Jeanmiwan |

Congratulations, Adam !
You just invented a brand-new way to play role-playing games.
You just have to find some name for your style.
I propose everyone here to call that "home rules" or "home ruling", as you wish.
I'm afraid to say its not been positive. I find the games massive vocal fanbase is often aggressive against non players and even amongst its own ranks, and I unfortunately was exposed to several such fans via my FLGS who gave the game such a bad image it would be enough to put me off.
It's about the same with every fanbase. It's a shame, but I guess it's human nature. I met the same problem with many rings (gaming rings, musical fans, more adult groups I shouldn't talk about... worst of all : many of these groups claim to be "open minded")
with cmb’s and cmd’s and bab’s and a thousand other acronyms a barrier against entry. And despite all their books being detailed and illustrated, their layout sucks for a partially sighted person like me.
I' believe it's made to shrink printed characters and by the way having lighter and cheaper books. I remember old AD&D having some HP, HD, THAC0, PP, OL, FT/RT, MS, HS, HN, CW, RL... I may miss some of them.
Pathfinder doesn't feel modern. It's now what? 6 years old? with no major changes to the rules, and they themselves are built on stuff thats nearly 15 years old.
That's what keep its fanbase : not having to buy the same core rulebooks again and again every two or three years like other products, even some that don't change that much from edition to edition (thinking about a "G", a "W" and a great number like 40.000 ?)
(...) I cam considering tweaking the Pathfinder Beginners Box rules to give it aspects of other modern systems and to make the game work for my style of play (...)
So you're using house rules and it's allright, you don't have to feel sorry for that. Many of us do that, too.
The beginners box set still uses the Pathfinder idea of counting diagonals, so the first counts as 5' of movement, the second as 10', the third as 5' and so on. Yawn, old fashioned, and boo, too much hassle. Let’s just simply take the 4e approach of diagonals are 5' of movement.
I do prefer using hexes rather than squares. It's so more realistic to me. Squares are used in Chess, I don't see anything modern in it.
Critical Hits
(...)get rid of confirming critical hits, so a 20 is always a critical hit doing double or triple damage. And I would do this as a literal double like 13th age, i.e. two times the damage die roll plus mod, rather than rolling two damage dice.
scimitar threat range : 18-20
keen scimitar threat range : 16-20keen scimitar with improved critical feat threat range : 14-20
With your rule, every opponent with an AC of 14 or more gets a critical strike anytime it's hit.
The "confirmation roll" is made to avoid having all fighter in the world fighting with scimitars (or rapiers, same thing) : ùore damage than a greatsword (thanks to the critical's doubled STR mod) AND carrying a shield.
Moreover : since in most encounters, monsters are in greater number than PCs, no confirming roll makes the game far more dealy to PCs than to NPCs.
The term healing covers a multitude of issues, and some of these might address themselves at higher levels but at level 1, Pathfinder characters are fragile.
Especially if monsters don't need to confirm-roll a critical threat.
A short rest is a 5 minute breather at the end of combat, you calm your heart rate, bind up wounds, readjust armour, loosen tired muscles. In that 5 minutes, you regain 1 hp, and you don’t break a time sensitive quest.
When the average fighter (STR 16, longsword, power attack) inflicts 10 damage, I don't see the point of recovering 1 HP
An extended rest is what it sounds like, a longer rest, proper binding of wounds, bashing armour back into shape, sharpening swords, praying etc. It requires the characters to hole up somewhere safe for an hour, but let’s them regain 1 + CONS mod hp (minimum of 1).
Not sure, but that's what gives back a full day of resting, in the rules. Keep playing "Neverwinter Nights" and clicking "rest" after every fight. (I must admit I love this game, excepted for that rest button)
Why not giving a second hid die at first level, if durability is your concern ? Pathfinder beta version was suggesting this, if I remember well (a D6 more HP for every 1st level character, whatever their class)Finally, you have long rests, which are several hours long, and in a dungeon require a safe place and a watch. The way I would do this is to differentiate in dungeon resting and at home/tavern resting. In a dungeon, a long rest should let you regain up to half of your maximum hp (and to break tradition, we’ll round that up like Next does), while in a tavern a long rest regains all hp. That way there’s a reason to travel back to their home base.
I remember having to think about an adventure strategically and fights tactically not to give up on too many hit points before facing the "boss" in the end of the adventure.
Giving back HP this easily will just make the player bashing their way straight ahead and change dungeon crawling from strategic planning to endless dice rolling.You may play "Descent", it will save you plenty of time. (I like this game, but it's definitely no RPG at all, it's board game)
So let’s say... all characters have one Recovery Surge action per day. It’s a standard action, and heals 1 + CONS mod hp (minimum of 1) i.e. It’s like taking an extended rest in combat.
Elf : Hff... Hff... Hff... (breathing with difficulty in the middle of a fight in the end of the afternoon)
Human : I cover you ! take a breather while I occupy those damn Orcs !Elf : Hff... Hff... can't... Hff... alread... Hff... took one... Hff... this mornin... Hff... just aft... Hff... breakfast... Hff... Hff...
So let’s say, if a character has a constitution of 13+ they gain an extra Recovery Surge per day. So two 2 to 3 hp heals in a day, not going to break it too much.
Dwarf : Hff... Hff... Hff... (breathing with difficulty in the middle of a fight in the end of the afternoon)
Human : I cover you ! take a breather while I occupy those damn Orcs !Dwarf : Hff... Hff... can't... Hff... alread... Hff... took one... Hff... this mornin... Hff... just aft... Hff... breakfast... Hff... Hff...
Human : But you can take two a day !
Dwarf : Hff... Hff... took anoth... Hff... after lunch... Hff... Hff...
I’ve hated rolling for hp ever since Basic D&D (...). So the Wizard gains 1d6 (or 4) + CONS mod hp when they level up.
That's an idea I love ! (no kidding)
I'm used to give everyone (even monsters and NPC) a full HD+CON modifier at first level and then 1HP/level from 2nd level (I don't like how too many HP every creature has from the very firs AD&D)That makes the fights deadly, not only for the PCs, it speeds up combat encounters and makes players more akin to diplomacy and negotiations.
everyone gets a new, once per day Action Surge action, which let’s them take an additional standard action that round. And then as per the other features, if your constitution is 13+ plus, you get an extra action surge per day.
Chatting after the fight, beginning of the evening.
Human : You did really well against that Ogre while I was disabled, but why didn't you finish it sooner, as he staggered under you critical strike ?Dwarf : Yeah... but remember : I already caught my chance as we were training with each other, this morning...
Give the fighter a new ability, a once per day Heavy Strike free action, that deals +1d6 damage on an attack. And then in keeping with other features, if their strength is 13+ they get an extra Heavy Strike per day.
Dwarf : But you could hit it harder before getting disabled, that would make this fight easier for both of us.
Human : You know I already hit hard this Troll and this Gnoll before lunch. I won't do it again before tomorrow.Rogues
Why is it, in every rpg, rogues have a bit if an identity crisis. They are the uber damage dealers, the skill monkeys, the trapfinders...
Fighter are more varied. There are swordmen, axemen, hammermen, spearmen, flailmen...
Wizards are more varied. There are spell user, charm users, magic users...Clerics are more varied. There are good gods followers, neutral gods followers, evil gods followers, mysterious gods followers, fallen gods followers.
So you're right : rogues should be varied, too...
Er... never heard about ROLE playing ? never thought that two fighters could be different in other things than the weapon they wield in battle ? the wizards different in other things than their spellbooks ? the clerics different in other things than the gods they worship ? the rogues different in other things that their skill lists ?
Haven't you ever tried to play in character ? I started playing RPG in 1989 (later than you, if I understand well) and It happened to me some times. And it was really enjoyable.
I can tell you that among those numerous AD&D longsword-and shield-wielding, plate mail-wearing fighters in our adventuring parties, they were all different. Not by equipment or by ability scores (no skills and no feats, back then) but by the life their players put in them.
My major issue is that a rogue should be sneaky, but to gain the benefit of sneak attack, basically has to flank it’s target.
Or benefit from surprise, or strike an helpless/sleeping/paralyzed opponent (choose according to events), or feint to deprive the opponent from its DEX bonus... By thinking a little, I may give you other occurences.
There is a nice simple tweak. If the rogue is hidden and attacks (melee or ranged), then it can deal sneak attack damage, and if the rogue makes a ranged attack against an enemy flanked by his allies, it can deal sneak attack damage.
I may be wrong, but that's already like this.
Everytime the target is denied its DEX bonus and/or unaware of the sneak attack. Surprise (while hidden, for example) is part of it.You might have noticed : I HATE things like "daily abilities".
IRL, I know how to mend a puncture, I can do it anytime and as often as I need, I'm not limited to one bike wheel per day.
I know it's all about "game balance" and I feel I have to stick to the rules because of that, but adding more and more things-you-can-do-only-once-a-day seems stupide to me.
Moreover since it adds to the record-keeping a player must do and breaks the flow of the game.
To my mind.
Anyway, take my answer easy.
There's only one good way to play a RPG : the one that fits YOU.
So if you enjoy playing with all those house rules you gave us here, go on ! it's all right !