Golden Orb

Illumi Daratona's page

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Hello all! I have been lurking on Paizo as well as many other sites for quite a long time. I've seen you guys have been very helpful to people in the past and I am in need of dire aid before Tuesday.

I am trying to branch away from my usual style of making a character who essentially becomes a super one trick pony. And for the first time, I am rolling a Diviner Foresight wizard. I've looked around Paizo, reddit and even googled for aid and I don't want to copy any one build. Additionally, a lot of the info I found began derailing itself as replies went on, and people either argued about semantics or abilities instead of helping out the OP.

Inspiration for this character was given to me by Jehova who brought upon "The Vacuum" Wizard which I thought was amazing.

We are starting at level 5, and we are getting a 25-point buy, we got random races (I obtained human), and we got gold amounts based off our back stories. I ended up getting 25k Gold pieces which was the highest anyone got (yay me!).

Now before anyone send me links to Treantmonk's or Professor Q's guide, I have seen them and they rock but I feel that they aren't geared toward what I was looking for. Now my issue is that I want spells, items and feats that have amazing synergy with one another so I can be strong in different situations. Like for Jehova his/her Vacuum was geared toward using Mass Suffocation, and was even to perform Beast Mass. I would like to roll up a character who possibly at higher levels could be that diesel as well, but my knowledge of D&D I would say isn't at the highest level that some of the other optimizers, and min/max'ers may be.

I don't even know if I should obtain a familiar or an arcane item at this point, and I don't know how to make the best out of my Foresight Wizard. I was thinking of going down Evocation or Necromacy for some powerful save or lose/dies/sucks. However, I've rolled up a witch and a Ice Sorceress who did very similar things, and I am trying to be different than my super specialist play style.

So if anyone can help me, I'd be greatly appreciative. I'm already appreciative that you all have provided me information to even help me get this far, now I'm just simply asking for a little more. Thank you in advance.