About Ishta KhosivIntro, Defense & Offense:
Ishta Khosiv Female Human Arcanist (Blood Arcanist) 9 CG Medium Humanoid (Human, Orc) STR 08 (-1)
Speed 30 ft
CMB: +3
Class & Race Features:
CLASS: Blood Arcanist Arcane Reservoir (Su) Consume Spells (Su) Bloodline: Orc ·Bloodline Arcana Gain the orc subtype and darkvision 60ft. Spells deal +1 point of damage per die rolled. ·Touch of Rage (Sp) 3+Cha/Day, standard. Touch a creature and give it a morale bonus to attacks, damage and will saves equal to 1/2 arcanist level for 1 round. ·Fearless (Ex) Immune to fear and +2 natural armor bonus. Arcanist Exploits 5th: Quick Study (Su) 7th: Potent Magic (Su) Extra: School Understanding: Admixture Favored Class Bonus (Arcanist): +9 HP. RACE: Human
Traits & Feats:
TRAITS Outlander: Lore Seeker (Campaign: Any) ·Burning Hands ·Fireball ·Chain Lightning Spellhunter (Region) ·Fireball FEATS
Armour Check Penalty: 0 ADVENTURE SKILLS
Arcanist Spells CANTRIPS DC 18
LEVEL 1 DC 19 6/6
LEVEL 2 DC 20 6/6
LEVEL 3 DC 21 6/6
LEVEL 4 DC 22 5/5
Gear price (weight) Knife 2 gp (1 lb)
Scroll Case 1 gp (.5 lb)
Scroll Case 1 gp (.5 lb)
Scroll Case 1 gp (.5 lb) Total weight: 23.5 (Light Load: 26) Wealth: Gp:2221 Sp:7 Cp:3
Thaymount, 1336 DR. ”You want what?“ Ishta rolled his eyes. She knew this was going to happen. ”I want to go on my own. I’m old enough, and I hate this place.” ”You’re not old enough! You’ll never be!” Her father, of course, was being overprotective. As always. As all fathers. ”You are gifted, and you have a very promising future with the Red Wizards if you join! How can you throw that down the toilet? And what about me? I will miss you…” Great. Emotional bribe. Everything was happening just as she foresaw it. Choosing to ignore that last part, she addressed the other matter. ”Have you considered the possibility of me not wanting to join the Red Wizards?” ”Why shouldn’t you?” Her father was caught offside. This was a clear example of why she didn’t wanted to stay. ”Okay, where do I start?. They are slavers and merchants, they mess with the dead, they constantly invade other people… shall I go on?” Her father had his arms crossed, and couldn’t find a proper answer, so she profited from his hesitation. ”Listen, as you said, I am gifted. I will be alright, being soooo gifted, and I will come back to see you, I promise. I just want to learn from other sources, let’s call it that.” Her father realised he wasn’t going to win. With a lump in his throat, he hugged his daughter. ”You’re as stubborn as a mule, just like your mother was. If you go out there, show ‘em what you’ve got. And be careful with men! They’re all a lo-” ”Sure, dad…”
From a very tender age it was clear that Ishta was touched by magic, and also fascinated by it. When she was 8, she was able to do some tricks that older students need years to master. She was always asking everyone, and making her own theories about how magic worked. Her father expected her to join the Red Wizards and make a career out of it, but that clashed with the girl’s way of viewing the world. To her, magic was something wonderful to be studied and enjoyed, whereas the Wizards seemed a mean lot, greedy, avid for power and not hesitating to use magic to reach their evil goals. She refused to do so, and instead went on wandering the land in pursuit of new magical wonders and lands to be witnessed and studied. Ishta travelled for some time, experiencing the world and learning how to merge her natural talent with the knowledge she was gathering. Not long after leaving, she developed her own technique to acquire magical tattoos, just as she saw the Red Wizards do back at home. Sadly, though, she’s also had to learn how to use magic in more expeditious ways, for the lands of Toril are not lacking on perils and evil creatures, and she was quite stunned when she discovered where do her natural talents come from. This has made her more mature, and the naive thinking that possessed her some years ago has given way to a more settled and practical mind. Her fascination for everything magic, though, hasn’t faded an ounce and still drives most of her travels, even though she now has to be careful with sunny days. She is near Phlan, where she is headed to investigate some facts of her past (discussed in "Discoveries", below). She's also heard about the druids of ancient times that had practiced their ritual magic in a castle nearby. Ishta would look like the classical Thayan, if it weren’t for the fact that she long ago stopped shaving her head and wearing Thayan clothes... and that she is not really Thayan. She learned, anyways, that most people see Thayans with a mix of hate and fear (and she completely understands why), specially if they bear arcane powers, and decided to meld a bit better with the crowd. She’s somewhat thin and not quite tall, a fact that helps her pass for a commoner. Once you engage in conversation, though, it’s clear you are not before a common person. Her wits and her kind and positive personality usually leave a mark - for better or for worse.
The old merchant was in the middle of his inventory when the knocking on the door interrupted his mental calculations. He closed his eyes, irritated. ”Oh, for the love of Waukeen, who is it now?” He went on to open the door, since he had lost his count, with the intention of dealing with the visitor quickly. When he looked through the peephole, though, the sight of the familiar figure and the voice that greeted him made him smile widely. ”Hello, father” Ishta and her father had been apart for quite a long time, and they had a lot of things to talk about. They laughed, Ishta told her father of her journeys and he listened happy and joyful. After a while, though, she had gathered the strength to touch a delicate subject. ”Father…” she started, ”Tell me about me. Tell me about my past.” The old man’s face changed immediately. He had been waiting a question like this for years, but… one’s never prepared for it, it seemed. ”You… how do you…” ”Dad… You know I've always had a knack for magic. I've been investigating, testing, and I've found things… my heritage… it cannot be explained any other way. I know I'm adopted.” Ishta tried not to sound bitter, because she actually wasn't. ”You've been a father to me, and you'll always be, but please, tell me what you know.” Her father was relieved of the fear of losing her affection, and knew that telling her was the right thing to do, so he told her. He explained how he, as a young adventurer, was around the Moonsea when the city of Phlan hired him and many others to cleanse the area of orcs and ogres, the rests of the invasion from around 1300. He told her how they thwarted an orc ritual, held by a powerful shaman, in which some human babies were involved. The babies were saved, he said, and adopted by some families residing in Phlan… except from one of them, a girl, who was given to one of the adventurers for her care, and who took her back to his homeland in Thay. Ishta listened carefully, and took some time to assimilate all the information. ”So it seems that the ritual infused something in me… can you tell me about the other babies, or their families?” All her father was able to tell her was the name of the public servant in charge of delivering the babies at the time, and of a pair of old adventurers who were present when the ritual was interrupted. ”But they must be very old by now, if they're even alive. Try and ask there - because I know you're heading there. But today, will you grant your old father a dinner?” Ishta smiled. She was happy because she got her father to tell her all he knew, and the conversation went as smooth as it could go. She was itching to know more, but everything could wait one or two days while she spent some days at home. ”Of course, dad.”
Personal Note: Alchemical Focuses & Interesting Spells:
Alchemist's Fire Liquid Ice Reagents Black Powder Fire Fragment Saltpeter 1-Rope Trick
Story Notes:
According to Ishta’s father: -She, and some other children, were rescued from an orc ritual. -A couple of adventurers called Durendal and Shania were present when the rescue occurred. They might be alive, though quite old. -The kids were given to people in Phlan, and Ishta’s adoptive father took her to Thay. -The man in charge of giving the children away was Jandark Cadorna. According to Friar Jenkins:
Other Trivia: