Corvin Tergsvor

Jake Cassard's page

266 posts. Alias of Algar Lysandris.

Grand Lodge

A Magus (Kensai) (standard rim debuff) going Dex based damage scimitar style.

Currently 10 wis and 14 Cha (can be switched)

Looking for solid defense / offense and damage and decent skill monkey (going for infiltration type of skill set)

I also would like to point out that i Need to have a familiar (and that reduces the choices to wizard / witch / Magus via arcana / Sorc (tattooed) / Arcanist / Shaman

Game is level 3 (i am pretty set on the feat for now)

Currently i went with the investigator to eventually add to damage with the mutagen and the studied combat /strike to bolster my offense along with barkskin

and the 6 skill point per level.

That is for the pro

Con: while i don't see that many the buff to combat from the investigator will come online only around 5th when i can take the investigator talent that lets me use the studied combat at swift action.

So looking heavily at my possible options for class with a familiar i am finding a hard time to figure something i like.

- I only have access to the PFSRD

- Witch brings the familiar some curse to be used out of combat (with the advantages of not requiring spellcasting. Useful to slumber someone without making noises)

-Wizard for the familiar and energy admixture

-Sorc for the orc bloodline to bolster our shocking grasp

-Shaman for the divine spell and familiar

-Arcanist for the familiar and ability to mix spell when on the nedd (don't really see anything else for it)

Any advice?

Grand Lodge

As said in the title i am looking for ways to reduce Arcane Spell Failure imposed by wearing armor.

Tks in advance

Grand Lodge

Tree form: Tree Form (Sp): As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Large living or dead tree or shrub, as tree shape. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Small or Medium plant creature, as plant shape I. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large plant creature, as plant shape II. At 13th level, you can assume the form of a Huge plant creature, as plant shape III. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour/level. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Water Form (Su): As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Small water elemental, as elemental body I. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Medium water elemental, as elemental body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Large water elemental, as elemental body III. At 13th level, you can assume the form of a Huge water elemental, as elemental body IV. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour/level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.


My question is the following if you remove armor / shield then transform using either ability into a medium plant (humanoid shape) or water elementer could you wear again your magical (medium size) armor shield?

This is for PFS. (so need ruling or FAQ or other legal proofs)

We all assume that magical armor fits a size sized creature Humanoids type (1/2 orc, dwarf, elves, fey etc..)

Polymorph sub school:

When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body. Items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to function while melded in this way (with the exception of armor and shield bonuses, which cease to function).

Grand Lodge

And the :

Overhand Chop (Ex)

At 3rd level, when a two-handed fighter makes a single attack (with the attack action or a charge) with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.
This ability replaces Armor Training 1.

How much damage would someone with 18 Str be doing with with an overhand chop ?

Grand Lodge

Hello to all

going to play in a world where arcane magic is illegal outside of some government trained wizards.

i am planing to play a sorcerer (15 point buy) core race only level 1 start

i think i am going to have to use silent / still spell metamagic in order to be able to cast most of the time.

do you have any advice to make this work ?

feat / bloodline / archetype that can help to conceal my spellcasting / reduce the cost of these two feats ? / reduce spellcasting time?

tks in advance

Grand Lodge

This is for Pfs since difference of opinion with V-L:

please tell me if the following sequence are legal (and please give the rule to support it as i need to convince V-L if i am correct)

Situation 1
Round 1

Magus Spell Combat :
-Cast Shocking grasp, then use Spellstrike to deliver it. => Misses

then normal attack, with the Shocking grasp still active since it missed. Use Spellstrike => hit

Question is that sequence legal?


Situation 2
Round 1

Magus Spell Combat :
-Cast Shocking grasp, then use Spellstrike to deliver it. => Misses

Round 2

Magus Spell Combat :
-normal attack, with the Shocking grasp still active since it missed. Use Spellstrike => hit

-Cast an other Shocking grasp then use Spellstrike to deliver it.

Question is that sequence legal?


Situation 3
Round 1 (Caster Level 5)

Magus Spell Combat :
-Cast Frostbite, then use Spellstrike to deliver it. => Hit

-Use normal attack , use Spellstrike to deliver an other frostbite => hit

Round 2
-Use normal attack , use Spellstrike to deliver an other frostbite => hit

Question is that sequence legal?


tks you all for your help in advance.

