![]() About Jack ThomassonSTATUS: Ready for submission, but I would like to do some more editing, and create a list of scrolls he owns. Description:
Jack would come across as a nondescript young man, were it not for his tattoos. They are scattered across his arms and legs, each an individual piece rather than a themed whole. On the occasions when he takes his shirt off, his back and chest look to have been both the starting location, holding the older tattoos, and are much more densely packed. It’s then becomes obvious that moving to the arms and legs was a matter of space rather than fashion. He wears comfortable, much patched, practical clothes with no concessions to fashion. He carries a backpack with a portable easel attached to the back, and in his hands holds a book nearly as big. Personality:
Jack is unsure of himself. He’s not been tested, and doubts his own power. He acts enthusiastic when he’s nervous or unsure, which is a lot of the time. He’s aware he’s out of his depth, and is smart enough to look for ways to fix that. Jack is highly educated, but does not realise exactly how well educated he is. His only points of reference are a highly educated master and farmers. He’s a devotee of Shelyn and Sarenrae. He believes in the importance of beauty, and that even monsters have the potential for redemption. When afraid he tries to hide rather than fight. His anger is rare, but spectacular. build:
Much of the capabilities are self evident, but I believe: Utility; excellent. Dozens of spells are available, and with fast study a spell can be prepared in a minute. Spell Sage allows access to the bard, cleric and druid spell list spontaneously for amazing condition removal. Guardian Spirit and other summons allow indirect access to even more spells. Scout; excellent. Plethora of spells for information access. Access to many knowledges to understand. Resummonable Guardian Spirit with very useful abilities. Para-familiar for aerial surveillance. Battlefield Control; reasonable. primarily through being a focused summoner, though there are some spells like obscuring mist, darkness and even hydraulic push. Blaster; reasonable. Capable of one good, big spell Buff; poor. Has access to Haste though. Debuff; poor. Note the build will power up significantly if it acquires the big 6 magic items. Didn’t really make sense for an apprentice to have them, though. Summary - The Obvious:
Jack is an apprentice, struggling to fill in for his much more powerful master using his master’s massive spellbook, scrolls, and inherited magical tattoos. He has a familiar, Tantibus, who looks like a miniature nightmare dragon. He can also call upon Kedi, a silvanshee ex-familiar of his master, when he needs more help. Character Arc: Can Jack rise to the challenge, and fill his master’s shoes? Summary - The Secret:
There is every possibility Jack is destined to become an evil archmage. He was kidnapped by cultists for that purpose and put through rituals before he was rescued. His familiar is a nightmare dragon. Tattoos given him during those rituals raise his power to terrifying levels. His own mentor didn’t trust him and tattooed a warden/bodyguard onto his skin, and the Silvanshee he thinks of as an older sister has orders to kill him should things go bad. Character Arc: When will Jack find this out? How will knowing Jack was altered by cultists, restrained by his beloved master affect him? Will he turn evil? Does Jack need to be stopped, while he still can be? Summary - The Bigger Secret:
The ritual the cultists used was to find talent, not to create it. There’s no dark god powering Jack - Jack is a prodigy at magic. Jack grew up with a mentor terrified every time he showed power. He never consciously realised it, but subconsciously he sabotages his own spells, unless he can attribute that power to something else. He works, without realising it, to look harmless. His familiar isn’t whispering words from some other world, he’s effectively a manifestation of Jack’s desperate need not to be alone. Arc: Can Jack realise and accept his power, and gain enough maturity to undo his self-sabotage? Jack, according to Jack:
”Uh, I’m Jack Thomasson - John Thomas' Son really but everyone calls me Jack. I don’t know where I was born, or who my parents are. When I was young I was kidnapped by cultists. They called me Jack, so that must be my name, but I don’t really much of that time. They’re the ones who gave me my first tattoos, we think. We - my master, Thomas Thomas' Son. He is this big adventuring wizard. He rescued me from the cultists - and took them all down. He was looking for my parents for age, but then stopped and decided to adopt me. He never says why, but… I think the cultists killed my parents when they stole me. Thomas retired when he adopted me. He taught me magic - he says I’ve got talent, but I always seem to be making mistakes and forgetting things. I like magic - it’s like painting. You mix a bunch of things together. If you do it right you get something