
Janiven Nerigas's page

5 posts. Alias of Djivan.


While at first it seemed as if the Hellknights would bash trough the door immediately, they seem to be delayed. This gives everyone the time to descend from the stairs that lead to the beer and wine cellar. It's a large space, with just a few barrels. Janiven moves to a floor-level cupboard, opens a secret door in the back of it and tells Morosino to crawl trough it. The young lad isn't hesitating, and almost jumps into it.

"Quickly, let's use every second of time we have gained. Morosino knows the way, it's a tunnel that leads to the sewers."

While you follow Morosino, Janiven further complicates matters for the Hellknights. She moves the few barrels in the room to the stairs, effectively barring the way. Then she puts a Tanglefoot bag on top of it, one that will fall as soon as the barrels are moved. While she is doing this, loud noises come from the tavern. It seems the sounds outside didn't keep them long. Janiven follows the last member of the group, into the tunnel.

Light is completely absent here, and it's only because Morosino continues to tell you which way to go, that you remain sure of where to go. The secret tunnel under Vizio’s Tavern is rough-hewn and leads down along a 20-foot-long, 5-foot-wide hallway to a simple wooden door. After Morosino opens it, you become aware of where you are by the stench that welcomes you. As the last one, Janiven bars this door as well with the wooden bar at the other side of it. Only now she lightens a sunrod, and you see a sewer tunnel running to the left and right. Everything about the sewers seems ancient, except for the smell. Janiven walks towards the crossing and starts investigating the walls. She pushes aside a rock near the entrance to reveal a small hollow in the wall and sighs in relief.

"Good, they're still here..." She turns towards you and gives each one of you three potions. "These will heal you in time of need. We will have no time to rest, shadow creatures come down here as well. We will move to our hiding place, in the Rego Sacero, we should be safe there. These markings, these small swords, will lead your way. The point is always leading to the safehouse. Arael and I made these marks a few months ago when we explored the sewers. We marked all the intersections so our people could find their way through the sewers to our hideout. Now that you know all this, I have a request for you..."

She hesitates for a moment. What she's about to say, clearly doesn't sit well...

"I would like to split up, so I can bring Morosino to safety. He is just a child and shouldn't be into danger like this. If I move ahead with him, we would be faster. But I do realise this brings you all in danger..."

Morosino starts to protest, as only a teenager would, but after a single intimidating glare of Janiven, he shuts his mouth.

"Would you be prepared to do this? I know I'm asking much, but you should all better be able to defend yourself as this child..."

Janiven ponders over the possible options, and then makes a decision.

"We move." She says. She locks the door tight and walks towards the door behind the bar. "I don't know why they took him, Mazon. Shannon, if Morosino escaped they haven't had a chance to interrogate Arael yet. So they don't know a thing, they just followed the boy. Either stay here and be in trouble with them or follow me.

She opens the door to the kitchen and disappears in a trap door.

Janiven nervously awaited everyone's reaction. She had put a great deal of trust in these people, and with a soft sigh of relief she learned no one walked away. Yes, difficult questions, but this was to be expected. She would reply to Ronwn, but then Maxis held a speach that made her eyes twinkle. The courage of a young halfling... At the end of it, he slammed the object she had seen earlier on the table. Quickly she said:

Maxis, by the gods, be careful with that!

She immediately realised that this shout was too fast, too... Then she looked at everyone.

Well, let's answer a few of your questions... Starting with why I put my life in your hands. The truth is, I didn't intend to. Normally Arael tells you all this. I am the one who looks for possible recruits and, as such, I have gathered information about all of you, thanks to my contacts in the city. The honest citizens of Westcrown have spoken for you, as you might remember from what I told you earlier. It was Arael who made the call to invite you tough. He is the leader of our group, I am his right hand. We are a group of Wiscrani, all as concerned as you are. I was expecting him here, but he did not show up, which worries me.

I do not wish to start an open rebellion, nor to oppose our governement directly. I wish to win the hearts of the Wiscrani. We can achieve this by doing good deeds, without appearing as rioters or rebels. We can do good for this city by getting rid of the shadow creatures, for example. But first we should get organised and perhaps find other groups who would do this with us.

But if I am not mistaken, perhaps we have already found another group to support us. Or why are you smashing a Wayfinder of this table, Maxis? I admit, I didn't know this and I'm especially surprised they have sent you without saying so directly... You are part of the Pathfinder Society?

While serving everyone dinner, Janiven observes the conversation. After Mazon's short explanation, she nods approvingly. She is visibly angered by Ozer's words, but remains silent, even after Mazon put him back in place. She smiles lightly after seeing Maxis introduce himself, and notices later on he is playing with something.

Perception check to see what Maxis is holding.1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

When she sees what it is, she raises an eyebrow, but keeps the information for herself. Meanwhile, Shannon finds the time to sing a song with his opera voice, tough the words don't sound familiar. Would it be something personal?

Knowledge Local check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Ah of course, his mother... How could she forget, it was the talk of the city back then. She nods in understanding, and then adresses everyone again. While she lets everyone eat, she takes the word again. She takes a deep breath before doing so, but then speaks without hesitation.

I understand that my mysterious visits may have caused reason for distrust, and for that I am sorry. But it was the most sensible way to get you here without too much attention.

In any case... thank you again for agreeing to meet with me here. I have chosen each of you for a singular reason—everyone here, myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not. I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses has prospered—but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history—she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbors, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters! With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!

She holds her breath at the end, to increase the impact of that last word.

You weigh your reaction carefully. These last words are certain death if heard by some people...

The tavern itself is pretty much like the outside: it looks of decent quality, but as you look a bit closer you notice various indications that, while the building is old, several recent improvements have been made. Apart from the main door, there are the stairs leading to an upper floor. Behind the bar there is a door as well, probably leading to the kitchen. As for Janiven's mood, she seems slightly nervous about something and you see her checking the window every now and then, even after Ozer arrived.

The tavern itself is pretty much like the outside: it looks of decent quality, but as you look a bit closer you notice various indications that, while the building is old, several recent improvements have been made. Apart from the main door, there are the stairs leading to an upper floor. Behind the bar there is a door as well, probably leading to the kitchen.

The name Vizio sounds vaguely familiar, as if you have heard it before, but you can't think of anything. Perhaps you should ask one of the other locals or Elden about it.

When her guests come in, Janiven points at the table that has been set for seven people and serves every one the drink they asked for. She cannot help but smile lightly when Ozer raises his ale, but quickly puts up her neutral face again.

To Ronwenn, she says:

No need to hide it, we can conclude that here if you wish. But I would prefer you stayed for a moment.

She directs everyone with a small speech.

All of you have been invited by me, a personal reason, for a common purpose. My goal was to put you together. I put my trust in you because you have been spoken for by people who have become a rarity in Westcrown nowadays: common, hardworking and honest people. The kind of people who form the backbone of a city, but who don't have a voice in the battles between nobles, soldiers or politicians in their struggle for power. I believe we all have something in common. From the orc to the halfling. I could explain why I believe every single one of you is here. But I would rather have it you tell us a little about yourself during this meal. It's nothing too big, so don't worry about getting home. We have two hours left, if we use them wise you'll be home at sunset. If anything goes wrong, you can stay upstairs, it wouldn't be the first time one looses track of the daylight.

Anyway... I'll be serving some food now, perhaps you might want to tell each other who you are and what you do?

She turns to Maxis...

Does that answer your question?

then to Shannon.

And yours?