Malyas' Shield

James Guckin's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


yeah I couldn't figure out the pm thing either. I'm on Facebook. Same name as this. If your not on facebook I'll post my email.

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Hello I am interested in finding people as well to play pathfinder. I also live in Heidelberg but am here as an exchange student from the US so English would certainly be no problem. I am 30 years old so I don't know if that is a deal breaker. However in the states I played a regular Sunday night game with a couple of people who were 40. I am not new to the system, but I am currently forming a group of people who are. My ideal group size would be 4 players plus me as the DM, but I am flexible. If that sounds like something you are interested feel free to respond.

I'm certainly looking forward to this release. I plan on using it for the first part of the serpent's skull adventure path, smuggler's shiv.