Radi Hamdi

János Elek's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Vladimir Koltypin.

The Exchange

At ConnCon, I ran the SFC scenario
SFS 1-25 The Beacon Code Dilemma . When the players get to the ship, they end up going room by room searching for what happened on the ship 200 years ago. They get to the "Gunnery", and it says that players can put in a code they find in another room in order to open the keypad, which then opens the box with equipment in it.I am asking if I were to run it again, and I have Technomancers playing the scenario, which are basically arcane rogues , or the Starfinder version of Arcane Trickster , shouldnt they be able to go around the code and be able to pop it open by an alternative way? Is there a "mini" computer they can hook up with wires that would "extract" the code and therefore not need the code from the datapads located elsewhere? thank you in advance for all you answers.

The Exchange 4/5

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Now that the New Factions have come into play, I was wondering of Paizo had any plans to make a new and or updated Field Guide. The perks that could be bought were very useful and interesting to game plot...

Please let me know if its being thought of..

I have been running / playing scenarios PFS in Connecticut since Pathfinder inception in 2008 and love the improved mechanics and benes :) Will Wadhams, our Venture Captain, always tries to make things exciting for play...


Vladimir Koltypin

The Exchange

I am playing an Elven Magus who is doing well , but he has met up with some demons and devils a lot lately. I have given him the Demon Hunter feat and have taken Piercing Spell and Spell Penetration. I would like to have use of Dismissal. Is that at all possible other than UMD 4th level cleric wand ? Thanks in advance.

The Exchange

I understand Acid Splash is a Cantrip and does 1d3 damage upon impact.
I was wondering , is there a way I can enhance Acid Splash so that it does a full 1d6 damage? I thoroughly enjoyed the "orb" spells of 3.5 and am wondering how to at least have a 1d6 constant use spell available.
Thanks to everyone that has an idea.

The Exchange

A fellow gamer asked me , since I have played more PFS experience than he, where the rules are that state that certain items are not or are stackable with others. I of course would like to know as well just so I can plan for my own characters. To give an example, Let's say you have a Paladin with a stat score of 18. If he hold a rod of splendor, he gets an additional +4 to his charisma score. If he buys a Headband of alluring Charisma +4, that would do the same amount addition. Would only one or the other affect him or would both guaranteeing him a +8 or a 26 stat score to his Charisma, and where can I look to have it say yes allowed or no. Thanks ahead of time!!


The Exchange

In Rise Of the Runelords series The adventurers find a golden holy symbol of Serenrae. I was wondering where can I purchase such an item? I also was flipping through Dungeons and Dragons Defenders of the Faith and saw a Greater Holy Symbol. Is there anything like that in Pathfinder?

The Exchange

Is there a trait for Taldorans or general traits that allow perform as a class skill?

The Exchange

I have a 2nd level cleric of Gorum with Destruction and War domains I am playing in Pathfinder Society RPGA sessions. Destruction domain allows a smite attack once per day. I was wondering if Pathfinder Society will allow the Complete Books included in the Pathfinder Society RPGA games so I could take advantage of the extra smite feat that would allow me to smite two more times a day....