amazing. If you do it wrong you get a useless mess. I guess it’s like alchemy, as well, but I mostly do magic and painting. I paint a lot of nature - I like to go walking when I’m not in lessons, and the views are amazing where we are. We live in a little cottage by a lake, up in the mountains. It’s a two hour hike to the nearest village, and fifteen to the nearest town. There’s a couple of farmers near us, and we trade with them for food. The farmers, mostly - though villagers turn up to see the “old wise man” from time to time. We’ve had two wizards turn up to talk, but I think they had some sort of argument with Thomas. Thomas was 68 when he adopted me - he lost his family when he was younger. Now he’s 85, and he almost never leaves the cabin. I don’t think he’s gone adventuring since I was six. His Familiar, Kedi, used to look after me when he left, so I was perfectly safe. Really she probably did more to look after me when I was a kid than Thomas did. She says when she agreed to come down to help Thomas as his familiar she thought she’d be fighting evil, not magicking nappies. Oh, she’s from Nirvana, where Shelyn and Sarenrae live. Anyway, she went back to Nirvana a few years ago, but she told me her name so I could call her when I needed help or advice. I do get a bit lonely. The other kids don’t really want to play with me much. We used to play a bit when I was younger, but as they got older they mostly do farm work. I tried helping, but they caught me talking to their pigs, and getting answers, and one of them went vegetarian and then I wasn’t allowed to help. I have Kedi - but she can’t come down for long. Thomas is good, but he’s old now, and while I like chess I get a bit bored of it. He refuses to use magic to let me go interesting places. Mostly I just hang out with Tantibus. Tantibus is a Nightmare Dragon, but he’s okay. I used to have these nightmares when I was younger. I don’t really remember them, but I know that something was waiting for me in the dark when I fell asleep. One night he was talking about redeeming, and he said sometimes if you talked to monsters you could find out what they want and you could stop being enemies. I thought about it, and the next morning I decided to summon the thing in my nightmares into an inverted magic circle. It was Tantibus! Turns out he was only in my nightmares because he was hungry. I agreed to feed him if he became my friend and he agreed. He’s stayed with me ever since. Thomas was NOT happy - but I was following his advice! He doesn’t like Tantibus, but Tanti is okay. I’m almost a journeyman now. Thomas’s been giving me some tattoos to help me and protect me, and even transferring some of his ancestral tattoos. He says soon I’ll be ready to have my own spellbook and leave home, but he’s been saying that for years. The other day Thomas got a message through some sort of psychic projection. Next thing you know we packed up everything and left! Jack, according to Kedi:
The first thing you have to understand is that Jack isn’t evil. And that is thanks to Thomas and I. I was serving as a familiar to Thomas Thomas' son when he found Jack. Thomas was a powerful wizard - for a human - and devoted to my mistress Sarenrae. Thus when he beseeched her for help in his work to protect these lands, she sent me to act as his assistant and advisor. For decades we served the Bishopric together; we tracked down and dispatched all manner of diabolists and monsters. On our last such expedition I used my cat guise to infiltrate a town where there had been fiend sightings, and unexplained disappearances. There I found a cult dedicated to creating a new kingdom where their own twisted faith would rule supreme. Their pan hinged on the coming of some ‘wizard-king’ who would lead them to power. We attacked, and found they had Jack. He was in surprisingly good health, but tattooed with a strange, twisted symbol. Thomas and I took him back to our base, and I researched the cultist’s notes while Thomas attempted to remove the tattoo. No matter the magic it proved unshiftable. The notes indicated the child had been stolen - bit of more concern was that Jack was the ‘king’ the cult waited for. A human of great magical power who would conquer the mortal world for his dark master. Jack was, according to the notes, two years and three weeks old at this time. Thomas’ initial response - after magical investigation of Jack - was to dismiss the threat. Perhaps the cult had intended to twist the boy, but all investigation revealed him to be utterly normal. We continued to look for a way to remove the tattoo and find the boy’s family. He’d been with us for three weeks when everything changed. When the temporary nanny we had engaged was away Thomas and I had been entertaining Jack with a simple cantrip that created mobile points of light. A simple enough spell, but one he found endlessly amusing. One night Thomas put Jack to bed, and then heard giggling. He returned to find the lights active. He chided me for keeping the