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584 posts. Organized Play character for JASON RODARTE.
Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
GM Valen's PFS 2e 1-01 The Absalom Initiation (April 2021)(Table 2)(Replays) (inactive) GM Valen's PFS 2e 1-01 The Absalom Initiation (Table 1) (inactive) Lions of Katapesh, Max Challenge Rating (inactive) The Perennial Crown - Parts 1 and 2 (PF2 #1-16 and #1-17 for levels 3-6) (inactive) PFS #2-01 and #2-03 with DM Deevor (inactive) [ACO] PF2e 01-09 Star-Crossed Voyages (P1) (inactive) [OPVI] PF2e B21 - Against the Unliving (P1) (inactive) [OUTPOST IV, PFS2] 2-01 Citadel Of Corruption With DM Deevor (inactive)