JaskoMaughann's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Krannik Ironskull, tomb-guardian dwarf and worshipper of Magrim. A champion with a strong desire to protect and respect the ancient traditions of dwarfkind (background is Archaeologist to reflect the study of such).
Lives under the shadow of his father, a storied hero in his own times, desperately trying to earn his approval and carve his own story in the annals of his clan.

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Posting in a historic thread.

Thank you, Paizo..for being better.

Franz Lunzer wrote:
JaskoMaughann wrote:

I bought the adventure through Fantasy Grounds

I was hoping to have the option of running it in FoundryVTT

If you want to run it on Foundry, why buy it on Fantasy Grounds?

The FG-purchase should sync to Paizo, maybe try unlinking and linking accounts again?

Because I have groups that use one but not the other so buying it for Fantasy Grounds is usually the most practical way as I get the FG module and the PDF to import into Foundry

Ah, I guess that I need to buy it twice then!

Is there a PDF availble of this?
I bought the adventure through Fantasy Grounds and synched my account as usual but it's not amongst my digital content. I also notice that theres no option to buy a PDF..this is disappointing as I was hoping to have the option of running it in FoundryVTT