boy awake, but I had not done it. We returned to the room and dispelled the effect. Jack cried, which was expected, and then cast the spell himself, which was not. “Dancing Lights” is far from a complex spell. Indeed often it is used as an exercise to help a neophyte wizard to learn to concentrate. It is not so simple, however, that one would expect a two year old to reverse engineer the spell and cast it after a few weeks of demonstration. Thomas himself learned the spell in a month when he was fourteen, and was accounted something of a prodigy. Thomas was shocked. He revised the cultist’s material himself, and determined to measure Jack’s aptitude. He spent a week teaching the basics of wizardry to Jack, in which time the boy learned two more spells. There was no doubt Jack’s talent surpassed mere prodigy and bordered on superhuman. Thomas cut off all lessons while he thought on this, only to discover the seed he had planted could not be un-germinated. Without formal training Jacks talent struggled - but he still advanced at a prodigious rate. A month after training ceased we discovered one of his finger paintings was in fact a spellbook page for the casting of Prestidigitation. The whirls, curls and colours acted as mnemonic devices as easily for Jack as words and symbols did for Thomas. Thomas faced a dilemma. Released into the world it was unthinkable that Jack would not eventually find a mentor. Detained he would still learn magic - presumably to effect an escape. Only death or serious incapacity would stop the boy gaining power and one day becoming one of the most powerful wizards on the plane - exactly as the cult planned. On the other hand as a servant of Sarenrae he could not kill or harm an innocent for what he might do. Stuck on the horns of this dilemma Thomas found a third option. He retired. He cut almost all of his ties and faded into obscurity. He purchased a small cottage at the far end of this Bishopric, far away from anyone. He took Jack with him, adopted the boy, and taught him magic. No fool, though, he took precautions. Firstly; Thomas was determine that Jack should think himself normal - as normal as possible - until the point he had an adult’s mind to understand the power he bore. Jack was kept from interacting with other wizards wherever possible. Where visitors were impossible to prevent the visitors were required to uphold an illusion that Jack was simply a normal apprentice - despite that by twelve he had mastered second order spells. Secondly; Jack’s mind was tampered with by Thomas. He was regularly checked for a tendency to evil. Certain contingencies were placed in his mind. From time to time certain memories would be excised, to be stored as tattoos on the boy’s body. Thirdly; Thomas went to some effort to craft a Tattoo Guardian, which lives on Jack’s body - without Jack’s knowledge. While it is ordered to protect him it is, unknown to Jack, also set up as a failsafe. There is a passphrase - seventeen unusual words- that if uttered will trigger the tattoo to rende Jack apart. Only Thomas and I know the passphrase. All Jack’s memories of the tattoo have been excised as tattoos. Fourthly; Myself. Armed with the passphrase, and with a better knowledge of Jack than he has himself. Thomas dismissed me to return to Nirvana and petition to allow me to serve as a Guardian Spirit to the boy. This has been done, and when the boy uses one of my lesser names to call me to him I do my best to act as an ethical advisor. In all our times together Thomas has only come close to destroying the boy three times. When Jack was six we discovered he had taken to Charming the nearby farm children - investigation showed he hadn’t understood what he’d done. When he was eight he summoned a para-dragon from his nightmares to serve as a sort of familiar. Despite the questionable pact forged between himself and the dragon, full investigation revealed the dragon was not summoned but instead created. The pact had no impact on Jack’s soul, and in fact showed he had embraced Sarenrae’s teachings. Finally when he was fifteen the neighbouring farmer claimed Jack had kidnapped his daughter and fled. Investigation revealed the girl had decided to run away from home, and Jack had agreed to accompany her - no magic was involved. The children were returned and Thomas ensured Jack’s memory of the event was removed. Jack is not evil. Perhaps one day he will turn evil - and if he does, and I have failed, then on that day I will be waiting. stats:
