Ioris Stardust's page

No posts. Organized Play character for sarokcat.


i have long had the Pathfinder society subscription, yet as i was prepping for the first con i've been able to attend for a while, i've noticed that the quests don't seem to be unlocked as part of this subscription? is this intenntional?


It looks like shipping end date is here and gone and it still hasn't shipped? just checking if everything is ok with this.


Was Checking as i REcently got only a starfinder Adeventure path, to discover something happened to my Pathfinder Adventure path subscription... I never canceled it, and i got book 1 of the Ashes path... but book 2 was never shipped me, nor is it in my downloads. How do i get this sent with the rest of my subscription.


I would like to cancel my players companion subscription.

and how would i go about fixing Order 7864401 since i only noticed it was messed up when i was the only one not getting my core books recently

Also there are some items in my sidecart(all of them) i inteded to be in my regular cart if they could be moved back


i am once again looking at this, and finding the card game subscription which i thought i had canceled on there. waiting to fix the payment until this is sorted out hasn't worked yet, is there anything else i need to do.


I kept waiting for this to come, and yesterday i got information it was cancelled... looks like it kept trying to authorize an old card, instead of using the store credit that it was supposed to, or using the current card like i had told it to do several times... is this fixable by using the 0835 card on my accoount.


Turns out I won't be able to make this, would like to cancel the order sadly. maybe next year.


was looking around and realized my subscriptions hadn't arrived for a while. it's getting kinda worrisome. Don't see a shipped order either. is everything ok?


please cancel my core game subscription only things are tight this holiday season.


hey I have the emerald spire, and the maps that go along with it, but at one point after an event where I had the maps with me, one of the maps has gone Awol. (The map of levels 7/8 is sadly now missing) is there a way to just Purchase this particular map, or is it only available in the multipack bundle. I didn't see a way on the site but figured I would ask.


still haven't got my September subscription ship notice. double checked my subscription and the order status just says pending. Checking up on this.


Was trying to place an order for the Pathfinder society face cards, and a couple PFS scenarios to run this month... only to find it wasn't applying the subscriber discount, even though i was having it shipped with my subscription. Is something wonky or did i click something wrong when trying to checkout....


Had this come up in a pfs game the other day, and I wanted to make sure of the ruling that this actually works the way i thought it did. The question was with the spell pyrotechnics... (and by extension several other spells with similar or the same language.) to help the spell text is here.

Smoke Cloud: A stream of smoke billows out from the fire, forming a choking cloud that spreads 20 feet in all directions and lasts for 1 round per caster level. All sight, even darkvision, is ineffective in or through the cloud. All within the cloud take -4 penalties to Strength and Dexterity (Fortitude negates). These effects last for 1d4+1 rounds after the cloud dissipates or after the creature leaves the area of the cloud. Spell resistance does not apply.

There is the pertinent portion of the spell ALL sight even darkvision is blocked by the smoke.

My Ifrit bard decided it would be an amazing spell to use to screw with enemies... since he has two abilities. these are the abilities.

Firesight (Ifrit)
Prerequisites: Ifrit.

Benefit: You can see through fire and smoke without penalty, ignoring any cover or concealment bonuses from fire and smoke. This does not allow you to see anything you could not otherwise see (for example, invisible creatures are still invisible). You are immune to the dazzled condition.


Song of the Fiery Gaze (Su): At 3rd level, a fire dancer can allow allies to see through flames without any distortion. Any ally within 30 feet of the bard who can hear the performance can see through fire, fog, and smoke without penalty as long as the light is sufficient to allow him to see normally, as with the base effect of the gaze of flames oracle revelation. Song of the fiery gaze relies on audible components.

This essentially allows his party (and him) to see through the firey smoke as i understood it. However the phrasing blocks all sight had the question come up in game. Do these abilities allow one to see through even magical sight blocking smoke, since it seems that is part of what is intended. or is the magic of the smoke blocking the see through smoke abilities? If possible it would be nice to get an answer on this matter for next time i wish to use the character.


My order just arrived, and it seems to be missing the strategy guide and iconic heroes set 2... The guide is however on the paper and the heroes 2 set isn't. The order had a problem earlier in the month with the guide not showing up... or was it shipped seperately, the PDF is in my downloads however so that is there.


