
Innkeeper at the Jade Dragon's page

16 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The sohei leave the Jade Dragon Inn immediately, and the innkeeper returns from the kitchen, having heard them leave. Confirming this with her eyes, she calls back to the kitchen: Cancel that large order! Cancel it! ... Hai, hai, they left...

Answering the rapid-fire questions quickly and honestly, the innkeeper seems distraught when asked about strangers, and slowly points out the adventurers, face lowered in shame. She then quickly bows to the sohei before scurrying off to the kitchen to make their food and pour their drinks...

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

Jumps in a pot of cold water, then shakes him self off, and casts Presdiditaion to dry and clean.

"We fey don't eat meat, so rice and nuts sound nice"

Giggling and seemingly somewhat enchanted by the Little Lord, the innkeeper hurries off to find some peanuts and rice, which she crushes and boils together, making a hardy and delicious peanut butter rice dish, custom made for Perpireen, Lord Protector of the Worldly Gate...

I hope this is acceptable, my lord... says the innkeeper as she sets a steaming, sprite-sized bowl (teacup) of the custom dish before him...

Like an angel of mercy come to end their suffering, the innkeeper brings pots of hot tea with lemon, and pitchers of cold water...

Singing sweetly in Japanese: Rise and shine! Rise and shine! Sun is up, end sleepy time! Rise and shine! Rise and shine! Sun is up, end sleepy time!

Signor Pusinboots wrote:
Innkeeper at the Jade Dragon wrote:
Signor Pusinboots wrote:

Aagh!! Mon head... it rings like zee bells of Notre Dame... Bloody ricewine... Never again... Must get some breakfast... some creme... *BLEEAAARRRGGGHH!!* Cat Lord PusInBoots vomits at the thought of cream in his belly... Non! Non! Non! Not creme...

After dunking his furry head in the water trough for mounts outside the inn, Cat Lord PusInBoots feels more himself, and orders breakfast noodles with chicken for everyone in the party...

That'll be 10 golden tael, Cat Daimyo! says the innkeeper, bowing and smiling...
Plucking a 1,000-gold-piece emerald seemingly from behind the innkeeper's ear with a sleight-of-hand unrivaled among tricksters, the Cat Lord overpays the innkeeper, kisses her on the lips, and says, Merci, Madame... no more fried cat... for me, oui?

Stunned momentarily by the Cat Lord's kiss, the innkeeper blushes and smiles, looking down... She sincerely promises: Never again, my handsome Cat Daimyo!

Signor Pusinboots wrote:

Aagh!! Mon head... it rings like zee bells of Notre Dame... Bloody ricewine... Never again... Must get some breakfast... some creme... *BLEEAAARRRGGGHH!!* Cat Lord PusInBoots vomits at the thought of cream in his belly... Non! Non! Non! Not creme...

After dunking his furry head in the water trough for mounts outside the inn, Cat Lord PusInBoots feels more himself, and orders breakfast noodles with chicken for everyone in the party...

That'll be 10 golden tael, Cat Daimyo! says the innkeeper, bowing and smiling...

Signor Pusinboots wrote:
Innkeeper at the Jade Dragon wrote:

The innkeeper seems both surprised and happy to see the gaijin she thought dead for certain return to the Jade Dragon along with another, a kitsune...

Japanese: Welcome back, travelers! Long time, no see, hai? Hahahahaha!! Come in! Make yourselves at home! We have delicious noodles in house special broth, with hibachi grilled shrimp, chicken, beef, dog, cat, or octopus!

The innkeeper, curious and in wonder about how the gaijin survived the infamous "hospitality" of the Shogun, serves them a heroes feast indeed... The bottles of saki are drained by the dozens, and an epic celebration ensues!

A moment of tension:

Japanese: Cat, Madame!? You serve hibachi grilled CAT!? The Cat Lord swashbuckler does not seem amused!

Aware that she has grievously offended her honored guest, the innkeeper kowtows to the Cat Lord, pleading in Japanese: A thousand pardons, honorable Cat Daimyo... We will cease this barbarous practice from now on, I swear!

Bluff 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

The innkeeper seems both surprised and happy to see the gaijin she thought dead for certain return to the Jade Dragon along with another, a kitsune...

Japanese: Welcome back, travelers! Long time, no see, hai? Hahahahaha!! Come in! Make yourselves at home! We have delicious noodles in house special broth, with hibachi grilled shrimp, chicken, beef, dog, cat, or octopus!

The innkeeper, curious and in wonder about how the gaijin survived the infamous "hospitality" of the Shogun, serves them a heroes feast indeed... The bottles of saki are drained by the dozens, and an epic celebration ensues!

Orpheus Thrush wrote:

Suddenly, a familiar thrush flies into the Jade Dragon Inn through an open window, and squeaks at the top of his tiny lungs:

Oh praise Olympus! Praise the very bolts of Zeus the Thunderer! It's Mister Bear, and Mister Fox's other friends! Oh, thank goodness itself! You must rush to Ogon Fox's aid at once, if ye be companions worthy of him, for he languishes in yonder Ghost Tower, which men of Nippon name the Flower Palace!

