Igor Paneque's page

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Please hive mind, need some help... im gonna start whisper out of time next monday... but i want to make all strange aeons a little smaller (20 and something sessions is just too much for a campaign in my group) and reading about This Book 4... i think i can skip part 1 and 3 from the game... XP aside (we do leveling by evolution of the history) what do you think can happen if i cut MIACKNIAN MUN lab.. beeline to Mysterium and somewhat do a short encounter to free KAKLATATH??? what encounters do you think are too cool to pass on?? thanks for the input guys!

Hello guys... im gonna start GMing my Strange Aeons game in August 14... i already finished ISoS, but i probably wont finish all the books in the next weeks...
Before i start the game, is there something that i need to know storywise, so i can GM a better game?? is there something you suggest i read before the first session?
Thanks in advance!