Jhereg hefts his mighty maul once again smashing into the adjacent mitflits' head, smashing it in with a sickly thud. Fire errupts around its head leaving the creature slumped down on the ground as flames burn away the flesh. Snag produces another spell picking up a a small piece of crumbled rubble and hurls it at the white skinned worm that's crawling its way toward Jhereg who is now face to face with creature. The debris strikes true, as it hits the worm in the head or what looks like a head. (critical success). The nasty creature howls in pain as it prepares to attack. The mitflit stands as if lost in thought not moving other than slighty swaying in place.
I apologize for the late delay. I had to draw out the map and place the pawns in locations so I can keep track of where everyone is. I also had to read all the posts in the campaign thus far to refresh my memory of what took place. I had to laugh at Hammid's last post and all the comments that followed, especially Dak's calling him Sir Robyn lmao. Then he drops out smh....
Jhereg moves up to meet one of the mitlfits pummeling it with his dragon head maul. The blow to its body does a fair ammount of damage, but the fire that followed consumes the creature as it writhes in agony on the floor. Snag begins making hand gestures and speaking some words that make even less sense than his hand movements, but the end result is that one of the 2 remaining mitflits yelps out in pain and then stops in its tracks looking like it's been caught in a trance (critical failed will save) The last able mitflit rushes up to attack Jhereg, shortsword in hand. It lands a strike as the blade slices into Jheregs left calf. (3 damage) Dhruva's fires a bolt at the mitflit that attacked Jhereg. It flies wide missing her intended target and breaking as it hits the wall behind the creatures. The giant maggot is a slow creature and only manages to close in 10 feet closer to Jhereg. (20 feet away)
Sorry for the radio silence, things have been busy here. between my mom, looking for work and getting the outside ready for winter. I’m also bummed about losing 2 players. I really don’t want to run Dak’s character. We should just have him silently disappear and continue on. I will post tomorrow and try to keep this titanic afloat.
Looking back, the wooden drawbridge, its timbers gray with age and
Initiative: Jhereg Snag Mitflits Dhruva Maggot Akka Dak
Jhereg’s swings his mighty maul at the nearest mitflit and smashes his head in. Blood and gore fills the floor. Snag casts a spell to lift a stone from the rubble and flings it into the remaining creature. The stone hits it in the chest and it groans from the severe wound.
The body lying dead at Jhereg’s feet is a small blue-skinned almost goblin looking creature with big ears that stick straight out from its head, a bulbous nose and pointy sharp teeth. Its body it covered in bumps of various size. It’s wearing tattered leather armor with a rope tied around the waist, and a makeshift wooden bracelet of some sort that may possibly be used as a shield. A crude dagger is also tucked into the rope belt.
As the group surveys the outbuilding, you hear 2 ticking sounds as if something hit stone and 1 soft thump sound as a dart hits Snag in the right arm. Snag:
You take 2 points of of piercing damage from a single dart Note:
You each get 1 action as you will notice the direction in which the darts came from. The cobwebs above you are moving a bit and you can see 3 small holes where the darts came through Initiative: Dhruva Jhereg Snag Mitflits Akka Dak
The layout of the building looks like a plus sign. 30-feet across and 10-feet wide both directions. Four arrow slits are set in the walls. One in the west side, one in the east side and one on each side facing south side. Jhereg:
You notice through the cobwebs: soggy rope and some planks as well as a 3-foot hole in the roof of the northwest corner of the outbuilding. Dhruva: You notice deposits of gray material on the floor. With your great knowledge of the surrounding area , you identify the gray matter as mitflit dumg.
The primary entrance to the Keep is a one-story outbuilding. It's constructed of sturdy stone, but the wooden doors that once kept intruders out have rotted away years ago. Opaque sheets of dusty cobwebs layer the ceiling of the building leaving about a 7-foot clearance to get through. The strong smell of urine permeates the area around the stone structure.
You gather your supplies and make your way to the Gauntlight Ruins. The weather is warm with clear sunny skies. Birds and other wildlife are active along the road. The closer you get to the ruins, the road become overgrown with vegetation and less happy wildlife is heard and is replaced by the sound of frogs and mosquitoes mixes with water sloshing against muddy shores, all muffled by the ever-present mists that linger in the aptly named Fogfen. As the mists clear, a shadow looms from the cloying swamp vapors a sprawling ruin of stone and wood squats atop an island in the soggy marsh. The upper floors have largely collapsed, leaving only the stone walls of the ground floor intact. Above these ruins towers an out-of-place monument a colossal lighthouse whose painted walls and iron-cased crown have resisted the corrosive effects of the surrounding swamp.
Wrin walks you all down to where her tents are set up. I will supply you with a few items. Afterall, I’m in the business to make coin not lose it. The town taxes don’t pay themselves you know! she laughs and continues to show you here stocks. Party: Wrin will offer each of you up to 2 gp worth of items or you may pool the 8 gp into group items, such as tents.