Jakardros Sovark

Jakardos's page

10 posts. Alias of DireMerc.


Delian the avatar you picked is a major character in this campaign might be better to pick another.

"Any help is welcome I say" says Jakardos to the newcomers.

"The fort would be safe if the damn is broken it's on higher ground than the damn and overlooks it. Had they tried to approach the damn without taking the fort first we would have seen them for sure. says Jakardos thinking about it.

"That damn has been there for thousands of years bringing it down wont be easy even for ogres. Still it's likely they will eventually succeed. If possible we should scout out the damn and see how much progress they have made."

"You mean besides Fort Rannick? Not really no."

You encounter the bear once more as you leave.

"Kibb! You survived my old friend! says Jakardos as he sees the bear.

The bear motions it's head back and forth making strange body motions.

"Ah I see you were the one who lead them here, good work! Lets head back to town and get ourselves patched up."

Turtleback Ferry is about 5 miles from were you are.

"The fall of the fort yes...Our scouts spotted a large band of ogres nearly two dozen in number going down towards Turtleback Ferry so we headed out to stop them. I took 34 men with me, around half the forces at the fort. When we arrived were we expected to meet them they were nowhere to be found. We searched and found some tracks but far to few for the number we expected. I had a bad feeling so I sent 4 men to search for them and turned everyone else back. When we arrived at the fort it was already under siege, the walls were overrun. We attacked them from behind and the ogres that hadn't climbed the wall yet engaged us. The battle was going well but then we were attacked on our flank by a force of ogrekin and it turned against us. When the battle was lost I ordered the remaining black arrows to disperse into the woods. It's possible a number of us are still out there. Me and my two companions were caught trying to get out so I don't know much beyond that.

"How long?...Hard to say we couldn't see the sun and time was hard to keep track off...Several days...A week maybe?...They tracked us using dogs and caught us as we fled the battle of the fort. As for why they would want to destroy the town...I cant really say destroying the damn itself is a bit clever for ogres not to mention how they took the fort. I didn't see anyone leading the ogres but I think someone clever is leading them yes. I heard some of the men talking about such a barge a while ago yes. What does that have to do with anything?"

The barn is empty.

"Yes, we have not the strength to assault them anyway, I tried with thirty black arrows and only us three survived. Let us head back to Turtleback Ferry."

"You have my thanks for the rescue friends but as I said before the ogre are planning to destroy Turtleback Ferry. I heard our captors talking and they are going to tear apart the damn at skulls crossing and the whole town is going to be sweep away in one giant wave."

"Because it was all my fault and I couldn't bare to stay!" replies Jakardos still shaken by the unexpected reunion. Still he manages to get himself back together.

"We need to speak of this later this isn't the time or place. Can you spare some healing? Me and my men are all injured. Some weapons too would be nice. Have you seen any of our gear?"