 3 daggers
- rations (2 weeks)
- flint and steel
- waterskin
- rope (50 feet)
- Winter clothes
- 3 acid flask
- 3 alchemist's fire
- 10gp, 4 sp