Gasping for breath as if after great exertion, he points his beak toward Ashikaga Castle.

Saisho ni, watashi no men o aisuru hanashite iru tori, imaya jōdan o itte iru hanasu tori!

First a talking bird who eats my noodles, now a talking bird who speaks gibberish!

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin looks at the woman and shakes her head."Watashi wa tameshinakereba naranai. Watashinochichi wa shiro o yūjin ni motte itanode, dare ga watashi o yatoudarou to itta. Watashi wa watashi no karada o ataeru hitsuyō ga aru kamo shirenai koto o s*@%te iruga, watashi wa sore ga watashi no chichioya wa shōgun no tame ni hataraku koto o nozonde itanode, sono futan o futan shimasu. Tameshite wa naranai no wa jūdaina fumeiyona kotonanode, tasuketekudasai"

** spoiler omitted **

She looks down and up selling the story as best she can, her mind seeking to infiltrate and find the Fox then taking out men one by one. It was her skill set and she doubted these men were any smarter than the Arabs.

The innkeeper nods in understanding, and then replies: Anata no kazoku ni itte keii o arawashimasu. Watashi wa anata no yōna kawaī on'nanoko ga sugu ni shōgun no saibansho ni yūri ni naru to kakushin s*#$e imasu.

Go and honor your family, then. I'm sure a pretty girl like you would soon find favor in the Shogun's court.

She shrugs and smiles at Ihrin in a sisterly way...

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

Ihrin looks up to the Innkeeper"Shiro ga shokuin o yatotte iru ka dō ka oshiete moraemasu ka? Watashinokazoku o koroshita nochi, korera no gajin ga watashi o ikutsu ka no akuma kara kyūshutsu s*~!a no o mite moraemasu ka, watashi wa kansha shimasuga shigoto ga hitsuyōdesu. Meido ya nanika o motto puraibētona mono ni tsukau koto ga dekiru ka dō ka kakunin suru?"

** spoiler omitted **


Dārin, kyūden ni itte wa ikenai. Shōgun wa anata ni fuyukaina shigoto o ataerudeshou!

Do not go to the palace, dear. The Shogun will set you to unpleasant tasks!

Mwikali wrote:

Meikali turns and gives the man outside a glare as she pulls out 10 gold and hands it to the woman.

" For your kindness and your wonderful service" She says in Japanese before turning to Johann.

"I have alot of weapons at my disposal but sneaking in has the best chance of success" she says begin ik ng to eat her food and feed someth ik ngs to Kiku.

The innkeeper quickly takes Mwikali's gold, ten times what was asked for, with a greedy smile... a few seconds later, looking at the lovely African Witch, her greedy grin becomes a genuine smile of gratitude.

Japanese: I said ten silver tael. Or ONE gold tael... Did you mean to pay me ten times the price I asked, pretty lady? We can certainly use a nice gratuity right now. But I don't take advantage of gaijin in my inn.

The innkeeper of the Jade Dragon Inn tries to pretend not to notice the stern, xenophobic rant of the sohei in the street outside, but the nervous stress is visible on her haggard face.

Japanese: So far, your bill is up to just 10 silver tael, or one golden tael, folks... That covers the African lady's food and wine, and the two rooms... I assume you'll be needing them both?

Mwikali wrote:

"Watashi wa anata no tabemono o ajiwatte, soshite osoraku ēru" Mwikali says Kiku hopping about eager for something to eat.

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Japanese, softening when she hears the "gaijin" speak Japanese: Ah, you say our words well, my dusky darling! Let's see what's in the pot for you, my dear...

The innkeeper rushes off to The kitchen, where she scoops steamed noodles and aromatic chicken broth into a bowl with a pair of chopsticks, and delivers that, along with rice cakes and a cup of sake (rice wine) to Mwikali.

Ihrin Ardlean Dracul wrote:

"Wa i, o heya ga yokattadesu." Ihrin says in her guise as she looks at her companions One being a woman with skin as the dark as the nights' sky. She wasn't sure how the locals would take such a woman.

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Japanese, with a "We don't usually accommodate barbarians" look on her face: Fine... There's a room with a view of the palace gardens upstairs for five silver tael per night, with a king-sized bed and our best furnishings... or a more modest room downstairs by the kitchen with four cots and two footlockers and a chamber pot for only two tael nightly...

Inside the common room of the Jade Dragon Inn, when the party first enters...

The inside of the common room of the inn still smells of seawater, but the staff have done their best to mop up the floodwaters...

As the heroes enter the inn to look in vain for the Rabbi, the innkeeper looks up from mopping a puddle behind the bamboo bar, and her dark eyes widen at the sight of "gaijin" in her beleaguered inn... But customers were money, which she desperately needed for repairs and to make up for a dire loss of business...

Dono yō ni watashi wa anata no hito o tasukeru koto ga dekimasu ka? Anata wa shukusha ga hitsuyōdesu ka? Inshoku?

How may I help you folks? Do you need lodging? Food and drink?