There is another issue with this order, I just got an Email saying there was an authorization problem with the order. When I take a look it tried to authorize using an older card instead of the current card it has listed for subscriptions ? I have no clue how to fix this so can someone please look into this.


This order does not seem to have the items in my sidecart listed, should be the preordered strategy guide +pdf and the iconic heroes minis in this order as well.


Please cancel my flip mat subscription, I am paring down my subscriptions a bit for the new year.

Lantern Lodge

Checking on my subscription and great golem orders, Order 3315048 and Order 3316652 . I had placed them to ship separately to avoid any delays, but at this point it is past the shipping estimate for subscriptions, and I was hoping to check to make sure everything was going ok on my orders.

Lantern Lodge

Not sure what to do about this, and I waited to see if they were going to ship today.. but the order still says pending. With all the confusion lately I was hoping for a little clarification on their status.

Lantern Lodge

I want to cancel one item in my sidecart if possible... looking at the amount that is going to hit this month, I think I will hold off on getting the emererald spire maps until I am actually going to run the module. Please remove them from my order.

Lantern Lodge

Hey I finally got the order today, which was pretty exciting considering the long delay, unfortunately there seems to be a couple items missing from the order ><. While I got the advanced class guide, which was the most important thing, and I also got the map pack and the base skulls and shackles game. Two items seem to be missing from the order, people of the stars and the first iron gods AP book are not in the box. The receipt in the box says they shipped as does the email, and I can download them... did they get shipped separately or just not make it in the order?

Lantern Lodge

Hey checking in with you about my order, though I know I asked about it before in the general thread a while ago, it is now however Aug 22nd which was the end of shipping for subscriptions I thought, and my order still hasn't shipped (Or unlocked the pdfs!) I am wondering if there is a problem with the order and no one informed me, or what I need to do in order to get the material.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Hey, At the table today I was bombarded with rules questions, commentary, and arguments over several situations from a player. And while I dealt with it as much as I could at the table, I was curious about how other people would handle the situation, as well as making sure I did things right.

Starting with the rules questions I suppose... Today we were playing-

Hall of Drunken Heroes.

To start off, when they encountered the first situation where several people try to turn them away, after standing around for a bit they commented about leaving and coming back in a day or two, and since there is some time pressure to the module as stated... I warned them out of game that would likely result in the Society sending another team to deal with the problem, and 0 0 0 chronicles. I believe abandoning the mission does result in that, even though they have hardly started?

At this point several arguments were brought up about invisibility and pushing through mobs and opening doors... where the statement was that invisibility should allow you to shove through and interact with objects and doors without notice... I said yeah, No to interacting and no one in a press of a mob and guarded doors not noticing.

Things continued for a while and due to bad luck and failed saved much of the party gained the Exhausted condition... at which point rather then continue forward to save the people that were kidnapped and in danger, despite several npcs urging and begging them to do so... One player basically insisted on a 8 hour rest to clear the condition.... and just started working off that assumption and the group couldn't move forward without them (cleric).. forcing an 8 hour break in a module that assumes immediate continuation.
I Really feel that in this case I should probably have skipped to Writing out 0 0 0 chronicles here since it says the big guy will escape soon... but as the rest of the table seemed unhappy with the situation and wanted to continue as planned but couldn't without him... I gave them a warning that I really shouldn't be allowing this, and continued the adventure primarily for the people who were trying to play it straight.... What should I have done in that situation when a Chase is delayed by 8+ hours and everything in the module tells them to hurry, but does not actually set a hard timer.

Continuing the adventure.. the group encountered one of the banes of many adventuring groups... Deeper darkness... and here is where many of the issues started to crop up again.

The first rules argument took place over whether someone using telepathy could communicate with someone in darkness, even though they had established the mental link before it went into effect. Since the creature can do so at distance with that ability, I ruled that darkness didn't stop anything, and had to squash that argument.

Next was the rules argument over a creature not being able to see in it's own deeper darkness area.. which continued even when I pointed out the creatures in question had other methods of finding targets. I am unsure about creatures and casters seeing through their own deeper darkness. but I am pretty sure the beasts were able to detect thoughts into it just fine.

