Male Human in Jungle

Irizati Calhoun's page

12 posts. Alias of TheRonin.


Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

Irizati scratched his head under his hat for a moment, trying to catch up to what the man was saying. "Hmm... Hard to say, I've been stationed in a small settlement outside of Alkenstar city for years, but even so this is a bit... beyond my expertise." He took another drink... now just a sip and thought for a moment.

"Though of all the ghost stories I've heard about the wastes tiny invisible monsters you can't see that kill you with sickness is my new favorite." Irizati eyed bubo suspiciously.

After a few moments of thought he added, "To be fair... these microorganisms of yours sound easier to believe in than the typical tales of curses, demons and angry gods that I usually hear as explanation for sickness. I would be curious to take a look at anything you have published."

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

Irizati's ears perked up again as he arched an eyebrow, "The wastes?" he asked curiously.

He glanced down at his drink, picked it up, put it to his lips and finished it off.

This'll be good.... he thought to himself.

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

Iri nodded his head, "Like any duty it has both given me a lot... and taken away a lot. But someone has to keep order. Especially outside of the city in the wastes. And I am the man for the job it seems."

He adds in accented common, "oft time, at any rate."

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

Irizati smiles politely, a finger pushing up his hat a bit so his eyes more visible. He has the tired look of a man who has spent far to many nights in a camp, or on the road and not enough in a proper bed. He shakes her hand. In a firm voice he adds, "I am Shieldmarshal Irizati Calhoun, of the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar, Though back home they just call me "Eerie" or Shieldmarshal."

"Mind you I am rarely this often so formal, but your organization strikes me as one that prefers formality." He glanced at his drink before picking it up and taking a quick drink.

"Steal something? No... I don't believe so. He was looking for an artifact or some such thing. Anyone who owned it was long dead when we got there."

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

" 'scuse the improper salutations. The woman who trained me... a mentor of sorts she preferred 'ma'am'. " He gives her a polite nod to signify he meant no disrespect.

"Gunpowder is a tricky thing... the formula is quite easy but getting it just right."he pauses for a moment and gives a sheepish smile, "That's the tricky part, ain't it always?"

His right hand goes down to his holster, instinctively checking to make sure it is there, "But yes I am from Alkenstar, Alkenstar City to be exact. Sir Cosma was in the region a few years ago looking for some damned thing. I don't even recall what it was now. I was assigned to escort him through the wastes. We had quite an interesting time. He was a sharp man, got us out of quite a few... situations."

As an employee drops off another small glass he puts it to his lips and takes a drink. "How about yourself? Colleagues I assume?"

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

Irizati listens casually to the conversations around him. First he listens to the bard and his story of the desert. Irizati has had some experience in deserts and listens carefully to this tale.

He notices the blue skinned woman... she is hard to miss but he avoids staring, keeping his hat tilted low enough his eyes are hardly visible to begin with. His ears perk up at the mention of guns. When the woman leaves he sits down in her seat and nods politely to the signifier, "Escuse my ease-droppin' ma'am but I heard some talk of firearms, always did enjoy conversation that reminds me of home."

He glances again at the exotic blue woman who's seat he now occupies. His eyes linger for a moment on her and her sword before he catches himself and returns to the conversation at hand.

in retrospect I should of gone with one of the other wisdom using gunslinger archetypes! lol They even get heal as a class skill. guess ill put a few ranks in it down the road.

Male Human 1 - Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)

A human leans against the near by wall. On his hip is a holster. The leather device is tightly wrapped around, securing a single shot smoothbore pistol. Most of his body is hidden by the large trench coat he wears, most of his face concealed with his wide brim hat. Irizati certainly stood out here, among the men with their swords and their heavy armor. He leaned against the wall quietly nodding to the stories, not sharing his own. He lifted a small glass of something he had been ordering from the tavern owner and took a drink when the others did.

His eyes drifted occasionally to the elf and to the man with green skin. Irizati has seen many strange people but the green skin was certainly a novelty to him. He shrugged and chalked it up to being a long way from home.

He was a long way from home. He tipped his hat in respect when ever a lady walked by or in agreement with the various people as the made a point here or there. Mostly he stayed quiet as they spoke of hell and demons, he was not a believer in such things. He gave the leader of the hellknights a small nod of respect between drinks.

Checkin' In

Sounds like its going to be interesting.

Werewolves? Hogwash little lady. I've heard many a strange tale in my day. And not one of 'em couldn't be attributed to a clever person taking advantage of the superstitious. And Vampires? I suspect you read far to many dime novels. Most of what's print aint fit to be, the printing press is going to ruin this generation.

Okay Irizati is all set up... please take a look. If theres anything crunch of fluff-wise that needs to be tweaked or redone let me know.

This is The Ronin, I have most of the crunch done for him. I am going to roll for starting gold, if you want us to use average gold let me know!

starting gold: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 4, 1) = 19 190Gp