
JD Plunkett's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I know the rules system for this game isn't Pathfinder but I have seen posts on here recruiting for the same rule system. It uses the SIFRPG rules from Green Ronin.

The play-by-post looks like it has just started recruiting players and is looking for anyone interested. It looks interesting and fun and the Narrator has approved me spreading the word around to draw more in.

Here's the website for it: .

The more the merrier! Any questions should be directed to the Narrator, his e-mail is

Ah! Ok, thank you! I had attempted to find pretty much a thread stating just that and apparently didn't look hard enough :P

Ok, so with the Swashbuckler now being out along with its new archetype, the Mouser, obviously a Halfling Mouser sounds like a great idea. Which in researching the build brought me to the Risky Striker feat for Halflings and made me think of figuring out a way to cast Reduce Person on myself to be Tiny sized to get the Risky Striker feat against Medium sized creatures.

Now, as being a Tiny size creature you have 0 reach and your best bet is to simply occupy the square of the creature you're fighting (which is possible if I read the rules correctly). You can't flank though.

The root question here is: Can a Tiny sized Mouser Swashbuckler Archetype (who has the Underfoot Assault deed) simply move into an enemies space, and occupy it (without spending the Panache point in order to use the deed) and still benefit from the deed (which gives the enemy a -4 to attack you and you give flanking against that opponent to all your allies) while being Tiny sized?

I hope I phrased that question intelligibly...

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Should the Bard (Archaeologist) get Disable Device as a class skill considering at 2nd level he gains an ability that gives him pretty much the same thing as Trapfinding for a rogue?

I've run across and interesting dilemma and have not found anything in any of the books so far as a resolution goes. When you are a multiclassed character who has two different classes that grant the ability to channel (such as a cleric/paladin) or a class that grants an ability that the Extra Channel feat effects (such as a cleric/necromancy wizard who has the ability to Turn Undead from his specialized school) and you take the Extra Channel feat, does it apply to both classes for uses or do you have to select one? It does not specify in the book.

Anybody 'round the Butler, Missouri parts playing Pathfinder? Looking for more gaming group opportunities.