As these ideas come rolling in, I had another thought. Suppose Iomedae and the other goodly gods' priests bar hm from service, and he doesn't make some kind of connection like Joan of Arc. Suppose that the Iomedan refusal cuts the deepest, that he is refused entry into the service of the goddess of justice, unjustly. And, while we're supposing, let us go a bit further to say that he is disenfranchised with all dieties, and devotes himself to the cause of Justice itself, not any one god. Would even the Hellknights train him? I mean, according to Chelaxians, he is a perfect example of lost control, of a chaotic impulse in a lawful society, averything they hope to stamp out. I would think the most likely to work with him would be the Order of the Gate. Thoughts?

NeoSeraphi wrote: The answer is a bit tricky. Yes, you could certainly gain all of your holy powers and your divine spellcasting innately, but I highly doubt you could become a paladin with absolutely no training.
Full BAB classes are special because they spend rigorous amounts of time mastering the art of combat, both ranged and melee, until they can use almost any weapon with ease and with much more accuracy and skill than others.
Personally, I believe that the classic example of a completely untrained class is the rogue. Yes, Sneak Attack does take some skill, but the rogue's actual attacks have the average to-hit ratio and he has proficiency with simple weapons and only four or five martial weapons (and one exotic, for some reason).
My 2 cp.
Well, as a tiefling, he's been alive for close to a century before he comes to his starting age, if you follow the ARG rules. I would think he's had time to train with weapons and armor to get him up to par with other paladins in regards to martial training. I mean, the martial aspect of the paladin is exactly the same as the fighter, so maybe take a couple fighter levels, and then multiclass to paladin?
Thanks for the responses, I was defenitly thinking Joan of Arc when I posted my question. I'll be sure to talk to my DM about this!
I am about to play a game run by one of my friends, and I'm considering a tiefling paladin. I have read the other threads regarding tiefling paladins, and I had decided that due to social stigma, the church of Iomedae would not welcome my character. I was wondering, therefore, would it be possible to form a deific connection to attain paladinhood through means outside of the church?
I'm sure I'm the only one who checks this periodically, but I miss this game. and Carrion Crown. (sigh)
Ilarian fires another bolt of energy, and then draws his crossbow for his next attack.
Magic Missile 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Ilarian swears, and says,"Crustaceuns again?" He snarls a phrase in Infernal and fires a bolt of energy at the crab.
Magic Missle1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Int: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Ilarian tries his hand at knot tying.
Ilarian smiles as he snaps out of his reverie. "Of course not. We wouldn't want to strain the good dwarf overmuch, now would we?" He moves over to help out.
Ilarian looks on at the activity and sighs. One more problem I can't fix with magic...
Ilarian shoots a glare at her. "Really?" He turns to Majest and says, "If you want, I'll use an extra charge of my horse wand so you can ride one. Would that be okay?"
Ilarian thinks for a moment after clearing his head of the serpentine nightmare.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
"I have no clue. It does seem strange that we all had the same dream, or at least close enough." He turns to Shadak. "Shadak, you were on watch, did you notice anything...out of sorts besides our simultaneous screams?"
Ilarian shudders. "Snakes. It had to be snakes..."
I had to.
Ilarian wakes up screaming like a girl. "It's got my tongue!"
Ilarian walks away from the edge of the cliff and drops his bag against a tree. "I'm for resting now. Maybe we can make better time in the early hours tomorrow." He leans against the tree and starts chewing on some jerky.
"Please, let me help you with the drinks." Ionacu moves to help Kendra.
Ilarian grins at Sasha's words."I just hope none come along seeking revenge. Where are you from? You never said, and if I'm going to try to catch some venomous flying lizard, I'd like to know a little bit about you." He keeps pace, while keeping his loaded crossbow pointed down.
My weapon is loaded so we don't have any debate in case we are attacked or something.
Ilarian nods. "I suppose there are worse places to be shipwrecked. Still, we shouldn't get complacent. I'm still freaked out by the possibility of a giant venomous snake ready to strike at a moment's notice." He looks around and shudders. "I hate snakes..."
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
I make diplomacy look easy
Thanks, I was trying to figure it out. I knew it was right tho.
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 Ilarian joins in the conversations here and there, chewing on his jerkey as he does so.
Ilarian blinks awake and yawns. He pokes his head out of his tent, and sighs as he hangs his head. He pulls his head back in and cleans himself with magic. (Guess which spell he used?) He prepares his spells, and starts the fire going.
Ilarian looks a bit disgusted. "Dried out monkey? I'll eat my jerky... Y'know what? I'll have some of that."
I decided to use the ability Radiant Smite from the paladin class for the judgment aspect. I called it Judgment of Anubis. By the way, I love the name you cae up with, Arbitrator of Anubis, that is awesome.
Very interesting ideas guys, thanks. I also plan on givig some of them a paladin like ability to reflect the judgment aspect of Anubis. Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it!
