Illililili's page
Goblin Squad Member. 140 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Video from Far Cry 2.
"a landscape that is so unique and unlike anything in gaming today that it is really all players can focus on. Taking place on a virtually recreated 50-kilometer mass of African landscape, playing Far Cry 2 is about the next best thing to actually going on a safari. Trees sway realistically in the wind, and brush fires will actually leave behind charred remains as you progress through the world."
This is what we need in PFO. Landscape that looks good, then starts on fire when we cast fireball spells...
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"Thornguards now attack PCs with the attacker flag and the Thorngurad aggro range has been increased."
Don't hit yourself by accident in town. Assault on one's self is now punishable by death!
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I think it is obvious to all that Ryan needs to define "soon" as it is perceived by GW, as other MMO companies have done:
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Stephen Cheney 01.26.2015 09:41
Game Designer
Yeah, I've been agonizing over it for the past week or two, since it was meant for in-combat positioning not out-of-combat travel. There are some minor tweaks to it in the next patch, but I'm hesitant to nerf it too much since we think ammo consumption will make a really big difference in how it's used. Unfortunately, ammo consumption is still a while out, so it's likely to be another one of those things that people feel is a profound nerf once the balancing mechanics finally come online.
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Nihimon wrote: What Wizards need right now is a Dedication Bonus.
Also, Energetic Field is on the verge of becoming that thing that everyone takes that the devs always told us they wanted to avoid.
verge? I have not seen any characters without it for over a week.
The only downside to the spell is stopping at every hex boundary and waiting for the buff to fall off so you don't get desynched when you cross into the next hex.
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Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote: Quote: Being a part of a company and/or settlement should provide benefits but not exclusive advancement. That's an interesting concept. I think it's worth exploring -
From what I can tell, effectively, as the game mechanics work right now your ability to train past level 8 is entirely at the leisure of the small group of active settlement owners. Settlements leaders cannot be replaced by force, or voted out, or anything of that nature. They are gods of their settlement.
If they *all* decide in unanimity they don't like you, and deny any company join request that are a part of, you will not be able to use any skill past level 8, whatsoever. Rotter's Hole as a Rep haven is effectively useless in that scope after about 3 weeks.
Keep in mind, while there were originally 33 (?) settlements to choose from, I'd guess only close to half are active right now. Not hard to get a little more than a dozen people to setgree on something, especially if some of those people are scared of dissenting.
Just some idle pontificating... From watching the boards and the NAP discussions over the past week I would venture that you would have an easier time herding cats than you would getting all the settlement leaders to agree on anything.
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This is upsetting me quite a bit, and I want to vent.
I consider GW behavior over the last week to be unacceptable. Why?
1. Officially, GW has a stated policy of "No Griefing".
2. However, as of today's patch, the best camping spot in the game is new player quest mobs. Watch new players come over, get their random expendable, then gank said player for a 75% chance of an Expendable drop, which is FAR higher than the usual 1 in a 1000 chance from killing PvE mobs. This will, of course, leave new players to the game with a VERY BAD initial experience; AND rewarding this sort of behavior by griefers is a direct contravention of GW's own policy.
3. In addition, the expendable hand out is given, not per account, but per new player; anyone with half a brain will see how that is also exploitable. This particular exploit I consider to be much less detrimental to the long term health of the game than number 2.
3. These particular idiocy(s) were posted on the bug boards for the test server. Instead of fixing the problem(s) and delaying the patch, GW has instead chosen to delete threads and attempt to cover up the issue. WTF are you thinking? Are you trying to copy other MMO's failures? I still remember UO, and how they pushed forward buggy patches, and reading about all the bugs on third party sites like Dr Twister. Why in the name of all that's holy would you not delay a patch with obvious exploits until the exploits were fixed? Do you not see how your game's reputation can be irreparably harmed by such blatant stupidity?
If GW is going to claim their game is "crowdforged" then they had damn well better listed to the "crowd" and fix the exploitable bugs the "crowd" finds before they push this poorly thought out programming onto the live server.
And then come up with an internal policy stating that patches will not be pushed to the live server EVER when there are known exploits being added to the game with said patch.
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Gol Phyllain wrote: What i think the OP might be talking about is how if you que up an action that you do not have the stamina for and then you start moving your character will stop moving and use the ability as soon as it has the ability to do so. That is supper annoying and should go away as soon as possible. This.
This combined with the double durability loss bug has cost me almost three suits of armor in the past week.
Even funnier is pressing F1 and minor cure to try and heal yourself, THEN stopping to cast, casting the queued damage spell on yourself, while also letting the mobs catch up to you to pound on you again.
Also hilarious is having a group member get knocked unconscious, and while they are bleeding out you target them, press minor heal, then have your queued damage spell go off...
Fix this already.
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We need to ask the same questions about the AH. The AH seem to get more laggy the more items there are under the given category you click on. Click on "crafting" and there can be a 5 to 10 second pause before anything changes on your screen.
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<Kabal> Daeglin wrote: One of the challenges with adapting to the auto target is that, while it is consistent in how it functions, in practice it operates in two different scenarios resulting in inconsistent targeting by the player. By this, I mean for example:
Scenario One
- Player (ranged attack) fighting two goblin scouts (ranged attackers).
- Player initiated fight by manual tab target.
- Aggros both. They return fire.
- Player kills one, second goblin is auto targeted and combat concludes with two dead goblins
Scenario Two
- Player (ranged attack) fighting two goblins warriors (melee attackers).
- Player initiated fight by manual tab target.
- Aggros both. They attempt to close, prompting opportunity, should be easy kills.