Hello to all.

i am about to set off a game of Red hand of doom set in the March of Sterich in greyhawk

And i am looking for final player who can post more than 5 times a day.

This will be a fast paced game as all players involved are heavy posters.

Campaign starts off this sunday.

Here are the creation rules

Edit This Campaign

Rule Set: ADD 3.5
Books allowed: Phb, Phb2, DMG, All complete, All Race of, DragonMagic, Spellcompendium, All Environmental, No psionics, No Race of Ebberon+Faerun
32 point Buy,
Alignment: All except, CE, NE
Level: 4th, 5000 gp
Hp / level: 1/2HD +1hp (round down)
Party Size: 4-5

DM Note: Enemy are intelligent,organized and ruthless, if you fall they WILL try to finish you off. NO NPC has resurrection spell available in Elsir Vale. If you die you might be able to play a NPC(as is) if unlocked in the story.


Current Year 591 CY


Current party consist of :
Ilmakis: Cleric
Ashern: Fighter
Jello: Bard
Trey: Arcane (possibly Warmage)


I will pick submission on saturday.

you can get a lot of information on this campaign info tab.

Good luck to you all and thank you for reading this

[LE] StoryTeller

The Afternoon sun Beats down on you, the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous. The town of Drelin's Ferry lies a few days East ahead of you.

Frodo the Halfling gem "merchant" you are escorting call for a break for Afternoon tea, after all it's his only 5th meal for the day and Mister frodo sure like all his six food stops.

You have been traveling for a few days already along the old dawn way. It has been rumored to be increasingly more dangerous bandit wise, but so far so good, no trouble has come to find you yet.

Mister frodo is a nice travelling companion and his riding dog "sam" is well behaved.

[LE] StoryTeller

OOC discussion here.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

When casting a regulat spell that is single target, BBEG Fails save the caster know that he has indeed failed against the spell

(per pathfinder core rule page 217: if a creature’s
saving throw succeeds against a targeted
spell, you sense that the spell has failed. You do not
sense when creatures succeed on saves against effect
and area spells.)

but do you know if your target has fails his save against Misfortune hex? (SU)?

tks in advance

Grand Lodge

campgain: evil tone prolly end at level 17

Anti paladin
Cleric (Evil)

We are going to face off L-G pally/inquisitor/Outsiders/Cleric/Arcane Caster etc...

My goal: is to be the all around knowledge/inflitration/disabledevice Secondary Arcane / divine spell caster

-Disable device is class skill via trait. (against Magical traps that i won't be able to disable => dispel Magic)

-inflitration / scouting will be taken care with stealth skill (+bonus from Cloak of darkness) + Deeper darkness spell

-ranks in know: Arcana/ religion/planes

-some ranks in bluff+diplomacy will make me an adequate face

Combat: Melee will be taken care via animal comp (to be dertmind as unfortunatly i won't be able to obtain Magic fang. so Magic DR and low Bab are a problem.

I was thinking of an Ape AC with a weapon prof feat wielding a 2 handed simple weapon augmented by Greater Magic Weapon would help vs a big cat and eldrich claws feat.

what do you guys (and girl) think?

Combat spell:

use of Gift of madness to disable low Will BDF

other save of suck spell that target will or fort or ref

Dark Tapestry 1/2 Elven LoreKeeper

Relevent starting Cha:20

1 Extra Revelation: Cloak of Darkness
1 Revelation: Gift Of madness
1 Bonus Skill focus: Know Nature
3 Revelation: Pierce the Veil
3 Eldrich Heritage: Sylvan
5 Boon Compagnion
7 Feat:
7 Revelation: Brain Drain
9 Extra Revelation: Wings of Darkness
11 Feat: Share spell with Compagnion @ 30ft(can't remember exct feat name
11 Revelation: Interstellar Void
15 Revelation: Many Form

Advice for open feat slot?

