Samaritha Beldusk

Jacynta Laringfass's page

54 posts. Alias of Witch's Knight.

Current Campaign

Eberron Giantslayer (inactive)

The Battle of Bloodmarch Hill
Mysteries in Sylbaran

In the town of Sylbaran an out-of-the-way settlement surrounded by the brutal monsters of the country of Droaam to the south and the undead-infested forests of the Gloaming to the north, the heroes must investigate a mysterious attack on a diplomatic envoy. Can they uncover the truth before Sylbaran comes under attack by forces working against it, and will they stop a dangerous plot—and discover that the situation is worse than anyone realizes. For even the fearsome raid is just a distraction allowing a menacing force to recover the relics of an ancient giant hero from a tomb long forgotten beneath the town.

This is my telling of the Giantslayer Adventure Path by Paizo, set in the Eberron Campaign Setting, created by Keith Baker. I hope you enjoy it.

Here is a write-up of the adventures so far

Music for the flight over Silver Lake
Music for the airship boarding
Map of the Colossus of Stormhome