JacobCaster's page

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Fantastic. Works great with my hunter/assassin cult. If two handed swords can come back into use why not other archaic weapons. Now I have an idea for a taser bolas.... that is fired from a bow.

Taking a little inspiration from Warhammer 40k, Traveller, and Mech Warrior I like the idea that ships and their components are a currency or economy all their own. Most ships are not owned outright by the people who operate and use it. Raise the suggested price to around $100,000 per BP. Ships and components are usually used. Higher level components or ships are quests in themselves.

I would use the BP per level chart as a guideline for what sponsoring organizations are willing to provide for experienced crews and agents. It also explains a complete refit for a ship since it would actually be a requisition. An area might be reasonably well-scouted but there are hostile forces that a dedicated combat ship would be better suited for.

I would add ship level to BP of the frame when calculating the cost and use the level as a limit on how much the frame can handle.

Needs more Casaba Howitzers. Turns a tactical or other low yield nukes into a single use particle gun. It also gets around several point defense systems. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/spacegunconvent.php

Use Pathfinder as the base and bring over stamina, HP, resolve, equipment, classes, feats, and skills. D20 Future will also have a heavy influence for ships and mechs. Have feats from pre saga d20 Star Wars unlock powers and use a single Use the Force skill. Use the armor as DR rules from Pathfinder. Probably use the Elysium Nebula setting. Creatures will be converted from Pathfinder. I do prefer the more detailed breakdown of creature stats and what comes from where or is the sum of inputs. Anything that is not vanilla rules needs that information or it becomes difficult to convert.

There are also weather effects. A ship with, I think, speed 4 or lower might require a piloting check at the GMs discretion. A launch might not be straight up if local weather is a hazard. Crews could easily spend an hour looking for clear skies. An industrial planet could have acid clouds.

While the engines might be power efficient they might not provide enough thrust for rapid takeoff required for real rockets who don't have antigravity and magic. The economics of flight changes to favor space efficient over atmospheric and likely a lack of launch specialized engines. That being said I am sure there are spaceports that provide use of booster rockets or electromagnetic catapults for inpatient paying customers.

"To achieve orbit, the shuttle must accelerate from zero to a speed of almost 28,968 kilometers per hour (18,000 miles per hour), a speed nine times as fast as the average rifle bullet.

To travel that fast, it must reach an altitude above most of Earth's atmosphere so that friction with the air will not slow it down or overheat it. The journey starts relatively slowly: at liftoff, the shuttle weighs more than 2.04 million kilograms (4.5 million pounds) and it takes eight seconds for the engines and boosters to accelerate the ship to 161 kilometers per hour (100 mph.) But by the time the first minute has passed, the shuttle is traveling more than 1,609 kilometers per hour (1,000 mph) and it has already consumed more than one and a half million pounds of fuel." https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/shuttle/reference/basics/launch.html