Dwarf Fighter

Jason Rosauer's page

Organized Play Member. 34 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 42 Organized Play characters.

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Peeps of the hood!

Tri Con Fall 2016 is coming up this Labor day weekend in South Sioux City, Nebraska! This Fall, we're cranking it up like never before. Not only are we offering the newest and coolest scenarios, but we're also offering 8-00 Cosmic Captive! You might be asking yourself, "How does 'lil old Sioux City make 6 tables"? Well, we made a deal with some good peeps who play D&D to help us make tables. In turn, we're taking a slot off so that those that want to can go play in their big interactive.

If everything goes to plan, we've also applied to be a charity Con and should have support for such, as we support a local food bank.

More information about Tri Con Fall can be found here. See you there!

As our campaign grows, so does our need for coordinators around the world. I am proud to announce the first ever Venture Lieutenant of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Josh Pierce! He has been a huge boon in regards to rules knowledge and helping new players get initiated in Sioux Falls. Congrats Josh!

I'm looking to some more Jeweled Sages scenarios, Destiny in the Sands is one of my favorite trilogies!

I'm curious as both a former convention organizer and PFS con organizer in my local area, what brings people to game conventions? For me, the first and foremost item is who is going to be there. If I've got friends in that area, I'll go to see my friends and help out. Second, I also like to meet new people, so I'll try a different convention from time to time if it's within driving range. Driving range for me tends to vary based on those two factors, along with the cost of the trip, mainly hotels and such as that's usually the biggest expense. For example, Gen Con isn't out of my range if I go as a tier 1 GM and have most expenses covered, and I make an effort to see many of my friends.

I know for some people, it's a matter of size, what games are offered, convention boons (if there are any) weather, and scheduling. I've also heard that people will make an extra effort to travel to a convention if the right names are scheduled in attendance, like going to Paizo Con to get a chance to meet their favorite Paizo employees, or Comic Con for some of the different panels of guests. What makes you go that extra mile for a convention?

Has anybody tried advertising their Facebook group/page, or other Pathfinder lodge internet sites via Facebook Ads or Google Ads, and if so, what was your experience, was it worth the cost? Or, is there a really good reason I should not do this? I have a Facebook group for my local, public PFS group, and I'm well aware that where I'm at, there are still a lot of people in the area who probably have no idea that we exist, and would probably try if they knew about us. In the past, I once was involved with a business (game store) that purchased Facebook Ads to spread the word about a card game we were starting up, and the results were amazing, well worth the cost.

Howdy folks!

Just wanted to let everybody know about a convention with PFS that I've been trying to grow for about a year or so. Tri Con Spring, formerly known as M.A.G.E. Con in the past, is hosting a convention at the Marina Inn Convention Center in South Sioux City, NE, May 1st-3rd, 2015. A list of scenarios being offered as well as to be able to sign up and get your seat as a player or GM can be found here.

The address of the Marina Inn is: 385 E 4th St, South Sioux City, NE 68776

Cost of the convention is $25 for players, free to people coming just to GM and sign up via Warhorn.

More information about Tri State Gamers, other events being offered, and hotel block rates can be found here

Thanks to those who are able to make it, I hope to see y'all soon!

What are some recommendations for starting into this game? Usually, I'm one of those players who wants to buy all of the expansions of a game once they've been out, but I don't know if my wallet will allow me to buy into all of the expansions of both Rise of the Runelords and Skulls & Shackles. I'm interested in getting some Adventure Card Guild events happening in my area, as we have a decent amount of board and card gamers, as well as a fair number of people playing Pathfinder Society Role Play. Thanks in advance!

Grand Lodge

I'm somewhat new to Pathfinder, been playing for about a year. A friend who played a long time ago created a vivisectionist alchemist when they were PFS legal, claiming they were legal for a short time, but are now banned according to the additional resources page. What does the person do with the character and where do I find this information? Thanks!

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I'm somewhat new to Pathfinder, been playing for about a year. A friend who played a long time ago created a vivisectionist alchemist when they were PFS legal, claiming they were legal for a short time, but are now banned according to the additional resources page. What does the person do with the character and where do I find this information? Thanks!