I'm running a game where my players are going through a region styled after Ancient Egypt. I've adapted the Pharaonic pantheon to suit my needs and included the god Anubis. I want to create a gnoll variant in the service of Anubis instead of Yeenoghu, or as in the case of this region, Set. The followers of Anubis will be easy to differentiate from those who follow Set, because Anubis-gnolls will be jackal-headed. My problem stems from the fact that I don't know what kind of ablities or stats to give them. Could anyone give me any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Ilarian looks from the blade in his hand to the blade pointed at him, and then to the woman holding the blade, and smiles. He flips the blade so that he extends the hilt out to Sarai, while still holding enough to not get cut. "A gift like this is not given lightly. Nor is it usually given to someone at random. May I ask who gave them to you?" He passes his free hand over his fore head, magically wiping the sweat from his brow. (Prestidigitation is a versitile spell! Cantrips rock.) Ilarian looks at Kabur and laughs. "Fighting without a weapon is my speciality, but instead of throwing punches, I throw bolts of arcane energy."
Having gotten into the rhythm of the Kata, Ilarian stops his recitation. "This sword is beautifully made. Where did you get it?"
Ilarian closes his eyes, calling to mind the words he uses to focus on his spells each morning to prepare them. His eyes open, and he recites them over and over softly to himself. This time when he moves through the katas, he does so with fewer mistakes.
Ilarian scoffs playfully. "There are two things wrong with that statement. First, I am no wizard. A wizard pores over musty old tomes hoping to grasp at arcane secrets he could not begin to comprehend. I master magic through innate talent. It is the wizard's jealousy of the sorcerer that drives him to learn magic. And second, emptying and focusing are completely different!" He laughs, but then trips slightly, which steals the mirth from his face as he recovers, cursing.
Ilarian takes a deep breath, and tries to copy Sarai. He stumbles here and there, but gets it more or less. "I'm having a lot more trouble emptying my mind than you would think," he says quietly with a grin.
Ilarian puts his right foot out ahead of his left and tries to hold the scimitar with both hands. He looks at himself, and laughs a bit. "This looks awful. You're all relaxed, and here I am, tense as hell!" He shakes his head, and tries it differently, standing like a fencer, his right arm holding the sword out, left up for balance, and his right leg out in front. "How's this?"
Ilarian opens one eye as he hears his name, grins abit more, and settles down again. He then sits up, and looks around for Sarai. Spotting her, he stands and walks toward her. "So, listen, if you aren't too terribly busy, I was kind of hoping you could show me a bit of swordplay. It looks terribly difficult, and I'm sure I would be loads more help if I knew a bit. Whadda ya say?
Ilarian blinks at the tiny gnome's sudden outburst, and smiles widely as her infectious excitement begins to affect him. "Majest. Ma-Majest!" He shouts a bit to get her to stop, and holds her out at arms length by her shoulders. "It won't be for a while, I'm sure. But when the time comes I will let you know, and you will defenitely be coming along to help, okay?" He then tousles her hair and leans back agains the tree he turned into his makeshift lounge, closing his eyes. "For now relax my little friend. We aren't going anywhere anytime soon."
Ilarian chuckles and shakes his head. "I know of no such spell riht now, but I'm sure I can figure it out sooner or later."
Ilarian says, "There might be a way to magically dominate one long enough for Sasha to do her thing, tame it or something. If she succeeds, we have a potential ally. If she fails, well are you afraid of a flying lizard good dwarf?" He chuckles, and leans in to whisper. "Besides. When she gets the damned reptile, I plan on having her teach me swordplay and the like. If I run out of magic for the day, I don't think I can help too much beyong potshots with a crossbow."
Ilarian thinks for a moment then moves from person to person, casting a spell on everyone's water. (Prestedigitation.) "Drink up," he says to everyone in turn. "You will find your water to be a bit more refreshing now." He then aids however he can in helping to set up.
I used prestedigitation to chill everyones water. it last for an hour I think but still nice.
I didn't get an email, just so ya know. But I checked the board every week, so no harm done! Also, I thought to make Ilarian's alighnment Lawful instead of Chaotic. I thought it fit better with what I'm trying to do.
Ilarian mulls it over in his head. Finally, he nods and smiles. "Tell you what. I'll help you out. But, I will ask for a favor somewhwere down the road. May be tomorrow, may be next month. Just keep that in mind. Agreed?" He extends his hand to shake on it.
Ilarian looks at Abshail. "Do you have need of lots of giant flying lizard poison?"
We made it to Las Vegas safely, and I am able to post once more. Mandy will be done with her classes soon, so she will too.
in the process of moving, please pardon our absence. will be able to post after the 20th.
I'm not sure I wanna do the Eldritch Knight Prestige class. I think I'll just go full sorcerer.
I forgot that for a lie, I have to try to bluff.
Ilarian blinks a couple of times. "I am hardly the one to catch a random animal..." Looking at her "you kicked my puppy" look, he sighs. "There might be some way to magically charm them. I'll see what I can do."
Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Ilarian looks out over the water. "What are they? Are they edible?"
Ilarian checks his gear, and loads his crossbow. Carrying what he can, he holds the crossbow loosely in one had, but is ready to bring it up at a moments notice. Looking around, he nods to show his readiness. He then reaches into a pocket and pull some jerky out and has his breakfast.
"I vote for the clear land route. That sounds lovely. Plus, if we get too hot, we can walk in the water!"