
Jason Quiett's page

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Everytime that I get a new Dragon mag in the mail I flip to the class articles to find the monk hoping that this was the month that flaws were done for the monk. Every month I am disappointed. Every other class has had an article about flaws done for them except monk. When will this be rectified?

I am in very much in favor of flaws being introduced into D&D. Unearthed Arcana did a nice introduction to flaws, but the class, and now race, specific flaws are a much needed improvement. I see flaws as a way to help flesh out a character. To give ideas for how your character would act under certain situations. And to give non-humans a chance to get more than one feat at first level.

No one in my campaign has opted to take any flaws. I think the reason is that it is the first time that most of them have played 3.5 and they are trying to keep the new material to a minimum. I am just waiting for monk flaws. I am wanting to play a monk for the next campaign, but I want to see what monk specific flaws there can be. I am waiting patiently and hoping the others in my campaign take a flaw or two.


In issue #319 there was an article about the Animal Fist Prestige Class. The Panther Shen version of this prestige class has the ability of reducing the flurry of blows penalty to -1. My character is a monk and I plan on taking this prestige class. The problem I have is that the monk has aready reduced the penalty for flurry of blows to -1 by the time the character can even take this prestige class. Does this ability reduce the penalty to 0? And if the character has already reached 9th level (no penalty to flurry of blows) would this abilty increase the "penalty" to +1? I know what I would like, but what was invisioned for this class.


I've noticed that you were writing flaws for specific classes the last few months and I was wondering when you were going to do one for monks. I am starting a new campaign next month and would like to put flaws into my monk character.