Then things got a little weird, an argument over targeting invisible and unseen creatures. first with Slumber hex... because it just says target they argued that they could target it even if they could not see it and did not know where it was... I did not allow this either since you need to be able to pick out the target somehow.. (though I was nice and said if you pick the correct square i'll have them make the save.) However next round the argument came up again over spiritual weapon since it is supposed to lock on to the designated target and keep attacking... he wanted to cast it and have it magically attack the right area, because it tracked the target.. which I didn't allow at all.
Pretty sure none of these work that way, and I did not allow them too.

Next up was the rules question about being able to move through an incorporeal creatures square... argued that since it was incorporeal, it A) didn't threaten, and B) he could move through its square without provoking or acrobatics. I was pretty sure that no where in the rules was an exception for this, but I want to make sure that I did it right when I didn't allow that to happen either.

Finally after that mess was cleared up and a few more events happened, it came chronicle time I was informed he was interesting in putting a Heightened heightened heightened continual flame on his shoulderpad so he could have a level 5 light spell that could never be deeper darknessed again. I didn't record this since it sounded completely wrong to me, and I thought you couldn't apply more than one of the same metamgaic to the same spell. (otherwise hello triple enlarged or empowered fireballs.)

A few more minor issues which I dealt with... but all in all it made for a very rough session as a GM at the table being constantly challenged over the rules every few minutes, especially since I thought I had a good grasp of things, and I did not want to stop the game every round for a 5-10 minute rule discussion....

My player question, is what should I have done in the situations above, and especially with the one player who kept bringing up every single argument. Especially as the player was metagaming about the monsters, and the situation, and when he learned his aoe missed spent quite a bit of time arguing about how it wasn't really where he said originally. Then when I finally lifted the gm screen for a second to show him, no he had placed it wrong. (for areas of darkness where no one can see, I often use a GM screen to block that portion of the map, and ask them how far in front of them, and in which direction they target things etc.... Its more fun that way I think.) So immediately next he adjusts his next hit to be right in the exact area the monsters had been in without making any check, arguing of course he knew they were there....

It just made for a really rough session and I felt sorry for the other players at the table. And If anyone has any suggestions for dealing with that kind of table situation, and if I did screw up any of the rules issues, could you let me know or pass on any tips about this? (I thought about asking him to leave at one point except it would have pretty much caused a tpk without heals/spells and I didn't want to do that to the rest of the table. and was unsure if I really could have...)

Lantern Lodge

Hey I just decided to join for the flip map subscription since I am running far more society games lately and the maps are extremely useful... so I added the city gates as the next map to ship.. only to check subscriptions to find it also added cave chambers and starship chambers and hill country(hill country is fine) to the subscription as well instead of starting with city gates as I marked when I checked out.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

This came up this week as I had a player at my table who was playing to apply his pregen chronicle to a brand new level 1. The chronicle comes with a spiffy little flavorful boon, as well as some nice eventual item access. However I wanted to make sure I did it right in granting him access to all the boons at level 1 and eventual item access he had earned in the scenario, as well as the 500 gp.

Lantern Lodge

Just today I sat down with my physical copy of this book, and opened it up only to have several of the pages basically slide right out as soon as I came to them. Right now I have two groups of pages that have fallen out.. 21-28, and 43-58, a pretty large portion of the book. The book itself is in otherwise pristine condition, and I am still able to read the pages now to prep for my group, though I worry about them getting lost later. I do have the pdf from the subscription as a backup, though I wanted to know if there is a way to get a replacement copy for the table. The entire book seems fine other then the fact that is falling apart though, so there is that. and I went and checked the other books in the ap and they seem to be just fine in regards to their binding. First real issue I have had with one of your books falling apart on me to be honest so not sure what to say. I can provide pictures of the book and the separated pages if needed as well.

Lantern Lodge

hey, I got my first great golem sale shipment recently, and checked to see why my other one hadn't arrived yet, only to discover it had a payment declined issue somehow.... the big question is can the order still be altered? if I can drop AP #42 and the flip map maybe I can afford the shipping change to get it here in time for at least right after Christmas... honestly don't know what to do at this point since the order was mostly for a gift as I have the items myself... any idea when it would get here or be shipped if I change the payment and have it go as is? and if there are faster shipping options and how much?

