About Jaryx
Neutral male half-giant freeman gladiator (reaver) 3
Experience points:
AC 4 (hide armor)
HP 19/54 (3d10, Doubled as half-giant)
Saving Throws
Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic 13
Rod, Staff, or Wand 14
Petrification or Polymorph 15
Breath Weapon 16
Spell 16
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Obsidian Lotulis S-M 1d10/L 1d12 (P/S/B; speed 8)
Melee Longbow (Sheaf Arrows) S-M 1d8/L 1d8 (P; speed 8)
Str 20 (+2 Melee; +4 Dam; 170 WA; 360 Max P; 14 Open Door; 25% BB/LG)
Dex 16 (+1 Reaction Adj; +1 Missile; -2 Defense Adj)
Con 18 (+4 HPA; 99% SS; 98% RS)
Int 14 (+4 NWP)
Wis 8
Cha 13 (5 Max Hench; 0 LB; +1 Reaction Adj)
Languages: Common (Athasian trade tongue); Giant
Gladiator Abilities
• A gladiator is automatically proficient in all weapons. He never receives a nonproficiency
penalty for using a weapon, not even one he has never used before.
• A gladiator can specialize in multiple weapons. As a reward for years of training and discipline,
a gladiator becomes the ultimate master of weapons. He may specialize in any
number of weapons, provided he has the number of proficiency slots required. He must
pay the initial slot to become proficient with the weapon, as well as the additional slots
required to specialize in it.
• A gladiator is an expert in unarmed combat. He receives a 4-point bonus to modify all
punching and wrestling attack rolls; these can be used as pluses or minuses to the roll.
The gladiator’s player may consult the Punching and Wrestling Results Table in the
Player’s Handbook after making the roll before stating how he wants to use the bonus.
• A gladiator learns to optimize his armor when he reaches 5th level. He learns to move and
position armor so it absorbs blows better than it normally would. With every five levels of
experience, the gladiator gains a +1 bonus to his Armor Class. Thus, at 5th level the bonus
is +1, at 10th level it’s +2, and so on. This benefit doesn’t apply to gladiators who aren’t
wearing armor, however. Also, armor spells or rings of protection don’t gain the bonus, but
more substantial magical protection, such as bracers and cloaks, do.
• A gladiator attracts followers when he reaches 9th level. The followers arrive in the same
manner as for fighters. A gladiator’s first unit always consists of other gladiators who have come to study his fighting style and “learn from a true master.”
Weapon Proficiencies
Starting weapon proficiencies: 4
Bonus every: 3 gladiator levels
(2) Specialized Lotulis
(3) Specialized Longbow
Nonweapon Proficiencies
Starting nonweapon proficiencies: 3
Bonus every: 3 gladiator levels
Intelligence bonus: 4
Animal Lore (B): Int
Tracking (B): Wis
Survival (B): Int+2
Animal Handling (1): Wis-1
Fire-building (1): Wis
Heat Protection (1): Int-2
Water Find (1): Int
Endurance (2): Con
Running (1): Con-6
Set Snares (1): Dex-1
Total starting wealth: 510 p
• Belt (6 bits)
• Pouch, large leather (2 cp)
• Boots (6 cp)
• Tunic (16 bits)
• Trousers, cotton (6 bits)
Lotculis (30 cp)
Longbow (150 cp)
Hide armor (30 cp)
Dry rations, 7 days (20 cp, 10 lbs.)
Waterskins, 4 (2 cp ea., 1 lb. ea.)
• 188 cp, 7 bits, 4/5 bit
Hair: Red
Eyes: Black
Height: 11' 6"
Weight: 1575 lbs