Male human cleric 2 of Asmodeus
LN Medium humanoid
Init +7; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex)
hp 20 (-4 = 16 -2 -8 = 6)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7
Spd 20 ft. (due to armor)
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Melee heavy mace +3 (1d8+2) or dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20) or melee touch +3
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+2, 19-20) or ranged touch +4
Special Attacks Channel Negative Energy (5/day; 1d6 DC 13 Will Save to halve damage); Spontaneous Casting of Inflict Spells
Spells Prepared (CL 2nd)
1st – cure light wounds (V, S, 1d8+1) (3x)
At Will 0 – create water (V, S), detect magic (V, S), light (V, S), purify food and drink (V, S)
Domains: Fire, Law
Fire Domain Powers
Fire Bolt – as a standard action, you can unleash a firebolt targeting any foe within 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack. Damage is 1d6 per 2 caster levels.
Burning Hands – cast the spell1/day for every 2 caster levels
Law Domain Powers
Touch of Law - As a standard action, you can touch a creature, giving it the ability to treat one d20 roll as if its natural result was an 11. This ability lasts 3 rounds or until it is used. This ability can be used after the die is rolled to change the result. Once a creature has benefited from touch of law, it can gain no further benefit from this ability for 1 day.
Protection from Chaos (Sp): You can cast protection from chaos 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 15
Feats City Born - Korvosa (+1 to Reflex Saves; +2 to Intimidate Checks)
Law Devotion(Complete Champion)
Law Devotion (Su): The power of law assists you in combat. Once per day as a swift action, you can summon the power of law to aid you. Upon activating this ability, you immediately gain a +3 profane (in case of an evil deity) bonus on your attack rolls or to your AC until your next action. At the beginning of your next action, you can reallocate the bonus if desired. This effect last for 1 minute. This bonus increases to +5 when you attain 10th level, and to +7 when you attain 15th level. If you have the ability to turn or rebuke undead you gain one additional use of this feat for each three daily turn or rebuke uses you spend.
Languages Common, Chelaxian, Infernal
Starting Gold 120 gp (5d4x10)
Gear breastplate (-4 ACP, 30 lb.) , heavy steel shield (20 gp, -2 ACP, 10 lb.), heavy mace (12 gp, 8 lb., bludgeoning), silver symbol of Asmodeus (25 gp, 1 lb.), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lb.), sealing wax (1 gp, 1 lb.), signal whistle (8 sp), signet ring (5 gp), traveler's outfit (1 gp, 5 lb.)
remaining gold
50 gp, 2 sp
“I have hardened my heart against the vicissitudes of life. There is no mercy. There is only law.”
Judicator Iñigo is a member of House Zhul in far off Cheliax. His father is the esteemed Paracount Voerenus; while his mother is Isabella, a princess from Andoran. Their marriage is one of convenience.
Iñigo spent most of his childhood in the prestigious St. Asmodi Preparatory School for Boys. There he met the boy who would later be known as Paracount Julistar. They instantly disliked each other. Iñigo’s superior physicality gave him the edge in most of the fistfights that occurred. However, Julistar was already a devious bastard even then and he framed Iñigo for theft.
Iñigo was summarily expelled from school, much to the chagrin of his father, who promptly enrolled him in the Cheliax School of Reformation. The harsh treatment Iñigo received there did not break his spirit.
Years passed and Iñigo was admitted among the Clergy of Asmodeus, the surest path to power in devil-dominated Cheliax. However, Julistar, now a favorite of the Infernal Majestrix, remembered the beatings that he received at the hands of Iñigo and he engineered Iñigo’s assignment to the frontier lands of Korvosa.
Upon receiving his orders, Iñigo immediately understood. Rather than rage against his fortune of being taken away from the center of power, Iñigo decided to make a name for himself in Korvosa. A legend that Cheliax cannot ignore and he shall return to claim his right. Then woe unto Julistar.
For several years, Iñigo has worked alongside the Hellknight Order of the Nail in dealing with law-breakers in and around the City of Korvosa. Among the city guard, Iñigo is known as the “Hammer,” for his liberal use of his heavy mace.
Iñigo is a careful student of the law. Such devotion is apparent from the many lines etched into his face and his prematurely gray hair. In treating with law-breakers, Iñigo takes advantage of his deity’s dominion over all things flammable.
CONTACTS: Paralictor Ezekiel Graves:
This one-eyed, grey-haired yet robust man is a crony of Iñigo’s father. Inigo adores Paralictor Graves for his preference for full frontal assaults against infidels and lawbreakers and his equally venomous opinion of the current Grandmaster, Morton, who he sees as a spineless coward and a sycophant. On the other hand, Paralictor Graves sees Iñigo as the son he never had, as his marriage ended with no living heirs. Paralictor Graves attained his rank when he joined the correct side in a recent fratricidal conflict among the branches of the ruling house of Cheliax.
Initiate Anton “The Spider” Levey:
This handsome, raven haired man is the aide-de-camp of Paralictor Graves. Among his duties as such is ensuring that Iñigo is safe, a fact that should never be disclosed to the young man. He was appointed to the Hellknights through the secret intercession of Grandmaster Morton.