Inchoroi |
I felt the need to rewrite Way of the Spellshot. It's not a full rewrite, more a moving around of weird things that don't make sense. I'd love it if someone who's more familiar with the rules than I take it apart and see if it breaks anything.
Change #1: Its no longer a Class Archetype, because I can't figure out (and the various threads I read can't either) why its a Class Archetype.
Change #2: Remove the Class DC change. Not necessary.
Change #3: The Dedication benefit (which was a terrible feat tax) becomes the Slinger's Reload. That's listed below.
Conjured Reload (1 action)
Flourish, Magical, Gunslinger
You conjure an ordinary level 0 bolt or bullet out of thin air and then immediately Interact to load it into your weapon. If you damage a creature with this conjured bullet, the damage is magical. If the bolt or bullet isn't fired before the end of your turn, the effect is wasted.
Change #4: Energy Shot gets the following appended to its text:
"At 9th level, the extra damage you deal increases by 1 to a total of 2, and at 18th level the extra damage increases to a total of 3."
Change #5: Call Gun becomes a 1st level feat.
Change #6: Thoughtful Reload becomes a feat!
Thoughtful Reload (free action) Feat 2
Flourish, Gunslinger, Spellshot
As you sink deep into a state of analytical calm and focus on the foe before you, your hands reload a bullet instinctively. Whenever you Interact to load a bolt or bullet, you can attempt a Recall Knowledge check against an opponent you can see. You have a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll.