Darius Finch

Iolana Willis's page

1 post. Alias of thrikreed.


Female Half Elf / Varisian Rogue 1
Nameless GM wrote:

"Ah, yes. I apologize for not speaking of him sooner, but we thought it was best to keep all our harrows close to the chest, as they say, at least until we were sure about you all. Our leader's name is Arael, and though I do not wish to spend too much time describing a man you are soon to meet, suffice it to say that he is a wise man, and his elven blood has allowed him to know Westcrown more intimately than any of we ever could. He was alive when this city thrived under Aroden's deific rule, and he's seen what it has become."

"If any of you need any more convincing, I am absolutely certain that he will provide it."

Sense Motive DC 20

Perception is 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23.

I stand with my head bowed in shame and return to my seat.