JZ's page
Organized Play Member. 393 posts (3,744 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 26 aliases.
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I won't have time to update until tomorrow morning. Sorry.
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Even if it doesn't, we're right here :)
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And that's the end of our short adventure. Thank you all for being such great players.
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Here ends our adventure. Thank you so much for a great game, guys!
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Hey, we've all got to have beliefs !
Cover art is decent, but not great.
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Hey Drula, still checking in? How are you doing?
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Drula wrote: My depression comes mainly from a hatred of life, well, of my life anyway, but I am just so tired of it, I hate the rules of life, like that you have to work at everything, use it or lose it, no pain no gain, pain lets you know you're alive. True. I think Paul McCartney once noted "you make plans, then life happens."
When I look at life as an entire arc, yeah, it looks quite pointless. So I try to look at it in little snippets, day by day, moment to moment. I find it more worthwhile that way.
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They sound like really nice people, Drula. We're here for you too.
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Valandil Ancalime wrote:
Would you be offended if I tried to restart this game? What I would like to do is recruit anyone still around here and combine them with some people from another game and start a RotRL game (Pathfinder- starting at the 2nd module, 4th level). If you want to play the same characters you could, but built under new rules.
Not at all, that would be fantastic. But running two games and playing in two others, so I won't be able to participate in such a relaunch.
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Drula, you're probably tired of folks telling you to feel better when that doesn't seem possible right now. I'd like to know you better instead. What got you interested in role-playing games? How long have you been playing?
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I'm reading your posts without judgement, Drula. Thank you for sharing.
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I hope you're doing better at school, Lin Tai.
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It's a game site, yes, but we're real people too. I want to hear about your problems in life, if you think that's something that will make you feel better.
I'm thinking of running this for a party of all dwarves. Would that work?
Callous Jack wrote: [
I'd like to see those pics posted when the time comes.
Will do :)
I'm about to start a Skinsaw game on the PBP forum. I plan to use your minis this way:
Combat Map
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Sorry Darkmeer, I have to drop out of this game as well as your Shackled City adventure. With less free time I have to focus on my own games. I've had a great time, and I thank you for letting me play.
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Thumpy here. Posting to get my dot.
Can you use the stealth skill and swim skill to avoid water-based creatures, or avoid detection from monsters on shore?
Thanks in advance.
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dot. I'll be posting in a few hours, sorry for the delay.
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How far did you guys get? I'm looking into running this one.
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Maybe Dreav is with us but just staying quiet. He is after all an illusionist :)
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I'd better drop out of this one as I find I'm at my time limit for games now. Hope you guys have a fantastic game!
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Much thanks to wonko and everyone else for what has been a fantastic game straight out the gate.
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Sevegny here. Posting to get my dot, sorry for breaking the flow.
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We might need a cleric, perhaps of Iomedae because that god is all about victory and such. He's an obnoxious young misfit, which is why his order pushed him all the way out to River Kingdoms. But he wants nothing more than to prove himself and feel appreciated by others. He's also a half-elf, but wears his hair long to try to pass as human. Out in the wilds he might get in tough with his touchy-feely fey-side. Or not.
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I'm reading the guide right now. Liking what I see.
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I'll finish off Tymothy within the next 12 hours. Sorry for the delay.
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Thank you, Allan. See you in a future game.
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Thanks! The players in my Carrion Hill game is about a third of the way done. After that has completed, I hope to see you guys in the next adventure (I run two games at a time.)
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Tymothy Smallwood here. I'll get my character done tonight.
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Hi Fabes,
1) I've been very interested in SW for a long time.
2) *faint*
3) I'm playing a game on Google Wave and it's kind of a mess. The map tools are buggy. Conversation is klunky.
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Kelara Monderskan wrote:
The adventure itself seems quite short though,
Thank you. The adventure is indeed pretty short. It's one of the cheapest modules in Paizo's catalog (other than the free offerings. :)
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Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the game. If you have the time, please let me know how I could have run the game better, what did or didn't enjoy about the game. Thanks.
I'll check if my character is PFS-compliant now.
No better place to run a Pathfinder Society than the boards of Paizo. Count me in!
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I'm planning on Carrion Hill, once my current game finishes.
I think I'd better bow out. I'm planning on starting a new game here. Good luck and good gaming, guys!
I think I'd better bow out. I'm planning on starting a new game here. Good luck and good gaming, guys!
This game is now defunct, unfortunately.
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Hi Darkmeer, no problem at all considering there's no private message function here on Paizo. Oh yeah, no way am I leaving your games unless you kick me out ! :) I'll post in Expedition soon.