Lantern Lodge

hey, there is an item in my sidecart set to ship with the december shipment, gamemastery map pack lairs. Which i have purchased on the great golem sale. If i have not already been charged for this item (i don't think i have.) could i please have it removed from the sidecart as i have just purchased it from you during the (admittedly awesome) great golem sale.

Lantern Lodge

Hey there, I have been back from the trip for a bit now and went to check on this to see when i could expect it to arrive. The order is still showing suspended on the page though. So it can be unsuspended at any time and shipped out.

Lantern Lodge

My august shipment is one of the ones I am really looking forwards to, however I have recently learned I need to head out of state to watch over a sick family member for a couple weeks. I will be leaving town aug 23rd and not returning until Sep 2nd. Unfortunately that looks to be the point in time in which my shipment might arrive, if it doesn't look to be able to ship to arrive before the 22nd, is it possible to have the shipment held so it arrives after the 2nd? Other options would be having it ship with the September shipment... though I would hate the delay somewhat. Or switching it to shipping as soon as possible with 2 day shipping if that would get it here in time? Or I could try to have someone I trust check outside the door every few days though I would rather not resort to that. Also out of curiosity, is there a way to Start the pathfinder card game subscription with the Base set? (which hasn't shipped yet to my knowledge.) Or should I go through amazon and get it cheaper. 0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376437152&sr=8-1&keywords=pathfinder+ rise+of+the+runelords+base+set

Hoping for some help with these questions if you have the time.

Lantern Lodge

I just received my order today and was really worried when I saw the torn up packaging, and even more worried when I saw what was inside. My adventure path guide is all torn up and bent in two places so it is hard to open without damaging much less read. Almost more importantly though, the combat pad I ordered is seriously damaged as well. and while I have yet to remove it from the packaging, I cannot imagine using it at the table with the large bend up in one corner, and the curve forced in the other. Several of the magnets look damaged as well, though I do not intend to open the package to find out. Is it possible to send these damaged items back in order to get working ones?

Lantern Lodge

hey I just got my message that my order is ready to ship, only I actually got two emails, each saying that they are shipping 2 of the items.... was the order broken up and shipped twice instead of at once? should I be looking for two packages? does this mean extra shipping fees?

just a little confused as to whether I am looking for one package or two, esp as I was a little worried to see only a part of the order shipped. before finding the second email

Lantern Lodge

Hey, the order was placed quite a while ago, and I was expecting it over a week ago, so I logged in to see what was going on and it says it is still pending? so it hasn't even shipped yet? The order was paid for on June 21st so over two weeks ago now. Is there any eta on this? or will it just be shipped with my next subscription?(an option I would have chosen at the time if the subscription shipment hadn't been over 3 weeks away) Just like some idea what is going on if possible

Lantern Lodge

It isn't showing my pathfinder advantage benefit when i try to purchase things this weekend... even though i am shipping the items with my next subscription purchase... is black friday sale messing with the prices? for the time being i removed the non friday things from my order and have held off on finalizing it... please respond soon due to sale timing...

Lantern Lodge

please cancel just the roleplaying game subscription on my account... things are getting tighter then expected this holiday season

Lantern Lodge

Hey i know that the post said that you were running a bit behind on shipments for august, so i haven't posted before. But starting to get a bit worried about my subscription shipment which has been stuck at pending for ages. Hoping it isn't going to be delayed until september or anything, but if it is could you lemme know?

Lantern Lodge

Please cancel my Paizo Roleplaying main subscription for now, due to both money issues and the fact that we aren't terribly interested in the next few boxes coming up. I'll hopefully be able to resubscribe later. and would like to keep my AP subscription as it is.

Lantern Lodge

hey i got the this should be shipped message on the 18th... saying it would go out the 20th. and i know i need to allow 5-8 buisness days for shipment, which has now passed... and it is usually here way faster then that. is there a way to track the order to see when it will arrive or if it got held up?

