Elvish Fighter

Incendio's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

The Exchange

I have been messing around with HeroLabs to create a few CR17+ non- monster villians and I have been building them as PCs instead of NPCs. I bought them magic gear based on the wealth a player of that level would have. These Villians would likely be "solo" fights (no minions).

Am I inviting a TPK with this strategy?

Have any of you guys had good results with this?

Any feedback or anecdotes are welcome.

The Exchange

I have a level 1 cavalier in the Kingmaker AP. He's been doing great, especially with all the outdoor combat. Combining lance and horse I'm doing insane damage. I also love the mobility.

I was just wondering if there are any good dips I could take so that he can be good on foot. I'm worried that when I don't have my mount, I will be a second rate fighter.

Would it be worth it to dip into another martial class and grab some other feats?

My cavalier is a lawful neutral knight-very much a "by the book" justice vibe.
