Darius Finch

Iolana Willis's page

1 post. Alias of thrikreed.

Full Name

Iolana Willis A.K.A. Ionacu Telesz, Grachius Alazario


Half Elf / Varisian


Rogue 1




5' 9", 106 lbs. (Medium)



Special Abilities

Low-light vision, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Multitalented, Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding


Chaotic Good






Common, Elven, Infernal, Shoanti, Varisian



Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Iolana Willis


HP: 8
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12
Init: +3
CMB: +0; CMD: 13
Fort: +0, Ref: +5, Will: +0


Dagger - melee +0 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Dagger - range +3 (1d4/19-20/x2)


Bluff: +9 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained, +2 deceitful) or +14 to deliver a secret message (+5 trait bonus)
Diplomacy: +7 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Disguise: +14 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained, +3 skill focus, +2 deceitful, +2 disguise kit)
Knowledge (local): +6 (+2 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Linguistics: +6 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Perception: +6 (+0 wis, +1 rank, +3 trained, +2 racial)
Perform (Act): +7 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Perform (Dance): +7 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Perform (Oratory): +7 (+3 cha, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Sense Motive: +4 (+0 wis, +1 rank, +3 trained) or +9 to intercept a secret message (+5 trait bonus)
Stealth: +7 (+3 dex, +1 rank, +3 trained)
Survival: +0 (+0 wis) or +2 to avoid becoming lost (+2 circumstance)

Feats and traits:

Canter (trait)
The Pathfinder's Exile (trait from Council of Thieves)
Skill Focus: Disguise (Racial)
Deceitful (1st level)

Worn Items:

Dagger x3 (2 gp each, 1 lbs each)
Holy Symbol of Desna (1 gp, - lbs, concealed.)
Leather Armor (10 gp, 15 lbs)
Pouch, Belt (1 gp, .5 lbs, holds an assortment of coins totaling 6.06 gp)
Scholar's Outfit (5 gp, 6 lbs)
Wayfinder (1 lbs, from the Pathfinder's Exile Trait. Concealed. See below for item description.)
Total: 19 + 6.06 gp, 25.5 lbs

Background Summary:

Iolana is an orphan and an escaped criminal from Riddleport, who has traveled by barge, foot, and caravans to Korvosa. Along the way she met a half elf adventurer named Andrazi Rozycki. On his way to Westcrown to try to recover goods from the Pathfinder lodge there, he began teaching Iolana how to take care of herself. They became good friends, almost like siblings.

Two days after arriving in Westcrown, Andrazi vanished without a trace leaving behind his own hand carved holy symbol to Desna and his wayfinder. Since his disappearance, Iolana has been in the city very discreetly looking for him and fearing the worst. She's had to make use of her skills to maintain what little money she has.

A diplomacy (gather information) check, reveals the following:
DC 15 - She's a rumor-monger. (T - She loves to both hear and spread rumors.)
DC 20 - She's a spy for a minor noble out of Korvosa. (F - But she has been seen coming out of Grachius's room.)
DC 25 - She's a mistress of Grachius Alazario. (F - She is Grachius.)

Room: (good quality, paid 5 days in advance)
Everything below this point is stored in her room.

Backpack (new, blue trim) by the door:

Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs)
Blanker, winter (5 sp, 3 lbs)
Dagger (2 gp, 1 lbs)
Flint & Steel (1 gp, - lbs)
Rations, trail x7 (5 sp, 1 lb)
Sewing needle (5 sp, - lbs)
Soap (5 sp, 1 lbs)
Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs)
Whetstone (2 cp, 1 lbs)
Total: 11.12 gp, 18 lbs

Backpack (old) by the door:

Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs)
Blanker, winter (5 sp, 3 lbs)
Dagger (2 gp, 1 lbs)
Flint & Steel (1 gp, - lbs)
Rations, trail x7 (5 sp, 1 lb)
Sewing needle (5 sp, - lbs)
Soap (5 sp, 1 lbs)
Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lbs)
Whetstone (2 cp, 1 lbs)
Total: 11.12 gp, 18 lbs

Chest Contents:

Chest (2 gp, 25 lbs)
Disguise Kit (50 gp, 8 lbs)
Ink (1 oz vial, 8 gp, - lbs)
Inkpen x6 (1 sp each, - lbs)
Rapier (20 gp, 2 lbs)
Studded Leather Armor(25 gp, 20 lbs)
Total: 105.6 gp, 55 lbs, nailed to the floor and wall

Closet Contents:

Artisan's outfit (1 gp, 4 lbs)
Cleric's vestments (5 gp, 6 lbs)
Cold-weather outfit (8 gp, 7 lbs)
Courtier's outfit (30 gp, 6 lbs)
Entertainer's outfit (3 gp, 4 lbs)
Explorer's outfit (10 gp, 8 lbs)
Monk's outfit (5 gp, 2 lbs)
Peasant's outfit (1 sp each, 2 lbs)
Pouch, belt x2 (1 gp each, .5 lbs each) holding 2 gp in various coins each, hidden amongst the other clothes.
Scholar's outfit (5 gp, 6 lbs)
Traveler's outfit (1 gp, 5 lbs)
Total: 70.1 + 4 gp, 51 lbs, hangers alternating the facing of the hook

Under a loose floorboard:

Holy Symbol of Asmodeus (1 gp, - lbs)
Holy Symbol of Iomedae (1 gp, - lbs)

Magic Item Descriptions:


Aura: faint evocation; CL: 5th
Slot: -; Price: 500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Description: A typical wayfinder is made from silver with gold accents, and functions as a compass. A wayfinder grants its user a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders include a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. While still granting the user their normal benefits, ioun stones slotted in this manner frequently reveal entirely new powers due to the magic of the wayfinder itself. A wayfinder can be commanded to emit light (as the spell) as a standard action.