Full Name |
Spartan II Jacob-414 |
About Jacob 414
Base Stats:
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
W/ Template
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
w/ Levels
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Charismatic 4
HP: 27; DR 4/ballistic
Defense: +5 = +1 Base, +4 Dex
Reputation: +3
Init: +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Implant)
Base Atk Bonus: +2
Melee Atk Bon:+4
Ranged Atk Bon:+6
Fort +4, Reflex +6, Will +3
Action Points: 7
Starting Occupation: Military (Skills Knowledge Tactics, Navigate)
Simple Weapon Proficiency (Charismatic)
Personal Firearms Proficiency (Military Occupation)
Advanced Firearms Proficiency (Bonus)
Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Powered Armor Prof (Bonus)
1: Burst Fire
1: Strafe
2: Point Blank Shot (Charismatic Bonus)
3: Precise Shot
4: Frightful Presence (Charismatic Bonus)
Name/total/ranks/ability modifier
Bluff: 10=7+3 (+4 when lying/cheating)
Diplomacy: 10=7+3 (+4 when lying/cheating)
Disguise: 10=7+3
Gather Information: 10=7+3
Intimidate: 10=7+3
Knowledge (Tactics): 8=6+2
Knowledge (Streetwise): 5=3+2
Listen: 7=0+2+5(implant)
Navigate: 9=7+2
Perform (Sing): 6=3+3
Spot: 7=0+2+5 (implant)
Speak Language: 4 skill points (Arabic, German, Japanese, Spanish)
1: Coordinate
2: Fast Talk
MG6 Pistol 1.8kg
ammo 48rds 0.5kg
Atk Semiauto +6 (2d8 20/x2) Range 18m
Battle Rifle 4.5kg
ammo 144rds 0.9kg
Atk 3 Round Burst +2 (4d8 20/x2) Range 40m
Assault Rifle 4.5kg
ammo 384rds 1.8kg
Atk 6 Round Burst +2 (4d8 20/x2) Range 20m
12 Round Autofire +6 (2d8 20/x2) Range 20m
(3m x 3m area) or (1.5m x 6m area)
Defense 10, Reflex DC 15 for half
Oversized Range Pack 1.36kg
First Aid Kit 1.36kg
Multipurpose Tool 0.23kg
10 Days field rations 5.0 kg
5 Chem light sticks 0.45kg
6 stun grenades 3.0 kg
2 smoke grenades 2.0 kg
Grenade, Stun
A stun grenade deals no damage, but any creature within its 15-foot burst radius that fails a Reflex save (DC 18) must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds on the Reflex save is not required to make a Fortitude save and is unaffected by the grenade. A stun grenade has no effect on robots and other creatures immune to stunning effects.
Smoke Grenade
Military and police forces use these weapons to create temporary concealment. On the round when it is thrown, a smoke grenade fills the four squares around it with smoke. On the following round, it fills all squares within 10 feet, and on the third round it fills all squares within 15 feet. The smoke obscures all sight, including the darkvision ability granted by night vision goggles. Any creature within the area has total concealment (attacks suffer a 50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target). It disperses after 10 rounds, though a moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smoke in 4 rounds and a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses it in 1 round. Smoke grenades are available in several colors, including white, red, yellow, green, and purple. As such, they can be used as signal devices
Light Armor 15.0kg
* Damage Reduction: 2/energy
* Maximum DEX Bonus: +6
* Armor Check Penalty: -0
* Weight: 5kg
* Encumbrance: 20m
* Heads-Up-Display: An integrated HUD displays the information provided by the equipment and sensors built into the ODST armor as well as providing the display for weapon scopes.
* Motion Tracker: If a creature within 25m moved, used a weapon or piece of equipment, or doged an attack, during (or after) it's last turn, you can pinpoint it's location even through thin walls and smoke or fog. This does not give you line of sight and you still suffer the miss chance from opponents you can not see.
* GPS Reciver: This device allows you to determine your exact location in relation to an orbiting device, usually on a sattelite or a starship. If you also know the coordinates of a location, you can plot a course to that location with out making Survival checks to avoid becoming lost.
* Comm System: Allows you to communicate with anyone transmiting on your frequency. This device is equipped with a scanner that will find any transmissions available. However, some transmissions may be encripted and need an IFF code to decifer. A portable computer can be used in conjunction with a comm system to decifer the encripted IFF code.
* Medical Sensors: These sensors monitor your vital signs and give anyone making Treat Injury checks on the wearer of the armor a +5 equipment bonus.
* Weapon Sensor Integration: Displays information about your weapon, such as remaining ammo, on your HUD.