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Well I'm not sure if this has been stated or not but being lawful good doesn't necessarily mean you follow the law the the area. Being lawful primarily means that you follow a set of rules that are extremely important to you (a Code that you follow) which is also modified by who his deity is. This brings up many debates and issues about how it should be run but the most important thing here is the beliefs of the character does he think that it's justifiable to outright kill the prince without a trial or a way to defend himself. If not it would be against his "moral code". Overall though it would be primarily up to the arbitration of the Storyteller whether it would cause the paladin to fall if he killed the prince without trial. My suggestion would be to speak with the Storyteller if you are really having that much of a dilemma and see what your options are, as you are a paladin of "insert deity" faith would killing this man cause you to fall from favor.