
JasnisDethas's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Grand Lodge

God!! I've been going through the Forums and people are cranky!! Maybe its the water or something. I think if you had a subscription, it said that they would ship most certainly Feb 26, plus 6 to 10 days of shipping. Guys its a game (good game :)) it is not like you were in life-support or something.

@Talon378: Chill out dude(dudette). Yes, you are the customer, yes we are all excited on the game, yes we all want to have it as soon as possible, yes we all would like to have a definite date. However, I bet you that everybody is trying to make this happen in the most efficient way possible (it is not like Paizo is saying: "let's not tell anybody about the delivery date to make them angry, hahaha". My guess is that they are as anxious as you are to sell it ASAP. Think about it, they have bills to pay too :P ).

I would say it simply: I would better get the game ASAP (without guarantee of the date) than to force a company for a day and have them give it to me with 6 months of contingency so that they can meet the specific date.

@Paizo: Just keep on doing a good job. Great game. Ship it ASAP :D


Grand Lodge

For mike :) :http://bit.ly/1iwCmDc

Grand Lodge

We played assuming that cards from closed locations are actually banished to the box. In other words, everything that goes from play to the box is actually banished. By the end of the adventure, we've gone through most of the basic cards.

Quick question on strategy: Should we banish all the Blessing of the Gods? this are basic.

Grand Lodge

Thanks guys.

They are good players, and truth they might be correct (I know them from a long time, so if I thought they were just complaining I'll kick their A&* :P).

This is the first time I run an AP. I'm following the suggested leveling at the beginning of the adventure books. What I've researched is that AP are build assuming you get a 4 player team. I have 2 and an NPC. Their suggestion is to really calculate the xp (which I was slacking around), and see if they are actually a level up. Which might at the end be the solution. Nonetheless, my concern is that if they go up a level, all role playing and skill checks will become really easy. I've been thinking of suggesting Gestalt Characters. But they seem too odd. Wanted to pick your brain to see if you guys have any suggestions.

Grand Lodge


I'm DMing the Carrion Crown AP. I have two players and one NPC. The Players are complaining that the encounters are too difficult. Is there a conversion pattern that should be used when playing with 2 players in an AP such as Carriorn Crown?