Oracle Spell

Lev 2: Hold Person (will)
Lev 3: Blindness (Fort) Bestow Curse (Will)
Lev 5: Constricting Coils (Will)
Lev 6: Harm (Fort)
Lev 8: Antimagic Field

Wiz Spell

I only get to pick one spell per level off the wiz/sorc spell list and i cast it a +1 level (so for me a shield is a 2nd level spell)

Hence i need help suggestion for it

Here is so far my selection of possible choices. Remember i need spell that will be relevent from level 4 to 17 as i cannot change them

Lev 1: Shield / magic missile / Ray of Enfeeblement
Lev 2: Create Pit (Ref) / Glitterdust (AoE Will) / Mirror Image / Acid Arrow (to force concentration check by caster)
Lev 3: Vampiric Touch
Lev 4: Arcane Eyes / Ball Lighning / enervation
Lev 5: Feeblemind / Icy Prison (Ref) / Suffocation (Fort)
Lev 6: Contingency / Disintegrate (Fort) / Flesh to Stone (Fort)
Lev 7: Spell Turning/ Limited Wish
Lev 8: Trap the Soul (Will) / Polymorph Any Object (Fort)

Tks in advance

Grand Lodge

Hello to all

Can 1/2 Elf take elven archetype (elven lorekeeper in this aspect)?

if yes do you need to take feat / traits in order to qualify or the

Type: Half-elves are Humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes

is enough to qualitify?

tks in advance

Grand Lodge

Hello to all,

i was wondering how a bard (dervish of Dawn) could get shield spell?

other question does the eldrich heritage feat allow the bard to get more spell known ? (i don't think it does but i am just checking)

is there the equivalent in PF to the Lyric Feat from Complete Adventurer (AD&D 3.5)?

tks in advance

(overall goal is to make a decent melee / face/stealth char for a rise of rune lord)

Grand Lodge

Hello to all,

just to make sure my understainding is correct (and yes i have used the search message):

A level 12 Bard Dervish Dancer

Starting as a free action a battle dance would:
Gain +3 moral bonus to attack and dam (inspire courage)
Gain +3 untype bonus to attack and +3 Dodge bonus to AC (Rain of blows)
Gain + 1 attack at highest base (Rain of blows)


12 Level Bard Dervish of Dawn

Starting as a free action a battle dance would:
Gain +6 moral bonus to attack and damage (inspire courage double on self)

so in one hand the drevish dancer has same to hit bonus but and exhangd the +3 added damage for a +3 dodge bonus to AC, while adding +1 attack

Am i correct?

they both have to be in battle dance you gain said bonus?


Dervish Dancer other bonus while in battle dance inclued Free improved crit on top of bonus from rain of blows, bonus to land speed (fleet) a somewhat pounce ability (dance of fury)


Dervish of Dawn gains a free feat (dervish dance) usable all the time and the ability to quicken a few cure spells for free with a move action (Meditative whirl)

am i correct?

The reall added bonus of the Dervish of Dawn is the free feat with out the weapon finess pre requisit.
in terms of added abilities (judging form stand alone abilities, no outside buff) when the Dervish dancer has take the to feat (weapon finess+ dervish dance) it apprears to me that the untyped bonus to hit/dodge+ 1 free attack + semi pounce is a bit stronger than the free quicken cure

am i right?

Grand Lodge

Who can disable device magical traps besides the Rogue?

feat? / class abilities / Archetypes / trait?

tks in advance

Grand Lodge

Greetings and hello to all,

i have a few questions to put before you:

Alchemist get mutagen that can enhance their physical form:

(Per Pathfinder SRD: When an alchemist brews a mutagen, he selects one physical ability score—either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. It’s a standard action to drink a mutagen. Upon being imbibed, the mutagen causes the alchemist to grow bulkier and more bestial, granting him a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to the selected ability score for 10 minutes per alchemist level)

The RageChemyst Archetype eventualy (at 6 lv) replace the standart mutagen

with +6 Str and + 4 nat armor bonus)

The Branble Brewer (1/2elfe archetype)

(Per Pathfinder SRD: At 1st level, a bramble brewer's mutagen still contains transformative power, but grants a treelike sturdiness rather than the feral power of standard mutagens. When imbibed, dendrite mutagen grants a +4 natural armor bonus, a +2 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, and a –2 penalty to the corresponding mental ability score (as per the normal mutagen class feature;. In addition, the alchemist gains fast healing 1 as long as he is in an area of bright light (such as sunlight or inside the area of a daylight spell).

This ability otherwise works like the standard mutagen class feature and replaces that ability.)

If one would combine the 2 archetypes

what would you end up with for the mutagen (str bonus / nat armor bonus)?

Tks in advance