
Jeff Cope's page

Organized Play Member. 41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

I was listening to a podcast recorded at one of the Paizocon seminars where they were discussing the upcoming Skull & Skackles AP, and that there'd be rules for naval combat.

I was thinking, given the new relationship Paizo has with Wizkids, if WK was to produce a Skull & Shackles-based set of their old Pirates Constructible Miniatures Game to make some relatively inexpensive pirate ships to use along with that AP.

I think it'd be a fantastic idea (especially if WK made them backwards compatible with the old Pirates game which was pretty fun).

Of course, I also want to see lots and lots of pirate minis in the Pathfinder Battles line, too!

Grand Lodge

It's a dream sequence I presume, but check this out:


Grand Lodge

Just an FYI to interested folk,

Fall River Press is producing nice new trade paperback editions of ERB's Tarzan series and Mars series. Nice new cover art and $7.95. I picked up Princess of Mars today, and looking forward to finally reading these stories...

Grand Lodge

I went to Gen Con as press. I write for an action figure collecting site, so I thought it was a good opportunity to share my love for gaming with the collecting audience.

One of my Gen Con reports touched on Paizo and Planet Stories.


Grand Lodge

I visited one of our local Half Price Books locations today and they had a spinrack of old sci fi (mostly) novels for $1. Another location had a similar rack, but their's were $3 (which is where I picked up the entire Asimov Lucky Starr series)...

...anyway, I found some books today from the Laser Books imprint, which it turns out was an imprint of Harlequin back in the 70s. I picked up 5 of them. One was by Jerry Pournelle, and I'm not familiar with the authors of the others - Christopher Lampton (Cross of Empire), The Meddlers (J.F. Bone), and Robert Hoskins (Master of the Stars).

There were apparently some 58 titles in the series. All stand alone. And, all the books featured covers by Kelly Freas, which is worth the price of the books to me!

Anyone familiar with these? Is there fodder for Planet Stories in these stories? I don't know how many have been reprinted. According to Wiki, some manuscripts were butchered by Laser Books

The series was edited by Roger Elwood. I need to look it up, but there was an author of Christian fiction in the late 80s/early 90s by that name who seemed to come out with a book every other month or so...

Curious to hear others thoughts on this series of novels? Any stand outs?

Grand Lodge

Just curious if there was anything Planet Stories-related announced at the recent Paizo Con...

I'm reading my first PS book now (Secret of Sinharat) and loving it!

Grand Lodge

I just got my first two Planet Stories volumes (Secret of Sinharat and Worlds of Their Own), and I'm dying to dive into them as soon as I finish "Voyage of the Space Beagle" that I'm currently reading!

I came to the Planet Stories line in sort of a round about manner.

I'm a toy collector, and it was recently announced that The Outer Space Men (a 'bendy' line of alien action figures by Colorforms produced in the late 60s) was coming back. These wild alien designs stirred a desire in me to read some old, pulp-style science fiction. But, this sort of material is difficult to find these days...until I remembered Planet Stories.

I'll slowly be picking up the books already out, and am strongly considering a subscription.

Thanks for putting these books out there. I'm a fan already. Talk about new worlds to discover.

I write for an action figure collecting site, and recently blogged about this and gave a shout out to Planet Stories:


To check out the Outer Space Men check out the creator's site:


And, if upon seeing them anyone could suggest any books/stories that evoke this look/style please let me know!