J. A. P-Rock's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Well, the hard truth of the matter is that the bloodrager is simply more powerful than the barbarian.


Especially with the Primalist archetype allowing you to grab Rage Powers, Bloodrager really is just a Barbarian++.

I can't think of a reason to ever play a core Barbarian other than a very specific archetype (and I can't think of one that is character-defining enough to really justify it).

Strengthening the attack of opportunity would go a long way towards allowing melee characters to control the battlefield.

There's a long story about how Fighting Men used to get attacks against monsters that turned there back on them, and how in d20 such attacks became really weak because of the way that physical damage scales (spread over multiple additional attacks instead of advancing a single attack), and because of the 5-foot step and concentration checks to cast spells in melee, but the end result is that its hard to keep enemies from moving past you if they really want to without a boat load of feats (that only marginally improve the situation...why do Stand Still and Pin Down blank your damage?).

HeHateMe wrote:
Has anyone tried a party completely made up of full casters? I was thinking the most powerful party combination might be made up of a Conjuror, an Enchanter, a Transmuter, and a Cleric. Has the all full caster party worked out for those who tried it?

Preservationist Alchemist party, each member picks an elemental template for all their summons. They wanna be the very best.