Jabmist's page

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jtgibson wrote:
Jabmist wrote:

How about Emailing me the PDF once it has been personalized?

Then I can make a request and get off your system, knowing that eventually (hours?) I will have a shiny new Personalized PDF.

Saves on storage, traffic (as users click and reclick the links.)
and keeps people happy with company knowing they will get their files as soon as they are ready.

I pondered this solution myself, but it's imperfect, since many email servers have bandwidth caps, storage quotas, and monthly transmission limits. The full-sized (non-"lite") core rulebook is 120 209 268 bytes!

OK, how about emailing me the download link of the personalized pdf?

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How about Emailing me the PDF once it has been personalized?
Then I can make a request and get off your system, knowing that eventually (hours?) I will have a shiny new Personalized PDF.

Saves on storage, traffic (as users click and reclick the links.)
and keeps people happy with company knowing they will get their files as soon as they are ready.