- Player kills one, waits for auto target to target second goblin but it doesn't because goblin has not actually attacked yet. Player shrugs, hits tab to target it and gets... a node. Goblin has closed and attacks, but by this point the player is panic smashing tab target cycling through targetable objects, goes past goblin, keeps key mashing.
- Player dies.
There are many variations of scenario two, most common being large group of attackers and Player trying to down them in specific kill order.
The frustrating part of the challenge is when one adapts and develops reflexes for scenario two, then finds himself back in scenario one, he will work against the auto target and lose his target.
I don't have a solution, it's simply one of the vagrancies of auto target that forces me to fight against conditioned combat reflexes.
Edit: argh long post results in easy ninja subjecting
You missed my favorite, scenario 3 (playing a Cleric):
You are fighting in a group, tank pulls, you stand on tank so he is in heal range and you and the dps start blasting mobs. Tank reaches half life, so you click on tank's hp bar at top of screen then press heal button. Tank then get hit by your previously queued blast spell and dies.
This works in your favor when fighting at range, as you can blast, queue up another blast, first mob drops, tab to next mob, queued spell hits next mob (but spell graphic is still showing you blasting dead mob).
However, any time you change targets the queue should be reset. Current method needs an overhaul.
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IMHO they should copy Eve and limit the number of listings you can put on AH globally depending on your AH "feat". I think Eve had a doubling thing that would be easy to copy. So at level 1 (costs 1sp to buy) you can list one item, level 2 is 34 points, can list two items, level 3 is 155 points, can list 4 items (I'm copying the skillpoints from the knowledge skills). Yes, this is not in the base PF game, but PFO is a PvP MMO, and people that TT do not usually play to run Auction Houses.
That said, they ALSO need to copy the "buy orders" for AH if they want a really robust system. I really enjoyed the "PvP" aspect of playing AH in Eve, and I am hoping that GW can copy the interesting parts.
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I need a speaker system that goes up to 16! 16 is the new 11!
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I have been grouping all morning. Grouping is bad for Clerics. Unless I get the killing blow in a fight, my Focus Expert does not increase. Healing spells do not increase this, neither does hitting the mob. Only the kill shot gets the point.
Grouping might be better for loot roll chances, but not for grinding (as the game stands now). If everyone on the mobs aggro table got a point in X Expert when the mob died, and healing put you on the mobs aggro table, that would also be a solution. Right now that is not the case.
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In beta I played a Cleric/Wz/Fighter/Rogue. I got to 6/6 for the divine focus/skeleton deaths. I never pushed as I thought it would be grindy, and futile as the characters were to be wiped.
The rule I know for creating games is: Figure out the path of least resistance, and expect the players to follow it. Then make that path entertaining. Wow eventually learned to do this with their leveling/questing lines. Eve never learned how to make their game fun. In the long run fun is pretty important.
Yesterday I got to Focus 7, and Gob slayer 8 with other weapons. I had planned to continue that path today.
This morning when I got up, I decided to clean the hall. Then the bathroom. All of the bathroom. The bathroom was dirty, but not dirtier than yesterday. Analyzing my actions, I realized that I would rather clean the house than grind goblins for another day. And I'm a bachelor.
The point is, the easiest way to pass the Cleric gates is by farming goblins. This is NOT fun. Or entertaining. At all. You need to fix this.
There is no point whining without at least attempting to offer a solution.
Solution 1 - this is a pvp game. Have a split divine focus gate, with choice of either mobs or players, and players count for 50 pve mobs. Put a flag on players so each player only counts once every 10 minutes, (subtract one minute for each other player killed during a settlement war) which will stop most of the farming.
Solution 2 - put in a large damage "turning/destruction" spell that only affects undead (so it can't be used in pvp). Make it similar to the mage "wraith's cry" but do holy damage. Then Clerics can run around killing undead and get focus points at the same time.
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Begins? I'm sure there are 50+ people that have been pressing "refresh" on the installer page for the past hour, just in case they come up early.
Or maybe that is just me.
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Bugs that need fixed:
1. Self damage - why is this even in the game? When I am trying to press F1 to target myself and cast a heal, then tab back to my target and cast an offensive spell, and the server isn't keeping up, and I get hit and flagged from my own attack. Again, why is self damage even in the game?
2. Death loops. When a character is killed by a guard, they need to be flagged to respawn at an area with no guards. Last night I watched a character die to guards, respawn RIGHT THERE, and the 5 guards killed him again. Over and over. Several hundred times before I got bored and left (nothing I could do to help afaik)
3. Mouselook movement, character facing and minimap. When I am trying to steer my character towards something on the minimap, and I change facing to that direction, and move forwards, more than half the time the minimap is so slow to catch up to what I am doing I end up traveling the wrong way. Very annoying.
4. Stats - If you are going to track our stats to 4 or 5 decimal places, these NEED to be on the character sheet. Additionally, the stat increases we get from training a level in X need to be shown when we are clicked on X at the trainer. Right now I have all my classes at the "need 11" ceiling, and I have no idea what is the best way to improve. I attempted to look at the spreadsheet someone on the forums linked, but it didn't have the information I wanted.
5. Martial, Divine, Subterfuge, etc points. These also need to be on the character sheet. For a new player, trying to figure out that your system is 1+2+3+n and then additive with some weapons and not with others is unnecessarily annoying. Have an entry that says:
Martial 13
(and when you hover over it with a mouse it shows:
Martial 13
2 Handed Blade 1+2+3+4 = 10
Goblin Slaying 1+2 = 3