Boggard Champion

Jagar's page

5 posts (512 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 aliases.


Male Elf Level 4 Wizard

/?This would be very very interesting. I'm not sure how this would play out for Klinn, but I'm interested in looking into it. For spells per day and number of spells learned, say for Summoner 1/Sorcerer 1, would character know the 2 lvl 1 spells from the summoner list and 2 lvl 1 spells from the Sorcerer spell list or would he have to pick out two spells from both spell lists? It seems like you would get spells per day according to whichever table has a higher value, i.e., they wouldn't get 5 spells per day, but then it seems like it might be confusing about a wizard or cleric/summoner (i.e. prepared casters vs. spontaneous casters).

I don't think it will be a problem for Klinn; My character concept would put him maybe in a Figher/Summoner or summoner/ rouge or who knows what. Anyway, we should have conversations as a party to figure out what holes need to be filled.

Would we add the second class for first level very soon or when we gained level 2?

Male Elf Level 4 Wizard

I'm wondering when we level, particularly the goblin group. We've had a clear diplomatic encounter, three successful combat encounters, ran away from a forest fire, lost a battle to the halfling hoard, and are now facing one bad mo'fo' of a monster. In addition, Jamros is the first character I've made in a long time and I didn't do as much research as I should have, so until we get into some higher levels, he is going to be pretty underpowered (not to mention that the oracle is not the strongest of classes combine with the linear-fighter/quadratic caster effect). I don't want to penalize the vista group for taking forever, but I'm kinda getting tired of level three; I've really done all I can with Jamros as he is now.

That said, I think that the story is a really interesting one and that the world is fantastic. The encounters have been good. I'm hoping we can join in the upcoming battle/siege, either from the inside or the outside. I'm really curious about what is going to happen next and what this thing is/what it wants with me (I assume with me...). Keep up the great work.

On the last encounter:
Encounters (as you well know, but I am just discovering) are hard to gauge: if you lose one, it has pretty big consequences (such as losing all our gear or dieing) but underpowered encounters aren't as exciting. I think that leaving a way of escape for encounters such as the last one would make the "all or nothing" problem of encounters diminish some. Part of the reason that this encounter was so tough is that we were ambushed with our backs to a burning forest. We had nowhere to run, we couldn't coordinate, and they could just pick us off one by one. With 18 or so attacks each round, they could take one of us out each round, so unless we all left the forest at exactly the same time, we were toast. But if there was a safe place to hide and attack from, the encounter may have been a better match. They could come get us, flank us, use those great feats of theirs and we could pick some of them off before they got to us and avoid the devastating number of attacks/round.

Male Elf Level 4 Wizard

I'm in!

Male Elf Level 4 Wizard

Oh I am so in on this! I'll need a little time to rebuild. YAY!!! This is going to be so epic.... How is it that all of my characters are pyros?

Male Elf Level 4 Wizard

Hello Everyone! NM here. I don't have internet at home, so I've been a little delayed in setting everything up. I should be ready for play time this evening, so Monday at noon works well for me. I'll only be able to post after I'm done in the lab for the day, so you can expect my daily posts to be between 5 and 6.

More to follow!