Istelyn's page

Venture-Agent, Canada—Manitoba—Winnipeg 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

Nope. Now 1 Handed weapons used 2 Handed... different story. well except for light weapons they do not do 1.5 str.

Grand Lodge

You are correct... your friend is unfortunately wrong. Core Rulebook 193

Grand Lodge


Joey Virtue wrote:
It was circling over the entire thistle top. They saw it from the thorns. If they tried to enter the front gate it came down and said no. They talked with it for a while then the enlarged lead blades hunter unloaded on it a couple times and it died.

Grand Lodge

My group is in Thistletop right now and we run 7 players ( yeah I know its a large party) but even with 5 or 6 at the table players adding a huge amount of monsters is a logitical nightmare with the size of the rooms and corridors.

I have been using your premise and altering, or adjusting as I see fit. Creatures with greater hit points last more than one round of 7 people wailing on them.

One question... in the Thistletop entry you have The Dragon Above... where was your intent to put that encounter?

Thank you again!

Grand Lodge

My understanding was that a character had a main hand and an off-hand... weapons need to be used in their main hand... the way around that is with natural weapons and of course TWF.

unless you are ambidextrous... try and use a sword in one hand with it's nuances of use and a sling... never going to happen. In this case the sling, if loaded prior to combat, would lose its load due to the movement of the offhand in combat... your off hand does not stay still as its required for balance...

I realize that this is real world physics in a game setting but it makes sense.


Grand Lodge

Can a level 1 Slayer multi-class to rogue. It seems there are conflicting resources on this matter. Your opinions are appreciated.

Grand Lodge

Thank you for this work. Quite enjoy the changes and it makes my sessions go nicely! You had mentioned modified hero lab files for these encounters? I would love to get those from you.

Grand Lodge

Definitely Interpretation #1.

As an aside... at my table I would, due to the nature of the spell and the requirement for a saving throw, not require a second save versus massive damage... I mostly reserve that for physical damage caused by weapons, falling of a cliff, being hit by a runaway mountain... etc.


Grand Lodge

Well Met,

I believe, to confirm Entryhazard's response, that they do not stack... you always get a +1 bonus against Will saves, but in the case of Divination Effects, the bonus goes to +2.
