
Jacknife's page

151 posts. Organized Play character for Deevor.

Full Name

Ghashri 'Jacknife' Hazrid known as Jak


HP 32/32, AC 19/21 F: +8/ R: +9 / W: +4 Perception +6


Hero Points: 1/1, Active Conditions: n/a; Speed 30ft; Default Exploration Activity: Avoid Notice


Human(Skilled) Fighter/Rogue(dedication) 2

Strength 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Jacknife

Human fighter 2
NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +6
Languages Common, Kelish
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Crafting +4, Diplomacy +5, Katapesh Lore +4, Library Lore +4, Medicine +0, Stealth +7, Survival +0, Thievery +7
Str 16 (+3), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)
Other Items steel shield, studded leather, main-gauche, sap, shortbow, warhammer, whip, arrows (10), basic crafter's book, repair kit, thieves' tools, purse (1 sp)
AC 19 (21 with shield raised); Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +4
HP 32 Hero Points 1;
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] dagger +9 (agile, finesse, versatile(S)), Damage 1d6+3 P
Melee [1] sap +9 (nonlethal, agile), Damage 1d6+3 B
Melee [1] shield bash +9 (attached to shield), Damage 1d4+3 B
Melee [1] warhammer +9 (shove), Damage 1d8+3 B
Melee [1] whip +9 (nonlethal, disarm, trip, finesse, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+3 S
Ranged [1] shortbow +9 (deadly (1d10), range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 P
Feats Exacting Strike, Fast Recovery, General Training, Pickpocket, Shield Block, Fleet, Rogue(dedication), Quick Jump, Steady Balance
Other Abilities attack of opportunity, generalist, grand archive champion, Qadira, shield block, surprise attack
School Item Minor Healing Potion

PFS Basics:

Deevor 12784
Jacknife 2011
XP 5
Faction: Grand Archive: Reputation 5
Radiant Oath: 2
Downtime: Performance +7
PFS Training:
Build Starting Gold 0.1gp
Current Gold: 15.2gp
1) Pathfinder Society Bounty #1: The Whitefang Wyrm (+1 XP, +1 Grand Archive, +4.0gp, spent 0.3gp)
2) Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-12: The Burden of Envy (+4 XP, +4 Grand Archive, +14.4gp, spent 0.3gp)
1) Pathfinder Society Bounty #16: Boom Town Betrayal (+1 XP, +1 Grand Archive, +4.0gp, spent 0.3gp)


Human fighter 1
NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +5
Languages Common, Kelish
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +6, Crafting +3, Diplomacy +4, Katapesh Lore +3, Library Lore +3, Medicine +0, Survival +0, Thievery +6
Str 16 (+3), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)
Other Items steel shield, studded leather, main-gauche, sap, shortbow, warhammer, whip, arrows (10), basic crafter's book, repair kit, thieves' tools, purse (1 sp)
AC 18 (20 with shield raised); Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +3
HP 20 Hero Points 1;
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] main-gauche +8 (versatile S, disarm, agile, finesse, parry), Damage 1d4+3 P
Melee [1] sap +8 (nonlethal, agile), Damage 1d6+3 B
Melee [1] shield bash +8 (attached to shield), Damage 1d4+3 B
Melee [1] warhammer +8 (shove), Damage 1d8+3 B
Melee [1] whip +8 (nonlethal, disarm, trip, finesse, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+3 S
Ranged [1] shortbow +8 (deadly (1d10), range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6 P
Feats Exacting Strike, Fast Recovery, General Training, Pickpocket, Shield Block, Fleet
Other Abilities attack of opportunity, generalist, grand archive champion, qadira, shield block
School Item Minor Healing Potion

background stuff:

man dressed in the clothes from the dry deserts of the south, seems strangely out of place in the Crown of the World. However caravans need protecting with their precious cargoes bound for Tian Xai. What Jac had not realised was the caravans can be bought out from the intended journey and their guards replaced. Even after the months of travel, beating back bandits and then moving through other lands with strange, wonderous and dangerous reptiles he is left here. Aaminiut a cold and wet town, a place so alien to a man that spent his youth scraping by in Katheer, begging for scraps and pocketing anything that slipped from merchants or the wealthy's pockets.

So here he is in the cold north, in need of gold and with nothing but his connections to the Pathfinders and hopefully their networks that come even this far north. His fingers cold, too cold to dip into deep pockets to retrieve some trinket. Instead, he will have to use his fighting abilities once more to help him through and survive. Surviving is what he does best.

Entering the Inn, he surveys the Erutaki and Ulfen, only to be surprised to see a small man, no dwarf, wearing the style from Quadira. The man nimbly wanders over, and introduces himself. "People call me Jacknife, from Katheer. Do you mind?" he asks as he nestles himself on the seat opposite the dwarf.

Jacknife winces with every sip of the ale, too dark, too strong, too much bitterness, just like this place and it's weather. Despite that he nods in appreciation for Snoslun's generosity. Keeping his intimate knowledge of the back alleys and the market places in Katheer, Jac is happy to talk of the sun and the blue skies, he misses so much.

However when more companions appear, Jac is quite happy to let the other three talk a while, whilst he scans the place. Too often a safe haven, or tavern as you would know it, has been horribly been violated by being descended upon by the watch or other enforcers, old habits die hard. Returning his attention to the table, he looks across at Ysoldt watching the way the woman moves, now that her large coat is removed. He follows the way her lithe body seems but stronger than her appearance and can hold the questions in no longer, "So Ysoldt, you are here because?.... I mean you carry few weapons, but don't wear a robe with sigils of magic, or carry a holy relic, so what do you bring? My friend Snoslun and I carry weapons, it seems Ducina carries a guitar, I just wondered?"

Jac appreciates the answers from Ysoldt, "I'm sure we can work together well. Those tools are almost as finely made as mine." he smiles and winks at her. "Your abilities are no doubt more advanced then mine, but my hand has reached into the deep pockets of Katheer and not been removed. At least not yet." the man laughs. "Such gift allowed me to buy these fine weapons." he shows Ysoldt his warhammer and tightly coiled leather whip.

Leaving his wooden mug half full on the table, the tall slim man walks across the bar to see what the poster is all about. As he leaves the table, he says politely, "My friends excuse me, but if this is an offer of paid help, I need the money, my purse is rather light." He joins the group reading the poster. As he joins the group of people whose attention is taken by the poster, he attempts to take a purse hanging over a wealthy man's pocket.

He jostles closer through the crowd and reads the poster.

Reading the poster Jac smiles Out into the wilds, best get some warmer clothes and gloves to keep the cold at bay. What a god forbidden place this is, where the snow still falls even now. I just hope with what we earn, I can find a trip back south.