Jason Gratto's page

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Hi there. Firstly thanks to Paizo and the Judges for putting on this contest, and thanks to the Judges again for hosting this thread.

Below is my item and any critique would be appreciated so I can implement the advice into future items.

Portfolio of the Assassin
Aura moderate divination; CL 8th
Slot ---; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This 50 page book, bound in red leather, is prized by mercenaries and assassins alike. It is secured with an ornate silver lock (DC 30 disable device), studded with 50 small rubies, and is accompanied with a silver key attached to a leather strap. This key not only opens the lock on the book, but can also be bound to or unbound from a weapon with a move action. Whenever a creature is slain with a weapon bound in this way, the answers to the questions “Who are you?”, “What are you?”, “How was your blood shed?” and “When was your blood shed?” become written in blood on the next empty page in the book, as described in blood biography.

If at any time the life of a creature slain in this way is restored by any means, the writing on the page in which they are described changes from blood to black ink. At the same time, one of the red rubies on the lock also turns a deep black, and if the life was restored by a worshipper of a deity then the symbol of the god whom she worships is drawn at the bottom of the page.

Requirments Craft Wondrous Item, blood biography, scrying; Cost 4,000 gp