About Iron Chef Manny Stokes
Emanual Stokes
Male Human Fighter 2
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Senses: Perception +1
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 dex)
HP 22 (2D10+4)
Current HP: 20
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 (+2 vs fear)
Speed 30' (20' in armor)
Melee: Greatsword +7 (2d6+6); w/PA +9 (2d6+9), or Heavy Mace +6 (1d8 +6); w/PA +4 (1d8+9)
Ranged: Heavy Crossbow +2 (1d10)
Space 5', Reach 5'
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Chr 7
BAB +2; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats: Wpn Focus (greatsword), Power Attack, Skill Focus (cook), Furious Focus
Skills (4 points): Climb +8(+3 w/armor), Profession (cook) +9, Survival +6, Swim +8(+3 w/armor), Stealth +1(-4 w/armor), Knowledge Engineering: +5, Knowledge Dungeoneering: +5
Languages: Common, Goblin
Special Abilities:
Bravery +1
Possessions: backpack, cold weather outfit, iron pot, cooking utensils, sunrod (2), waterskin, 50' hemp rope, spice component pouch, flint and steel, hammer, pitons (5), chain mail armor,12 gp (+6ac,+2max dex,-5ac penalty)
The son of a city gueard in Magnimar, Emanual was trained as a warrior from an early age. While he loved and respected his father, Emanual was always closest to his mother, spending many nights in the kitchen helping to prepare the family meals. When his mother beacame ill, Emanual took on the duties of chef while his father worked and mother rested. While his father was never impressed with a man in the kitchen, his mother raved about his skill with spices and the encouragement lead Emanual to pursue a carrer in the kitchen. 
It was hard to convince any resturant owners to hire a man for his kitchen, and Emanual was turned away from many of the finer establishments. He eventually ended up being hired as a bouncer for a tavern in one of the rougher areas of Magnimar. After a few months of talking, and mainly due to the regular cook's absence, Emanual finally got his chance to show his cooking skills. The patrons all loved his meals, as simple as they were, and from then on he was allowed to help in the kitchen when he wasn't on duty. 
After just a few short months, disater struck. While frying some potatoes one evening, a brawl in the tavern spilled into the kitchen. A man was thrown into the pot of cooking fries, splashing hot oil onto Emanual's chest and into his face and catching the kitchen on fire, destroying the tavern, leaving Emanual horribly scarred and again unemployed. 
Depressed by this turn of events, he turned to his parents for advice. His father told him to sign up with the guard and leave the cooking to the women. As much as he respected his father, Emanaul had no desire to earn a living by his sword. He went to his mother and told her of his desire to open his own restuarant, one in a good area where the food would not be overshadowed by the bar brawls and easy women. She wanted to encourage his dream, but knew they did not have the money to take on such a risk. After much discussion, it was decided that he should look for work outside of Magnimar to save enough money to open his resturant. A goodbye kiss to his mother and a firm handshake with his father, and Emanual was on his way not only to adventure, but to dreams come true.
XP'S: 2,350