
J'Vell Miirsh's page

1 post. Alias of Black Dow.


Black Dow's Lashunta Envoy pitch - profile is WIP but avatar is too perfect not to use from the get-go

Name: J'Vell Miirsh
Race: Lashunta (Damaya)
Class: Envoy (Grifter)
Gender and Pronouns: Male, He/Him
General Backstory: Originally hailing from the city-state of Qabarat on Castrovel, J’Vell was born into a family of middle order civil servants. From an early age the quick-witted and gregarious young damaya found he had a knack for manipulating others into undertaking his studies or doing him favours. Never resorting to bullying or intimidation, instead he would sway their decisions and actions through charm, beguiling and indulgence.

His formative years saw him drift in and out of university education and various low-level corporate posts. With each switch his parents saw failure, yet J’Vell saw them as another step on his true path’s apprenticeship… From each he gleaned more on the systems that ran the worlds and the foibles of those who inhabited them. of facts and fictions that flavoured his growing repertoire of deception - from confidence tricks to gambling chicanery. Soon the fledgling grifter schemes and cons had procured favour and credit aplenty, until he drew the attention of the local branch of Steward Constabulary. Their investigative noose drew tight and saw J'Vell hastily secure off-world transit to Near Space, somewhere far from the Steward's eyes and the possibilities of new marks aplenty...

Personality: Suave, rakish and somewhat dastardly (he cites this trait as superior survival instinct development from his lashunta genes), J'Vell facetiously paints himself an "opportunistic capitalist" merely trying to make his way in the universe rather than the sharper he is reputed to be.
Flaw(s): Overconfidence - J'Vell arrogantly believes he can talk himself out of most situations.
Quirk(s): Hyperactive - when not engaging with sentient races (ie anything he can potentially con or glean information from) J'Vell will become restless and fidget incessantly. He dislikes awkward silences.
Reason for being on The Chimera: Recently fell foul of the Kruu’v Sisters - notorious Vesk gangsters and arms dealers. Acting as a broker for a fake munitions company J’Vell managed to convince them to front the credit to purchase off-grid heavy weaponry from his company’s inventory.

The ruse went sour when the Sisters' discovered that the weaponry was from their own stock, which had been depleted after a heist on their off-world storage facilities. While J’Vell had not been involved, he had purchased “sample” stock from the criminals who (unbeknownst to him) had perpetrated the theft. This minor detail mattered little to the vicious Kruu’v and (literally) fearing for his skin J’Vell spent the last of his ill-gotten gains purchasing a ticket aboard The Chimera. Despite his status as a suspected criminal he plans to start anew in the Pact Worlds (and perhaps along the way liberate some of the wealthy marks passengers aboard the luxury liner of their credits to kickstart his new life…

About me? Been role (and roll) playing since the early 80s. PBP'ing here at Piazo since the boards came on stream. I'm an experience player in several looooong running games here on the boards and am also currently running a home-brewed Dead Suns AP around these parts.