Jack Thomas' Son aka John Thomasson NG Medium Humanoid (Human) Wizard (Spell Sage) Init +2; Senses normal; Perception +7 ----- Defense ----- AC 12/16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex,4 Armor if Mage Armor is active). Can use Tattoo’s AC if better. hp 44 (7d6+12) Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5 ----- Offense ----- Speed 30 ft. Melee +3 club (1d6) Book can be used as a club, but should not be. Ever. Ranged per spell Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Memorised Spells (CL 7th, 8th for conjuration; concentration +12) 0th (4)l—zz, zz, zz, zz 1st (6)—zz, zz, zz, zz, zz, zz 2nd (4)—zz, zz, zz, zz 3rd (3)—zz, zz, zz 4th (2)—zz, zz ----- Statistics ----- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13 Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Varisian Tattoo (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Fast Study, Summon Guardian Spirit, Tattoo Attunement Skills +9 Appraise 1r+5 int+3 trained +5 Bluff 5r+0 cha +14 Craft Painting 6b+5 int+3 trained +9 Craft Alchemy 1b+5 int+3 trained +6 Fly 1r+2 dex+3 trained +15 Know Arcana 7r+5 int+3 trained +13 Know Dungeoneering 5r+5 int+3 trained +9 Know Engineering 1r+5 int+3 trained +9 Know Geo 1r+5 int+3 trained +12 Know History 4r+5 int+3 trained +13 Know Nature 5r+5 int+3 trained +9 Know Nobility 1r+5 int+3 trained +13 Know Planes 5r+5 int+3 trained +13 Know Religion 5r+5 int+3 trained +15 Linguistics 7r+5 int+3 trained +7 Perception 7r+0 wis +15 Spellcraft 7r+5 int+3 trained +1 Survival 1r+0 wis Traits Student of Philosphy, Twisted Tattoo Languages (still to pick; common +12) ----- Special Abilities ----- Focussed Spells (Su) once per day the spell sage's understanding of spells allows him to increase his caster level by 4 for a single spell cast. Spell Study (Su) 1/day. Spontaneously cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or druid spell list as if it were a wizard spell he knew and had prepared. Casting the spell requires the spell sage to spend 1 full round per spell level of the desired spell (if the spell is on multiple spell lists indicated above, using the lowest level from among those lists) and requires expending two prepared spells of that spell level or higher; if the spell's casting time is normally 1 full round or longer, this is added to the spell sage's casting time. For example, if a spell sage wants to use spell study to cast cure light wounds (cleric spell level 1st), he must spend 2 full rounds casting and expend two prepared wizard spells of 1st level or higher. ----- Equipment ----- Tattoo Guardian (14.5K) Wizard kit (21) 21lbs Ink (8) - Masterwork survival kit (50) 5lbs Masterwork Tool Painting (50) Masterwork Backpack (50) Rope (1) Draconic Ally Component used for spell (250) Thomason Spellbook (7996) 18 lbs 500gp of scrolls in the spellbook. Still need to work out which... 85gp spellbook:
Mechanically the spellbook is actually a number of spellbooks; Traveller’s Tome Preconstructed Spellbook, Book of Harms Preconstructed Spellbook, Wisdom of Jatember Preconstructed Spellbook, a Blank Spellbook (as a Focus for Page Bound Epiphany) and finally Jack’s spellbook, including 2 2nd and 2 3rd copied spells as per discussion. Traveller’s Tome 2nd—glide, knock, levitate, rope trick 1st—ant haul, enlarge person, erase, expeditious retreat, gravity bow, hold portal, jump, magic weapon, shield Book of Harms 3rd—fireball, lightning bolt 2nd—acid arrow, darkness, ghoul touch, gust of wind 1st—burning hands, color spray, corrosive touch, hydraulic push, hypnotism, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shocking grasp Wisdom of Jatembe 3rd—beast shape I, clairaudience/clairvoyance, planar inquiry, tongues 2nd—alter self, detect thoughts, locate object, obscure object, see invisibility 1st—celestial healing, comprehend languages, detect undead, endure elements, heightened awareness, hydraulic push, identify, obscuring mist Personal (5 int = 9 x 1st, 4x2nd, 4x3rd, 2x4th, plus 2 2nd and +2 3rd bought seperately) 4th - (2) Summon Monster IV, Secure Shelter 3rd - (6) Summon Monster III, Phantom Steed, Ablative Barrier, Arcane Sight, Haste, Draconic Ally 2nd -(6) Book Ward, Page Bound Epiphany, Secret Page, Bestow Insight, Hidden Knowledge, Make Whole 1st - (10) Summon Monster I, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Crafter’s Fortune, Mage Armor, Skim, Feather Fall, Blood Money, Vanish, Transfer Tattoo It is also an Arcane Family Workbook It allows 0th-3rd level spells to be cast as if using Stylized Spell. This was worked out by finding the cost for a +1 lesser metamagic rod as a base (3000) and then reversing the formula given for making a permanent item charged (divide by (5 divided by charges)). This came out to 5000gp. Switching between sections takes a move action. It requires 5 Book Wards to protect it. The different spellbooks are mechanically still different, just ‘glued together’. This means learning a spell from a preconstructed spellbook requires spellcraft rolls, and three spells must be memorised from that section in order to use the preparation ritual This book is massive, easily two feet high, a foot and half wide, and a foot thick. Metal sheets protect the book, locking in three places. A fold out pole is built into the back plate, ready to turn the book into a makeshift podium. The reading material inside is densely written in dozens of hands, the combined work of generations of masters scribing their secrets. Many pages are illuminated, but copious notes