
Corrilwynn's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (5 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

Thanks for your responses. The player I thought was playing a barbarian is thinking about a sorcerer. What can a wizard add to the adventure path that a sorcerer cannot?

Silver Crusade

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We're starting a RotRL campaign with all new RPG players. Nobody in the group of 6 players wants to play an arcane spellcaster. While I haven't read all of the adventure path yet, I was under the impression that an arcane spellcaster would be necessary. For those of you who have run or played through the adventure path, what do you think? If I let everyone play what they want we will have:


Any input is appreciated!

Silver Crusade

I recently ran an "Roleplaying Games for Beginners" event using the Beginner Box at a local game store. Everyone loved the game and asked me to run a campaign for them. I've decided on the updated Rise of the Runelords campaign, with (almost) all the bells and whistles (though I'll probably settle on the pawns over the minatures...tough choice, though), as I think that would be an awesome first RPG campaign experience. To keep things simple for them we're just using the core rules. I would like to run the adventure path with as few stat/encounter modifications as possible so I can spend extra time making Golarion come alive for these new players. I want them to have a great time, so I don't want the adventure to be too lethal, but also want it to be challenging. It looks like I will have 5, maybe 6 players.

What method of character generation would you recommend? 4d6, drop lowest, or a certain level of point buy?

I appreciate any help you can provide.

Silver Crusade

I'll be GMing this adventure in a few days. It looks like I will have 6 PCs. Has anyone run this scenario with that many PCs, and if so, was it too easy for them? Are PFS scenarios to be run as-is, or can you alter encounters to make a scenario more challenging for a larger table? If you can change things, what did you change to make it more challenging for 6 players?