Male Human in Jungle

Irizati Calhoun's page

12 posts. Alias of TheRonin.

Hi Guys,

I am a GM and I have been thinking about running another newbie friendly game. Really enjoyed doing this in the past. It would be probably a Friday night early evening by west coast standards. Probably a one shot game, maybe a few sessions over a few weeks.

Any to no experience is needed. Feel free to ask any and all questions, don't be shy. Message me at if you are interested. Or skype me at natsuronin and just say Hi, Interested in the game etc.

Feel free to bring a friend. Thanks for your time or interest!

Hey guys, I am running a homebrew urban campaign and I am having a hell of a time keeping the party in any one spot with out them wanting to divide up and go in 2-4 different directions.


Part of it is an issue of the characters not really liking each other (they just hit level 2 so it's pretty early). a big part is the campaign itself, I gave them all little side goals, hoping they would use their 'friends' to try to accomplish their goals. Instead they largely just want to run off on their own. The idea being there are a number of factions and those factions are using the players in their own ways.

Its lead to a few silly things like a player ditching the others to run off on their own to meet with a shady assassin in their own on the assassin's turf. Or one player running off to meet with a plot critical NPC that everyone was supposed to meet, then not telling the other players/characters what she learned because she doesn't trust them. (They are supposed to be working on a mystery and no one is talking to each other).

One player completely disregarding the original plot hook because his character was disinterested.

I find I keep having to have NPCs show up and offer to pay them to go places together. I gave them an NPC cleric who was working on the case just so he could pay them to follow the original campaign hook.

So far I have had a hell of a time getting the four PCs in any one place at one time because of it. Finally I decided to not pull any punches and tossed a CR 2 encounter they were all supposed to go up against, against two of them who were the least equipped to deal with it (though there were several outs there incase it went bad). They actually pulled off a surprising victory though, but I am hoping it drove home the danger they are in.

There have also been several out of character conflicts regarding one character getting more spot light than another. All of which is bleeding into the game AND making it more difficult because I can't run four games at once, if they split up someone is going to end up sitting on their hands while the others do stuff.

The group make up is... I think part of the problem. of the four characters one has only the slightest interest in the plot, another has her own agenda and does not care about the plot. Another is interested but his player isn't the kind to actually lead or take initiative when it comes to learning stuff. The other is interested and good at that but has been conflicting with two other players over various things and I think this is negatively effecting the group.

So, that was rambly any advice on salvaging this group?


Players all want to do different things in a very non-linear campaign. And keep splitting up and not working together and its giving me a headache and I can't throw any of the bad guys at them with out fear of killing them.

This keeps coming up in my groups for some reason! Complete the sentence!

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Spinning out of an unrelated thread, someone mentioned that wearing an Armored Kilt on light armor reduces the maximum movement speed to 20 foot. Is this true? (If so I have been playing it wrong!)

I had assumed being counted as medium armor (or heavy) only effected proficiency, or spell-failure in the case of a bard for example who can cast in light armor.

The Maximum movement speed of an Armored Kilt by itself is listed as 30 feet. I can understand where the idea that it reduces speed comes from, Virtually every set of medium armor has a movement speed of 20 feet. But Im not sure if that means by virtue of wearing an armored kilt you are suddenly slowed down that much. It seems like it would make the kilt much less useful.

Anyways I could be way wrong, Does anyone know the official rule here? Does anyone play it one way or the other?

Discussion thread is now open!

Gameplay Is now open.

Alright, I have way to much free time on my hand so I decided to try GMing this one.

6 characters, looking for fun and interesting, not necessarily the most mechanically sound or drama-filled characters (Though hey, thats fine too!) Recruitment probably will only be open for a few days because I know how fast these fill up.

20 point buy. three traits, one from the campaign and two others of your choice.

Restrictions: I hate restrictions don't you? I mean its YOUR character right? Want to play a full-plate wearing paladin in a pirate crew go for it. (Of Course he might drown in 5 minutes or be stabbed to death by other characters, but thats how it goes!) Classes? Any. Emerging Guns for firearms if anyone chooses to use them. Paizo material only though. Words of Power are usable if you want. Any Alignment. (Just keep in mind Paladin's might have to walk the plank and psychotic evil people might not survive on a ship! Unless of course you can convince everyone you are cool!)

A quick house rule. Piranha Strike works on all finessed weapons. So just a heads up.

Other than that have fun? If you want to RP a little in the recruitment thread to see how character chemistry works I am okay with that. Consider it encouraged actually.

Activity: I will be on quite a bit, so people who can post more frequently will be appreciated, but no one is going to get kicked out if suddenly they get busy at work and can't post more than once a day or something.

Other than that, this is my first time GMing anything permanently so bare with me!

If I've forgotten anything let me know.

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Hi Guy! I have a rules question. Been looking all over but...

I have an Arcane Duelist bard and I am looking at taking a one level unarmed fighter dip for Improved Unarmed Strike and Crane style to really give her that swashbuckling duelist flavor. (then taking the other two feats in Crane style as I advance) I am trying to convince my GM that Crane Style works even if I have a melee weapon in one hand. The general consensus on the board seems to be it does, but I can't find anything official. Any suggestions?

Does anyone use something like this in organized play? Or know of any developers who have commented on it?