cover every page; words in different colours written between sentences, charcoal sketches of foes faced in the margins, even attached pages and the occasional illusionary figure. Rainbows of ribbons fall through the pages, and forests of tags poke out every side. Many pages have secret pages - hidden information available only to those who know the secret words. A large number of these secret words are grimly sketched in on facing pages. Apart from the priceless knowledge of wizardry contained within, the book also contains a wealth of spells - and every spell carefully annotated with generations of tweaks and tricks. This allows a caster to cast the spells in a variety of subtly different ways. Only the two newest spells contained in the book are without this wealth of information. The first page within the book is Thomas Thomas’ Son Page Bound Epiphany. Cast on the spellbook this spell adds even more notes, and fills every page to the very brim with more information. tattoos:
Many different tattoos. Twisted Tattoo, Varisian Tattoo, Tattoo Guardian, Hidden Knowledge Tattoo, possible a summoned creature tattoo. Hidden Knowledge Tattoo: A detect magic spell or a successful Linguistics or Spellcraft check (DC 20 + your Intelligence modifier) reveals an enchanted tattoo, but not its contents. Tantibus CR1:
draconic ally wrote: from the book; Treat this servant as a pseudodragon with all of the abilities granted by one of the following spells: form of the alien dragon I, form of the dragon I, or form of the exotic dragon I. Your draconic ally can use its breath weapon once per day. form of the alien dragon I wrote:
Assuming this means Tanti only gets the nightmare dragon specific abilities. Note: Tanti is not a summoning spell, and so Augment Summoning does not applyNG Tiny dragon Init +2; Senses blindsense 60 ft., See in Darkness., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6 DEFENSE AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) hp 15 (2d12+2) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4 (+4 vs mind-affecting effects) Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 12 OFFENSE Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee sting +6 (1d3–2 plus poison), bite +6 (1d2–2) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. (5 ft. with tail) STATISTICS Str 7, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 10 (14 vs. trip) Feats Weapon Finesse Skills Diplomacy +5, Fly +15, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +19 (+23 in Forests), Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth (improves to +8 in forests) Languages Draconic; telepathy (60 ft.) SPECIAL ABILITIES Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes; effect sleep for 1 minute; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Breath Weapon 1/day (Su) 30ft cone of 6d8 acid damage. Reflex Halved. Psuedodragons wrote:
nightmare dragons wrote:
Guardian Tattoo CR 3:
N Medium construct Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1 DEFENSE AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) hp 42 (4d10+20) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +2 3/4/5 for Jack Defensive Abilities worn form, fluid form, hypervigilant; Immune construct traits OFFENSE Speed 30 ft., fly 10 ft. Melee 2 ink blades +6 (1d6+2) STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 17, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 13 Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 19 Feats Improved InitiativeB SQ bodyguard SPECIAL ABIILITIES Bodyguard (Su) Whenever the tattoo guardian’s wearer takes damage, half of the damage is transferred to the guardian (as shield other). Additionally, the tattoo guardian gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against any creatures that damaged its wearer in the previous round. Fluid Form (Su) A tattoo guardian does not provoke attacks of opportunity because of movement. It is immune to critical hits and sneak attacks, and it cannot be knocked prone or grappled. Hypervigilant (Su) A tattoo guardian gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Reflex saves, and it always acts on the surprise round. Worn Form (Su) While being worn, a tattoo guardian occupies the same space as its wearer and moves with its wearer. In this state, the wearer and the tattoo guardian use the higher of the wearer’s and the tattoo guardian’s AC and saving throws, but the tattoo guardian loses access to its fluid form ability. tattoo guardian wrote:
Kedi CR 4:
Divine Guardian IV Silvanshee w/ Augment Summoning NG Tiny outsider (agathion, extraplanar, good) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10 Defense AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size) hp 38 (4d10+16) Fort 4b+4a+5l Ref 4b+4a+5l, Will 1b+2a+5l; +4 vs. poison DR 5/evil or silver; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, sonic 10; SR 15 Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (good) Melee bite +10 (1d3–1), 2 claws +10 (1d2–1) Special Attacks heroic strength, pounce Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +??) Constant—know direction, speak with animals At will—dancing lights, prestidigitation, stabilize, guidance 1/day—dimension door (self plus 5 lbs. of objects only), detect thoughts, call lightning, invisibility, protection from evil 1/week—commune (6 questions, CL 12th) Statistics Was: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13 Now: Str 9, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 20 Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon FinesseB , +1(3rd) Skills Acrobatics +11, Climb +7, Fly +6, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +10, Stealth +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth needs to be calculated and rebuilt. Skill points should be 6+int=7=28. The following are class skills for outsiders: Bluff, Craft, Knowledge (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth + 4 type specifc ones. Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal +1 free; speak with animals, truespeech SQ cat’s luck, flight, lay on hands (3d6, 1/day, always as a 2nd(5th?)-level paladin, modified), spectral mist, smite threat, fated guardian Ecology Environment any land (Nirvana) Organization solitary, pair, or clowder (3–10) Treasure standard Special Abilities Defensive Abilities: The guardian spirit has an amount of spell resistance equal to 11 + its CR unless the base creature’s SR was higher. Ability Scores: The guardian spirit’s Charisma score becomes 18 unless the base creature’s Charisma score was higher. Each of the guardian spirit’s ability scores increases when it’s summoned by higher-level spells, as noted on the Conjured Guardian table. Question: do these stack? I have assumed not. Special Attacks: If the guardian spirit has extraordinary or supernatural abilities that deal hit point damage measured in dice, the number of dice increases by an amount equal to the level of spell used to conjure it – 3. If the ability requires at least a standard action to activate and has an instantaneous duration, the damage increases by an additional die. Special: The guardian spirit gains a smite and additional special abilities as noted on the table. Smite Threat (Su): Once per day as a swift action, the guardian spirit can add its Charisma bonus on attack rolls and its HD on damage rolls against a foe that currently threatens its ward or has attacked the ward within the past 24 hours; this smite persists until the target is dead or the summoning of the guardian spirit ends. If the spirit is summoned by a 6th-level spell, it can use smite threat an additional time per day, and if the spirit is summoned by a 9th-level spell, it can use smite threat a third time per day. Spell-Like Abilities: A guardian spirit’s caster level for its spell-like abilities is equal to its Challenge Rating + 1, or to the base creature’s caster level, whichever is higher. It can cast guidance at will. For every spell level of the conjuration spell used to call or summon it (such as planar ally, planar binding, or summon monster if the summoner has the Summon Guardian Spirit feat), the guardian spirit gains access to additional spell-like abilities from this list; Chill touch, ill omenAPG, protection from chaos/evil/good/law (choose one; its alignment descriptor must oppose the guardian spirit’s alignment), Call lightning, detect thoughts, invisibility. Cat’s Luck (Su) A silvanshee adds its Charisma modifier as a luck bonus on all its saving throws. Once per day as a standard action, it can also grant this bonus to one ally within 30 feet for 10 minutes. Heroic Strength (Su) Once per day, a silvanshee can grant itself a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute. Note: enhancement does not stack, so effectively +4 Spectral Mist (Su) A silvanshee can assume an eerie, mist-like form roughly the size and shape of a cat. This ability has the same effect as a gaseous form spell, except the silvanshee retains its own DR and supernatural abilities and can move at its normal speed. It can remain in mist form up to 5 minutes per day. This duration does not have to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Smite Threat (Su): Once per day as a swift action, the guardian spirit can add its Charisma bonus on attack rolls and its HD on damage rolls against a foe that currently threatens its ward or has attacked the ward within the past 24 hours; this smite persists until the target is dead or the summoning of the guardian spirit ends. If the spirit is summoned by a 6th-level spell, it can use smite threat an additional time per day, and if the spirit is summoned by a 9th-level spell, it can use smite threat a third time per day. Fated Guardian (Su): When conjured by a 4th-level or higher spell, a guardian spirit can protect the destiny of another creature within 30 feet as a standard action once per day. For 1 round, any time the creature makes an attack or attempts a saving throw, it rolls twice and takes the better result. Silvanshee wrote: