The Jester

Isawaphoenix's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

shadowkras wrote:

No, they would get an increased caster level.

Keep in mind that Summon Monster I, II, III, etc are all different spells altogether.

You cast Summon Monster I at lv1, and it lasts 1 minute/level, with the feat it would last 2 minutes.
Lets say you cast it at lv5, it would last 6 minutes.

Keep in mind the verbiage, it doesn't say "Caster Level" 1 level higher, it just says "Level"

As an example, the Favored class option for Bards states that you "Choose one bardic performance; treat the bard as +1/2 level higher when determining the effects of that performance."

This is obviously interpreted as "Treat as a 9th level bard when using the Inspire Courage ability"

Just to be even more clear, the Summon Monster ability isn't "Gain Summon Monster II at 3rd level" it is the same ability you got at 1st level only it is stronger now that you are higher level.

I will gladly accept the final ruling on this but I really don't see how it is different.

Silver Crusade

If Summoners gain Summon Monster "X" as a spell-like ability, and this ability gets stronger the higher level the summoner is, does Dark Magic Affinity mean that a level 2 Summoner can now cast Summon Monster II instead of Summon Monster I?

Logic Chain:
Spell-like ability = casting the spell, Summon Monster has "Evil" descriptor if you summon Fiendish creatures.

Dark Magic Affinity reads:
Whenever you cast a spell with the [evil] descriptor, you act as if you were one level higher for the purpose of determining that spell’s effects.

Silver Crusade

Good Morning, long time listener, first time caller.
I have a question about Holy Vindicator. (*among others but I figure I will throw out an easy one first and then send out the hard ones.

The language used for describing the Vindicator's shield ability is VERY imprecise.
1 Does using the ability cost a use of channel energy for the day?
2 Do I retain my sacred bonus to AC even if I am not wielding the shield?

I think I know the answer but my rules lawyer buddy is raking us over the coals with the specific (or non-specific) language used to describe the effects.
