King Zuuga

Jay Loomis's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Editorial Intern

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I'm thrilled to be here!

To answer some current and (possibly) future questions, I'm not related to any famous Loomises. I have a brother named Jeff, but he is not the noted guitarist.

Oh, and I have now been in the same room as Cassidy. Sorry to shut down any speculation about time-space anomalies and the like. :-)

Editorial Intern

William Ronald wrote:
Welcome aboard, Jay! Any thoughts about swords in RPGs based on your own expertise?

That's a big can of worms. I'll suppress the urge to go on a know-it-all nerdissertation on one of my favorite topics. :-)

I'll just make two points:

First, weight is the most anachronistically silly thing perpetuated in RPGs. Swords--and, indeed, all functional weapons--are lighter than we popularly believed. As an example, I have a replica of one of the largest swords that was ever actually used for combat, a Germanic greatsword, that weighs only a bit over four pounds. Even at that weight, the inertia you have to work with is pretty intense.

Second, and I don't want to stir up a storm of controversy here, I am always slightly amused by the way that we roleplayers want to designated fine-grained differences in the damage capacity between weapons. So much more important is how the weapon was designed to be used and how skillful the wielder is. That's one of the reasons why I generally really like the combat maneuver system in Pathfinder. It makes a workable system to account for some of the more important distinctions between weapons via the special qualities.

GeraintElberion wrote:

What happened to Paizo's cute-pet-based recruitment strategy?

All of this RPG experience stuff will never do!

** spoiler omitted **

Alas, my two cats, while very handsome, can't hope to compete with a bunny named Aslan. Cassidy wins that battle for sure!