Lantern Lodge

Once again i wish to cancel my campaign setting subscription since as usual the map folio is of 0 interest to me nor does it really expand the campaign world any. I will renew my subscription as soon as possible after the map folio has passed however ^.^

Lantern Lodge

As a longtime rulebook subscriber, i have been universally happy with this subscription, only to check my list to see what was coming up, and find instead of the beastiary 3, which i thought was my next subscription item, instead i am getting a begginer box set? This item holds absolutely no allure for me or my group, as i have all the core books already, like i would expect most subscribers would have at least the regular core book. Making this sadly an extremely undesireable item to me.

I really hate to ask, but is there a way to have this box set removed from my subscription list, or failing that, to cancel the core subscription until after it is passed and resubscribe me for the rest afterwards?

If this isn't possible, ill still pick up the slack and purchase the item, but it seems a very strange thing to me to have in the middle of a subscription.

Lantern Lodge

I was informed by email that my ap subscription had been set to start with jade regent as per my request. I was quite happy with how things worked out, until today when it is trying to bill me for the carrion crown ap as well as the jade regent which should be the start of my order.

to reiterate, i do NOT want carrion crown 6. I do NOT have the rest of the AP because i have recently started as a player in the ap. I DO want my subscription to start with jade regent, as we are all excited by the chance to revisit sandpoint and the eastern adventures.

todays billing attempt-
This order contains the following items:
1 x Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL) Hardcover (preorder) @ 33.99 = $33.99
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire (Carrion Crown 6 of 6) (PFRPG) Print Edition (preorder) @ 13.99 = $13.99
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy (Jade Regent 1 of 6) (PFRPG) (preorder) @ 13.99 = $13.99
1 x Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide (PFRPG) (preorder) @ 16.99 = $16.99
1 x Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic (PFRPG) (preorder) @ 16.99 = $16.99

This is once more not what i want, so if possible please contact me as soon as the situation is rectified

the email.
In a message dated 7/13/2011 10:52:51 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Regarding your messageboard post, here: ubscription&page=1#8

I have just gone ahead and set the starting volume of your AP subscription to Jade Regent #1. If this is what you would like to have happen, then no further action is necessary. If you would rather get Carrion Crown #36 as your starting volume, please let me know and I will undo the changes I have made.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks!


Cosmo Eisele
Customer Service Manager
7120 185th Ave NE Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Phone: (425) 250-0800
Fax: (425) 250-0801

Lantern Lodge

I had been waiting to resubscribe to start with the dungeons of golarion issue... sadly it seems that dungeons isn't a current option for the subscription, which seems very strange to me.

If possible can i get the subscription i just set up to start with the dungeons of golarion campaign setting book? and Then the society field guide? I have been trying to wait till it goes past the carrion map guide. as i am actually a player in that game, and thus i really don't want (and wont pay for) a map guide for that ap(honestly it seems strange to have ap only materials in a subscription that is not for the ap or maps...).

Thank you very much.

Lantern Lodge

please cancel my campaign setting subscription for now.

Lantern Lodge

As my friend and fellow gm has taken a definite (and possibly unholy) liking to the Carrion crown AP, and is planning on running it once it is fully out, I am canceling my AP subscription for the duration of the carrion crown path to avoid spoiling the surprise for myself. I look forward to resubscribing for Jade regent most likely, and wish to keep my other subscriptions active.

Lantern Lodge

Seriously curious about if there is a problem with the order at this point, i keep checking for it every day and it hasn't arrived, and i just checked a bit ago to see that i got the it has shipped email over 13 days ago now. Wondering if there is some kind of mix up with this, a tracking number for the package, or if rabid dragons ate it. At this point it definitely seems more then a little bit overdue.

Lantern Lodge

Hey, very curious about how much longer it is going to take for my lords of chaos subscription to ship. I know it has to have arrived in time since my friend just got his physical copy delivered and is now taunting me with it ><. If it doesn't ship soon it will make for a very unhappy demonic christmas ; ;.

Lantern Lodge

Hey i had this ordered but the order got canceled somehow and the first of the players guide compilations is no longer for sale? is this a mistake somehow? I was really looking forward to this items arrival since i prefer actual books to pdfs whenever possible!