Grand Necromancer

Inve, the Twilight Walker's page

No posts. Organized Play character for umopapisdnupsidedown.

Full Name





Sorcerer 8








Chaotic Good


The Cosmic Caravan (a very loose follower)

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 20

About Inve, the Twilight Walker

Inve’s father Ezval is a Brightsorrow fetchling, and hails from the Somal’s Tears island chain, suspended between Shadow Golarion and its moon. His mother Sanathel is a Rikmirit fetchling from a small valley community southeast of the Five Kings Mountains. The two met on one of Ezval’s sojourns to the Material Plane—he found himself passing through their land, and the hospitable but insular Rikmirit community invited the traveler to rest with them and tell stories of their home Plane. Upon setting eyes upon Sanathel, Ezval was immediately drawn to her. Indeed, she is strikingly beautiful, perhaps a result of the influence of a nymph on her bloodline. Sanathel’s ancestors once mingled with the Hesperides, nymphs of evening and golden sunsets, and bore many beautiful daughters.

Inve grew up mostly on the Material Plane, but is no stranger to the Shadow Plane on account of his father’s travels. Inve’s family maintained contacts both in the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane, occasionally helping Kayal refugees from Nidal (mostly Dreamers, who face persecution by Nidalese Kuthites) to settle on Somal’s Tears. Occasionally, they would help Fetchlings from the Shadow Plane resettle in the Material Plane. Perhaps their guests had crossed Agrinyxia or one of her agents in Shadow Absalom; perhaps it was some other horror that had triggered their flight to begin life anew on the Material Plane. Inve’s family, and when he was old enough, Inve himself, would help their fellow Fetchlings to find a measure of peace, and to start new lives in a new place.

Inve’s bloodline gave him natural magical powers and talents beyond those of his peers; his powers came in handy on more than one occasion. Eventually, though, he left home and began to seek a life of adventure and self-discovery. Between his contact with Dreamers and his subsequent travels, Inve has a measure of respect for the Cosmic Caravan pantheon.