JarithBloodstone's page

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Been having my mind wandering about the psychic for Call of Cthulhu d20,
and any of the kineticicst class would fit into CofC,...im also wondering if the wizard, Witch, or sorcerer classes would be able to be fitted into the game system also, and on that, how would they fit in and wht adjustments would need to be done to their full extent.
I'm also looking for any MORE feats that could be found for CofC.

I like Dr. Strange, what would be the coolest class(es)for him to be besides maybe Wizard or Magus???

the best edition is the 3rd edition, and why, it has all the races in the 3rd edition, also two other books that cover this edition is the world book and the Archean Codex, if you want you can also get the individual books that cover certain territories.

Nice book by Legends and Lairs,..check it out I found it on Scribd,its a nice place to find wht you all ,or most of you might be looking for in some rpg games, or idea's.

I've wracking my Brain over how to come about this.
Crystal Magic,... 1) use the Elemental sorcerer Bloodline Earth and change the disripter to Crystal.
2)Wizard(specialist=Elemental earth and change the disripter to Crystal.
3)Witch,use the patron earth but change the Discripter to Crystal.
I really need some help on this infinate idea.


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Hey i'm looking to play the traditonal Wujen for Pathfinder, and i'm sorry but none that i've seen isnt even close,...I loved the Wujen from the original Oriental adventures that came out for Advanced Dungeons&Dragons they were cool,... and the revamped Wujen that was done in one of the Dragon magazines,....if anyone can give me full information on both of them i'd love it,.... And thnks