Jarvis125's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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James Jacobs wrote:
HappyHuman wrote:
CalmCyborg wrote:
I like that there is the option of shorter adventure paths, but I hope we will still get 1-20 APs in the future. That's what I like to run and play in. Granted, I can always add a low and high one together, but I like the overarching for the entire 1-20 adventurer career.
Agreed. I'm moderately bummed that, just after designing a system that doesn't noisily soil itself at higher levels, Paizo starts shifting away from play-to-higher-level paths.
I do agree here, which is why I've been pushing for us at least to try to commit to 2 higher level Adventure Paths a year going forward. Also, hopefully, the standalone adventure line will provide high level content—this year we've only got Curtain Call for high level, but Prey For Death will help fill that gap.

Do you see yourselves linking adventure paths in the future? Completely separate stories, but linked thematically in some way that the heroes for the lower level AP have a reason to continue on to the higher level one should the players and DM both desire?

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I believe the two maps for F - Workshop Heights and G - Lower Guldrege, are labelled in reverse and incorrectly numbered. Reading this chapter is breaking my brain. Two silos clearly seem to be G3 - G4, Thenur's home is most likely G5-G7. But I can't make sense of the G2 buildings on the map.

Mapping Lower Guldrege isn't any easier, as the AP only describes G1 to G4, and except for maybe G2 and G3 don't quite seem to map to visual cues of F1-F4 on the map. G5 through G7 aren't mentioned at all.